Obama to take off restrictions for stem-cell research.BUT scientists believe
@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
United States
March 7, 2009 7:13am CST
They have found a new ans safer way to create stem cells using skin cells..
I just read here online that obama plans to lift the restrictions made by bush 8 years ago so that scientists who are researching stem-cells can apply for government grants.
BUT I just found an article on nbc that says that scientist say they have found a new way to make stem cells using skin cells INSTEAD of embyo's...
What they do is take skin cells and and make them into pluripotent(ips)stem cells wich look and act like an embryo stem cells without using viruses in the process..
Say you became presedent tommorow and obama was the last 8 years..would you re-overturn these restrictions and make so the government cannot fund the researches on embryonic research or would you leave it the same as what obama is not doing?....
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29453915/ - using skin cells instead of embryo's
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29554619/ - obama to overturn bush' stem cell research restrictions
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3 responses
@Vladilyich1 (1454)
• Canada
10 Mar 09
Fetal stem cells are undifferentiated...they can become any cell in the body from brain to liver. Adult stem cells have begun to differentiate and are of limited use. What Bush did is totally unforgivable and has set back research and advancement in the United States at least 10 years.
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
10 Mar 09
EXACTLY! I was going to post the exact same thing but you beat me to it. Embryonic stem cells can morph into any cell and be used for anything, where as other stem cells from other places or other cells such as skin cells or liver cells only have a finite way of developing. A liver cell can't morph into a kidney cell or be transoformed into a kidney cell through science. It can only become what it was intended to become.
Embryonic stem cells can be changed into brain cells to help a Parkinson's patient be more steady or help an MS patient walk more confidently and not be so reliant on a walker or wheelchair. The possibilities are endless when it comes to embryonic stem cells.
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@benny128 (3615)
7 Mar 09
personally I would fund stem cell research with as much money as I can put into it.
I have no problem with embrio's (excuse the spelling), the way I see it can I remember when I was a embrio nope I cant, so its early stages of life but I have no memory of being an embrio so as far as I am concerned it is life but not as we know it.
If you know what I am getting at lol,
obviously if you can use skin cells even better but either or, I have no moral or religeous issues with regards to either.
If its going to benefit my kids as they grow up and help to combat diseases then its all good.
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
7 Mar 09
Yes, I see what you mean..
And I would love for them to come up with a plan that works and can actually heal so yea our children have cures that could heal them..but why destroy embrio's when they dont even need to use embrio's for the cells in the firstplace. because it has been proven using just a plain ol skin cell can be transformed into a stem cell???... that is what I do not understand...
I would defiantly fund the skin cell/stem cell research its all the same thing but no babies die in the process..
thanks so much for resonding:)
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
10 Mar 09
I'm with the first poster. There should be a great effort put forth to fund this technology. It's already shown promise in helping to treat Parkinson's disease and MS. Think of what science could cure with stem cell research.
Bush is an idiot. We all know that. He should have NEVER banned stem cell testing. In those 8 years he was in office screwing over the public, there could have been major break throughs in the diseases I mentioned plus more. Who knows what could be done with stem cell research.
I fully support it. I don't believe that an embryo is a live person. It's a cell or two. Yes, given the right circumstances and 9 months (give or take a day or two), it could turn into a person, but it's not a person. It's not a life in my eyes. My 10 month old is a life. She's a live. An embryo is no where close to my 10 month old. Yeah I know my 10 month old started out that small, but think of how many women miscarry every day while they are still in the embryonic stage of their pregnancies and don't know it.
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