Thre are a lot ways in helping the poor.Giving money cloths food shelter

By Bala
@balasri (26537)
March 6, 2009 11:54pm CST
and education.What kind of help to the poor and need could be the best kind of help as far as you are concerned?
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15 responses
@HelloMickey (1655)
• Hong Kong
7 Mar 09
I like one of the concepts of a charity in my country. They prefer to teach people with low education level learning how to make a living, they might live in a place lack of resources, they might be with no skills. Help them to learn. Of course, education to the younger would be very good, but most of all, let them to be self-sufficient is the only solution. Happy myLotting:))
@balasri (26537)
• India
7 Mar 09
Right.I too like giving them the fishing rod instead of giving them fish.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
7 Mar 09
I like this answer, I did my answer and then went back and read everyone elses. My answer is similar to yours. I really believe that self-sufficiency is the way to go, too.
@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
10 Mar 09
As far as I am concerned , I believe that the best help we can extend to the poor is to give them training inskils which would help them get jobs soonest or earn a living. As they say don't give fish. Teach them how to fish. in short, give them something which they can use their whole life and not just food or consumable which can last only as lomng as the supply lasts.
@balasri (26537)
• India
13 Mar 09
Thanks for using that "Fish quote" which I have used in this discussion too.Isn't it a marvelous quote?
@acevivx (1566)
• Philippines
13 Mar 09
Yes indeed.And it has been quoted to me so often whenever we discuss about programs on poverty alleviation and so forth.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
10 Mar 09
A lot of the poor are mentally ill or poorly educated. Street nurses and mobile medical vans provide a much needed service. Sadly there is not enough of that. The key to mitigate poverty in my opinion is education, in particular education of women. When women are literate the health and well being of their children goes up, they stay in school longer, learn a trade or start a small business to break the cycle of poverty. It has also been shown that organizations that give small loans to women to start a home business have had a measure of success. There has to be equality of all people as far as race, religion and social situation is concerned otherwise educating is a waste of money. If a person from a lower social class finally obtains a professional degree and then cannot find work because of discrimination the education is wasted. As far as immediate help for homeless poor people are concerned, donating money, food and clothes to shelters is a good idea. People at the shelter can make sure the most pressing needs of a homelesss person are met. Giving time as a volunteer to help out at shelters and soup kitchens also helps.
@balasri (26537)
• India
13 Mar 09
As you say giving education and helping them by showing the way to start some small home business is a great thing to do.
@Darkwing (21583)
7 Mar 09
I already do a lot of fundraising, so the poor and needy would benefit from that by being able to afford an operation they might need, put food on the table for their family, or whatever scenario comes up that we think is a deserving cause. Brightest Blessings.
@balasri (26537)
• India
8 Mar 09
I am happy that I am able to get a response that is so inspiring.
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 Mar 09
Well, I started the fundraising to save our local hospital which was to be closed down, and everything moved to Brighton, along with three to four other hospitals in Sussex, but the decision had already been made and we now have a fourteen mile trip in the case of an emergency, so I hit that on the head and started concentrating on local people. For instance, a good friend who works on the bar in the local pub, went on holiday to Turkey, with his family. He showered one day and got the water in his mouth, but it wasn't until he returned home, that he began feeling really ill. He was rushed to hospital and diagnosed with Legionnaire's disease. He was put on life support and one day later his chances of survival were 10/90. Nobody ever envisaged his coming out of there. The treatment was all on National Health, so no worries about whether he would be cared for. Tapes were made from his friends at the pub and played to him in hospital, and then, the hospital stopped all visitors bar his immediate family... they thought he was on his last legs. However, either the tape messages worked, or some healing energies we were sending, got through, and within three days, he was at 50/50 chance of survival. From then, he improved and was released from hospital some four - five weeks after his admission. His skin colour was grey, and he had lost an awful lot of weight from both his face and torso, but we were so happy to see him back!!! He was told he had to stay off work, (he works in a High Street Bank's office), and take complete rest other than to exercise and get his muscle strength back. The pub organised a collection for his loss of earnings and a health break, and I organised a fund-raise to buy him membership to a local health and fitness club. He's fully recovered now, but the bug is dormant in his body and according to the doctors, can rear up again at any time, but I feel that we did our bit both for him, his family and his friends. There's always something... somebody requiring special treatment or an operation, there's a larger fund going which I like to contribute to when nothing else needs attention, which is for a new children's hospice, and then there are the elderly or redundant parents, who always need help in the winter or at Christmas, with expenses. So, we're never short of a cause my friend!! I always try to put myself in their position, and know I would appreciate a helping hand, even if I was too proud to ask.
• Malaysia
13 Mar 09
It is often that people ask what we should give to the poor and needy, but it is seldom that we ask ourselves what they really need from us. Personally I think it is better to give them things that they need, and not things which we want to give them. If we give them things they need, it would be used to the full extent and bring the most benefit to the receiver. If we think we can help them by giving money but the main thing they needed is a guidance, for example a job opportunity, an education opportunity or learning a new skill. So it is better to listen to their needs and then try to give them as much as we can give. Well, that is my opinion and I am sure many others have other opinions too. Have a nice day!
@balasri (26537)
• India
14 Mar 09
Why it is a great opinion.
@CRSunrise (2981)
• United States
8 Mar 09
Tomorrow, I'm going to be taking a bunch of our can goods to work with me. One of the girls I work with is doing a service project where she's collecting canned food to give to the Salvation Army. It's for one of her classes. We have a huge cahce of canned food because we don't go through all the food we're given from the food banks, and we might as well give it to someone who would eat it.
@balasri (26537)
• India
8 Mar 09
It feels so good to read this response.That is a great gesture Sunrise.
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
7 Mar 09
I intend to go about helping them in terms of medical treatment Bala. I have seen too may suffer and then die for not getting medical attention and treatment simply because of lack of money.
@balasri (26537)
• India
7 Mar 09
That is a very noble thought.I feel bad that I haven't mentioned it in my discussion.You have pointed out a very great act.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
7 Mar 09
I think the best way to help the poor is to provide them food with an education ,so they can advance. Also, giving clothes is a good way to assist them if they cannot afford to buy clothes due to limited income.
@balasri (26537)
• India
10 Mar 09
Your mind is so generous that you want to give every thing to them.Blessings.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
7 Mar 09
Hello balasri. I gave some money to the street beggars, but not much and always. But I did donate some money to the earthquake-hit area which took place in our country on May 12th, 08. We were all organized to donate some money to help the people there. We staffs donated based on each individual. It was the same with my teen son at school. I am very happy that we did something good and helpful when needed. Right now people there are building their hometown with the help of the government. I am so glad to see its progress. Thank you for the discussion, friend.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
7 Mar 09
I forgot to also write about Ithaca Hours, sometimes called Ithaca money. Money based on work is printed. Any entity can print money in USA as long as they follow certain rules. So you add money into the system by giving the people who work money printed by a local entity. Let's say John, Joe, and Sue are poor. They want to work their way out of it. So you teach them the skills to help them work their way out of it. Let's say your entity needs something cleaned like parks and buildings. But due to budget, they couldn't hire anyone. So the substitute money is printed. In Ithaca, some places take that money and they can buy things, one place will change it into regular US dollars. So in addition to the advice I wrote above, I would add what I just wrote. There is also a list of other places if you go to one of those of other places that print money. There are at least two places in VT and NY States as well as at least 10 more states having at least one place that does this as well as Canada.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
7 Mar 09
The best would be something that assisted with food, shelter, and clothing while helping the poor find a way out of being poor and become independent of the program-in other words, eventually being able to gain all of those on their own. I no longer can afford to donate very much money to the poor. But I can donate seeds from the dollar store. I can spend time playing games online and someone can buy rice from there for people. I like the donating seeds because it helps people to work toward food independence. Not sure how to help with the shelter and clothing independence. I guess Habitat for Humanity for the shelter one and maybe teaching people how to spin dog fur or rabbit fur if they had an animal into yarn and then teach knitting or crocheting plus spinning cotton or flax or linen for summer, something. Our dollar store has current year seeds, first year was 5 for a dollar, last year was 4 for a dollar. Probably will only be three for a dollar this year. They aren't in the dollar stores yet. Then find them a job or some kind of work they can do to pay for a mortgage, food they can't raise, and lights, fuel, etc. So that would be best to me. Give them a hand up to being independent of needing a hand from someone else.
@littleowl (7157)
8 Mar 09
Contributing to the third worlds piping etc for clean water is very important and something that is an on going thing for this year and that is what I support...littleowl
@balasri (26537)
• India
8 Mar 09
That is contributing for a great cause of course.We are doing our part to the availability of the life giver,the water.
7 Mar 09
Hi balasri, I think education is one of the best things to give so they have something to aim for and food and shelter. Tamara
@balasri (26537)
• India
8 Mar 09
I agree.It is a noble thing to educate one to lead his own life.
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
7 Mar 09
i can't tell just how much or how far i can possibly go in helping the needy or not just the needy, people in general who need me service, advice, opinion, or someone to listen to them... there are just endless ways to help others. and it's not limited to people - even to animals too!!
@balasri (26537)
• India
7 Mar 09
That is so kind of you.Blessings.
@elghrasya (501)
• Philippines
7 Mar 09
I am willing to help other people or the poor if ever I can or if there is something I can give to. But since I am not the person who is well off or rich I think the help that i can give to them is the education. I can teach young children who is out of school because I am a teacher. I will teach them how to read and write so that even they are not attending the school they know something..Happy mylotting..