Our Millionaire Congress
By nzinky
@nzinky (822)
United States
March 7, 2009 3:32pm CST
Men and Women who are in Congress is so disconnected they have no consepect of what we are going thought.....
Most of them are Millionairs before they get there then line their pockets afterward....For instance: They have a Retirment fund that gives them money for life but they also get Social Security and Medicare benefits they don't have to pay into plus a 401K.......
They have no clue what we are going through......They also get their offices and staff paid for out of our pocket.....Makes you know why they pay so much to win that office.....
By the way we are paying for the helicopters and airplanes that the President, Vice President, Harry Reid and Nancy Polose fly around in then they have the nerve to make comments about the big three auto makers taking three planes to Washington DC to ask for money to keep people working...
Give me a break don't you think its time to start asking them to take a pay cut.....
and park their planes.......By theee way Obama is going to go to Turkey on our tax dollars.....He's always in that plane why can't he park it for a day or two........That would save us a lot of money....
So while they are running around spending money like their is no tomorrow we are starting to live in tents and eat when we can find it.....
I'm not there yet but a lot of people are so why can't Congress get off of the Champagne Appietite and Come down to our level for awhile...
5 responses
@dicelady1 (29)
• United States
8 Mar 09
So true Nzinky....
But this has been true all along...
and unfortunately historically how it has always been everywhere in one form or another.
A thought about the auto makers.... why not help them to update factories to make more NON gasoline automobiles that are affordable for everyone. We have so many options now for automobiles that use alternate forms of energy/fuels, but they are for the most part much more expensive when and if they are available at the retail level. When I bought my new car a couple of years ago, they had a hybrid available which was in essence identical to my car except for the fact that it didnt run solely on gas... this car would have cost me an extra TEN THOUSAND dollars!!! Instead of spending money CHASING OIL by any means including but not limited to WAR..... and bailing out the automakers, helping them to create more gas guzzling automobiles.
In the past year you will recall(Im still trying to wipe out my memory of filling my tank for $80.00) when the price of gasoline at the pump was in the 5 dollar a gallon range.... I was fortunate to be able to pay the price and keep driving my car but so many others had to park their transportation cars...
So many wishing that they could afford to buy an automobile that wasnt gasoline dependant!!... Pay the automakers to switch over, and DO IT NOW.. lets start getting something back for our tax dollars.. something that will make a difference!
OK Im done gripping for now :)
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@nzinky (822)
• United States
8 Mar 09
That's to easy for them to do.....Then they wouldn't be able to complain about us spending to much money......They just go out to their planes and fly anywhere they want......Wonder when the last time any of them were on a bus {that wasn't just for them and their families..}
It was nice to see Sarah Palin going into the supermarket to buy stuff when has any of their wives gone there....They don't know what it is....
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
8 Mar 09
That's why I was so disgusted by the attacks on McCain saying he was "out of touch" because his wife is a millionaire. THEY ARE ALL MILLIONAIRES! Obama's a millionaire, Biden's a millionaire, Clinton, Bush, etc. are ALL millionaires. Not one of them really knows what it's like to be middle class or lower in today's world. People need to stop pretending that their candidate is so much more in touch with average Americans because he only has ONE multimillion dollar mansion.
@nzinky (822)
• United States
8 Mar 09
Your sure right there....None of them have to shop for grocery's, clothes, worry about the utility bills or watch their own kids........They just go out in their planes and fly around.....
Wonder what they would do if they had to ride a bus or take a subway, or for that matter walk to where they wanted to go......They would all proably faint from the sweat that rolled off of them.....Or do they pay someone to do that for them??????
@dicelady1 (29)
• United States
8 Mar 09
"they would probably die from sweat..... or do they have someone to do that for them"
Zink... as far as I know, that was one of the first cuts made.... there are alot of out of work "sweat monitors" (back to the issue of unemployment)
@kris182_2000 (5475)
• Canada
7 Mar 09
Didn't the president say his high ranking officials were going to have pay freezes? I'm sure that's what I heard at one point.
I know up here, this isn't the case, our government officials don't care about us and are getting pay raises.
While we suffer, they get richer. I'm tired of it, just like everyone else is, but there's nothing anyone can do about it, because no one will listen to us, we're nobodies to anyone that high up.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Mar 09
I've been reading alot about the big gala parties they've been having even one where the meat served was $100 a pound!! While ppl are losing jobs, homes and life savings, here are the fat cats sitting around spending money like there's no tomorrow...of course at this rate, there might not be one.