Why US always make war with Islam?
By hanah87
@hanah87 (1835)
March 7, 2009 6:48am CST
I want to ask why US government like to fight Islam? Islam never make war or try to fight the US.Islam's people always give co-operate to them.If because 11/9 tragedy,can they proove it?So few proof and not clear.Because I heard that Jewish make it but because Jewish hate Islam and powerful in US,they accused Islam's people.We must think that someday God will show the truth and the the day of armageddon will come.When that's time come, nobody who make bad thing will mis to get hard punish in hell....Thank you.
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21 responses
@hanah87 (1835)
• Malaysia
7 Mar 09
Yes its true but you must know that Islam and Christian have a history in war for a long year ago and the US government as a christian still hate Islam even they said no!we dont hate Islam.And history comeback again.I know that when someone enter the US politic they must hate Islam first if not they will not success.Think it deeply in your intelligent and your heart.Thank you.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Mar 09
".I know that when someone enter the US politic they must hate Islam first if not they will not success."
Do you realize how ignorant statements like this make you sound? Have you actually looked at our politicians? Are you aware that our PRESIDENT had both a muslim father AND a muslim stepfather after him? Are you aware that he LIVED in a muslim country as a boy? Have you even heard of Congressman Issa, an Arab-American who has been striving to help bring peace to muslim nations being ruled by tyrants?
Of course not, because those things just don't jive with your narrowminded view of the U.S.
@headhunter525 (3548)
• India
9 Mar 09
hanah, I believe you are mistaken. If US hates Islam why is it allowing Muslims to live in the US? But I also think you need to ask yourself why many Muslim countries are not allowing other religious adherents to live in Muslim countries.
@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
7 Mar 09
it is best hanah, taht we would think that the us of a is not hating islam per se. it just so happens that the terrorists that have been pinpointed to be causing the attacks are muslims. so, that's how it is happening.
i think that there are some muslims who are residing in the us of a to this day. they may not be highly regarded in their community but, they are staying around anyway.
this could only mean that the americas are not really against the muslims but, they are after the terrorists. those who plant the seeds of terror and then carry out the plans of terrorizing peoples all over the world, are the enemies.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
7 Mar 09
Young man, you have a lot to learn. Do we have proof of who committed the attacks of september 11th? How about the words of the man who admitted responsability? Usama Bin Laden himself admitted it .
We don't attack a religion. It was never about christian vs islam. It was simply going after those who attack us. Our government is a secular government and operates seperate from any religion. We are a nation of all colors and faiths, christian, muslum, jewish, buhdist, hindu, pagan (like me), scientoloists, even atheists.
Most of us realize that the people who attacked us used your religion in a very twisted way, twisted the words and teachings of Mohamhed. We went after people who took your faith and used it in a very sinister way.
Blessed be and lady watch over you.
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@dvmurphy (326)
• United States
10 Mar 09
9/11 and the planes that hit started the mess with Afghanstan. Iraq, he was a murderer, mass graves, torture chambers, his sons were monsters even worse than him. Americans were not agreed at all on Iraq and it was politics plain and simple over controlling oil. America has oil but it is not easy to get to and our environmentalist will scream their heads off and chain themselves to oil rigs, trees ect to keep the drilling at bay. Bush wanted to prove to Daddy that he could get Saddam and we did. As for Americans fighting Islam. It is not a reglious war no matter what the language used. It was political. Our nation has woken up and we had a record breaking election in 2009 when President Obama was elected. Islam wants to have peace...give over Bid Laden and maybe our government will listen. If you don't realise it yet, many Americans are not even religious or even have a faith that they claim. I guess you could say many of us our Godless. The soldiers you see fighting overseas are our soldiers but most of them don't want to be there but there is no work over here anymore. We have killed ourselves with being a nation of consumers. Our poor join the military so they can be educated and see the world and build a better future for themselves. Instead they end up fighting our seas in battles that never end. My son was in Iraq and saw horror after horror of mass graves, torture chambers, kurds who had lost family to torture and chemical warefare by Saddam. He got of the Army and went to Red China. He refuses to come home.
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
9 Mar 09
Perhaps you can tell us why Islam wages war on every country in the world that refuses to submit to Islam?
Maybe you can tell us why Islam refuses to step into the 21st century and oppresses so many of it's own people especially it's women?
Jews wouldn't "hate Islam" if Islam wasn't constantly trying to "wipe Israel off the face of the Earth" and if it would just leave them alone to believe what they want.
The Koran itself is an ideology that teaches hate and submission, what do you expect?
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@radio210 (8)
• United States
7 Mar 09
I was not aware the US was at war with islam. we are at war with Terrorism.
All muslims are not terrorist, but most terrorist happen to be muslim.
The faith is also a far cry from the religeon of peace. The tenants of your faith as outlined in your doctorine clearly state that if one does not convert to the islamic faith they should be killed. Wheather it is practiced or not is a separate issue. The US government is also not governed by religeon as with Muslim counties, so I can see where you may have some confusion and think it is a relgious war.
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
7 Mar 09
The US government is, historically, a very warlike, and has often used war as a means to acquire national wealth. Though realists know that war is costly and the aftermaths - very emotionally disturbed veterans - often unbearable, the machiavellian principle, has always governed the actions of the US government.

@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Mlh8087, the terrorists that you and the people in the US have to worry about are all right there in Washington DC! And FYI: Arabs and decent immigrants would not be in the US or be at war with the US, had the US not invaded their homelands and/or propped puppet governments that in turn are making things difficult for them in their various homelands.
@mlh8087 (368)
• United States
8 Mar 09
I don't know where you are from but we didn't ask to have our twin towers blown up on 9/11. We didn't ask for the ship, The Cole, to have a boat driven into it. We didn't ask for those wars. Blame the terrorist organizations that thinks it's okay to kill innocent people. We are after those blinded idiots. As long as they are on the run they will not be able to fly another plane into us or blow up another one of our ships.
But wait, they have a new plan. Let's take innocent children, strap a bomb on them, so they walk into a group of soldiers. Now tell me, how is that right?
No lets take a woman and strap a bomb onto her. Make her walk into a crowd of innocent people. My gosh, she walks into a crowd of her own people and blows herself up.
Maybe baby, it's time to look at the ugly truth. We didn't start the war but I hope to God we end it.
Now think about this, how many times has the world ask us to help and we come to their rescue. Think about that.
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@mlh8087 (368)
• United States
8 Mar 09
The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was attacked on 09/11 by the crazy guy known as OSAMA BIN LADEN who thinks he is the spokesperson for ISALM. Maybe you need to step out of your ignorance. He and his followers claimed responsibility for that attack. We've even arrested someone for being part of it.
The US people do not hate ISLAM. In fact, we are very tolerant of all people and their beliefs.
It was crazy fanatics of ISLAM that are giving that faith in the bad limelight.
Maybe ISLAM needs to become as tolerant as we are. Oh wait, we're just a bunch of imbeciles...NOT!Our God is just as real to us as yours is to you.
@UtopianIdealist (1602)
• United States
8 Mar 09
A lot of countries encourage war, it is not just the US. And even the US has not been exclusive with just Islam in this regard. Most conflicts involve fear, power and money. There has been a lot of conflict between Islam and the Jewish people for quite awhile. Perhaps the US government feels it is necessary to take a side, whichever one was chosen, the other will naturally feel targeted. I am not saying that the right or wrong side was chosen, but perhaps choosing one over the other does not help the pace to getting to a peaceful resolve.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
8 Mar 09
Even though you're not suppose to, I'm going to assume you're not talking about Iraq or Afghanistan. So what fight are you talking about? Just as you don't like us accusing Islam with little proof, don't you think it's also wrong for you to accuse the Jews with no more proof than "I heard"?
@dorothyDauphinee (534)
• United States
8 Mar 09
because we see Islam as the evil it truly is even your quoran saYS it is okay to kill nonebelievers and many of us like myself will never convert to a religion that is ruining the world with its doctrine and its brainwashing of its followers
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
7 Mar 09
I am from the US and I'm not here to dis anyone or anything like that in fact I actually agree with you. See with the US you have to understand that just about everyone that's in charge are hungry for power and they run on greed and the lust for money. In the US you are constantly surrounded by a bunch of people that think they know what they're talking about. The United States is a fake country we base our lives around the television and just about everyone in this country are just waiting around for somebody to tell them what to do. I'm sorry to the Islamic people that have been hurt by my country because war is seriously wasted time and wasted lives. Everyone writes and talks about how stupid war is but we never really seem to do anything to stop wars from happening. It's a weird world.

@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
7 Mar 09
Taskr, your comment is just what can be expected of a dumb and unwise individual! Did you know that age has nothing whatsoever to do with knowledge and/or wisdom?
Jambi462, I believe your deduction are right! The US is, historically, a very warlike nation, and has often used war as a means to acquire national wealth. Though realists know that war is costly and the aftermaths - (very emotionally disturbed veterans - often unbearable, the machiavellian principle, has always governed the actions of the US government.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Mar 09
I just had to check your age in your profile because I KNEW that only an ignorant teenager would make a statement like this.
"The United States is a fake country we base our lives around the television and just about everyone in this country are just waiting around for somebody to tell them what to do."
Tell Me Jambi, did Henry Ford base his life around television waiting for someone to tell him to create the automotive assembly line? Was Bill Gates sitting around a television waiting to be told what to do when he founded Microsoft? I'm sure you MUST think that Robert Jarvik just sat around a television waiting for someone to TELL him to create the artificial heart.
At your age I think you now serve as a prime example of the failure of our public school system to teach children about our country. Oh well, I guess I'm just going to sit here, in my fake country, and watch television until someone tells me what to do. After all, that's how I ended up with three college degrees, a beautiful wife, and a high paying job.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
8 Mar 09
"Taskr, your comment is just what can be expected of a dumb and unwise individual! Did you know that age has nothing whatsoever to do with knowledge and/or wisdom?"
Pardon me? You think it is dumb and unwise that I used FACTS and REAL LIFE EXAMPLES to prove Jambi wrong? How is that dumb and unwise? Do you believe that Henry Ford, Bill Gates, and Dr. Robert Jarvik do not exist? Do you believe that they are not American?
Age has a LOT to do with knowledge and wisdom. Even a child should know that knowledge takes time to acquire and that wisdom comes with experience. That is, experience which comes over TIME. It's a simple FACT that an average 18 year old does not have as much experience as the average person 10 years older.
Rather than intelligently read my post and respond, you insulted me, provided NOTHING to back up your insult, and then posted your usual canned line about America being warlike which has NOTHING to do with what I said to Jambi.

@kevin0662003 (3)
• Canada
8 Mar 09
In my opinion i believe that US fights with Islamic people is that most Islamic people want everything to be like the olden days. But the Us is more of a modern country. It just that Islamic people are just stuck up and wont change to admit that its okay if thing become modern God wont hurt us just because were modern. This is my opinion Im sorry but i just had to post this
@Eskimo (2315)
8 Mar 09
You are obviously living in a total world of your own. Although the vast majority of Muslims are decent people, there is a big percentage of them who have strong beliefs that any non-muslim should be killed.
There are many PROVED instances of this recently, including Pakistan, and India, caused by Muslims.
Peace will only come about when all Muslims realise that they have to live with their neighbours regardless of colour or religion.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
8 Mar 09
Maybe we should ask you why in countries like the Sudan, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, etc. the Muslims go and kill Christians. Yet for some reason, that is kept silent.
We have a couple of members in our sister church in the other end of the city that fled the Sudan because of persecution.
Maybe you should look at these links. Islam was spread by conquest and those who did not become Muslims were considered second class citizens.
Ah yes links.
So perhaps the US is interested in protecting those people who are in danger of being killed, like for instance, recent converts to Christianity whose relatives feel they have to kill them because of that.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
7 Mar 09
I don't think that the US government fights Islam. The U.S. government fights those radical elements that terrorize and murder innocent men, women and children whether they are Islamic related or not. I find it stunning that with all of the proof that is out there that links Al Qaida with the 9/11 attacks that you choose to believe that the Jewish people are behind it because "you heard it somewhere." I also find it stunning that not one Islamic leader stood up and publicly condemned the 9/11 attacks. I concur with you that in the days of Armageddon thos responsible will be punished in hell. I think that you might be surprised, however, at those that you see being punished. IMHO, they are the same people that you are defending today. No one has the right to murder people because their religious or political philosophy is different than their own.
@jazzsue58 (2666)
8 Mar 09
I would like to know why Islam hates the jews, and why christians are so loathed - we all believe in God, my friend. I don't know about 9/11, but I know that islam blew up 57 of my own people in London - they had marches where they owned up to it!!!
@karthikeshwar (70)
• India
8 Mar 09
i feel that theya are against the policies and activities of islma. you see, they are the oppsoite poles of a single magnet.bith have likings and dislinkings which are against hte others' .