Someone is my enemy... Deystroying opportunities for all...

United States
March 8, 2009 9:22am CST
I created a discussion here: and someone tagged this discussion with, 'Troll, Do Not Respond.' We all know there is a troll on MyLot trying to destroy participation instead of including others to build a bigger and better community. Now if people keep going around creating an unhealthy environment preventing us from sharing our thoughts and our opinions then we will not have a place to participate except in non essential fluff. Who comes to MyLot looking to make money? If MyLot is paid by advertisers and these advertisers pay by the person subscribed and participating based upon participation levels then to reduce the number of participants essentially reduces the potential profit that can be earned through participating. The way I see we make more money is if we create an atmosphere where advertisers can target their products and services to those that have needs and as sales of goods and services increase so will our earnings. It is all about the buyers and the sellers, and those people bent on destroying this site are obvious and known to the administrators and even some of us. If you know of a person that is not a friend would you let your friends know that there is a troll in our midst's? Certainly I am aware of a few people that I would say fit the category of destructive forces participating here in MyLot... As for good and bad forces to create controversy, there is enough drama in our lives we don't need more on top of what we already have. Keeping our community good will be a good reflection to the world around us... Be the light and keep sharing exposing the bad when you see it... I'm trying...
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17 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Mar 09
Oh my I didnt see that wil have to look more at the tags. AND of course we have those people they get gone and come back. ALot of my friends have had things happen but they are back for mylot got in there and worked for them!
6 people like this
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Mar 09
Ok I saw that one I sugjest you put five things in the tag line and no more can get on ther you fill it up! ok?
6 people like this
• United States
8 Mar 09
That is great advice, you are so wise... :)
5 people like this
• United States
8 Mar 09
Yes, that is true. When posting a discussion, enter 5 or more tags. Then any tags added after that will not appear.
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@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
8 Mar 09
I would not worry too much about it. Actually not many people read the tags. Even if they do not all will accept blindly whatever is written there. I do believe we should be friends in this community regardless of our differences. If discussions are made civilly this will strengthen the community and benefits all of us. I cannot say offhand why you have been tagged a troll. You are not the only one. In fact one member had the username as a tag, because this person was claimed to be a sort of trouble maker. The victim is still around. So if you have done nothing wrong try to keep your chin up. Usually truth always prevails at the end of the path. all the best in your struggles/fight, rosdimy
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Mar 09
I have noticed that particular tag on many discussions rcently, even the most innocent discussions in very unlikely interests too. Some get their kicks in the smallest of ways and if we, the users, fill up tags on discussions where we see they are missing maybe we can help to avoid any unpleasantness occurring elsewhere.
4 people like this
• United States
8 Mar 09
I'm keeping that in mind.... Thank You... It is a good idea, as the troll is still around, hiding underground but still here... I think we found a real invisible threat. Oh' well time to run... Thanks for the advice...
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Mar 09
United we stand!
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
8 Mar 09
Hi GW Buffalo, This site must not be destroyed by trolls or whatever they are called. I feel that the powers that be need to make this a priority and if they are doing so, then we need to do our part. I believe it is necessary to know who these people are that have nothing to do but behave in this manner. It troubles me that adults might be the culprits. It's bad enough that a kid or kids would be spending their precious time messing with a place where people come to find comfort, laughs advice and respect that they may not be getting any wherre else. I don't like the fact that I'm leary of newbies and feel the need to avoid them until they establish themselves. How are they suppose to establish themseles if we don't give them a chance? This is something we will have to be vigilant about. Thanks Gary.xoxoxo leenie
8 Mar 09
Hi Garey, I always tag all my discussions and responses and yes mylot is a very good site for bringing people together and would not want to see it get a bad name, I just hope mylot can do something about those pesky trolls thats all. Tamara
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• United States
9 Mar 09
Hi Tamara, I think MyLot is doing what they can or will, in order to make this a great community site, I think they are well aware of what challenges that are created, I know I have a few beginning endeavors where I could have troubles like these, and I know how I would deal with those trouble makers, there are only a limited number of options available and I know by now those in charge of MyLot must be seeing the world in a whole new light. Did you see the 60 minutes show tonight on Eyewitness testimony? What an interesting show that was... Very enlightening... The cure for a bad testimony and memory account was taught to me as a skill in the beginning of my truck driving career and also as a firefighter in my training we learned about the need to be debriefed, damage control mandates that you write it down every little detail no matter how insignificant try to write down all that you saw. Keep that in mind as we talk, communicate or dialogue, and I'll show you more about how I followed those instructions. Peace and Blessings, Thank You, Sincerely, Gary
2 people like this
• United States
9 Mar 09
I had a troll do that to one of my very early discussions when I had only been here for a week. Mylot was kind enough to remove the tag and my thread did well. I have noticed though recently that a great many discussions are being tagged with Mature Content-so I'm not sure if that is an administration thing or a troll thing. Because the ones tagged with it don't seem to be of a mature content at all. I wouldn't let the drama in your life though, it's not worth it. I've seen a number of complaint threads as of recent "Why don't people follow the rules", "Someone is doing this..", etc and it really does seem a precious waste of energy. Please don't take me to be chastizing you, it is merely an observation that sometimes we let the drama in, and it puts us in the same negative mindframe. If there is someone doing this to your threads, I would continue to report it to Mylot administration and continue to post the valuable threads you have already. Namaste-Anora
2 people like this
• United States
9 Mar 09
Hi Anora, Drama, in my life? Hmmmm? I think the high drama is cause for concern, but this is not as much drama as an annoyance that I wish to bring to the attention of my friends. Just another thing to watch for... I get what you are saying and I'm positively certain that these things can and will be handled as needed, hey' I got to make a whole new discussion about this sordid behavior... I think that is looking at it from a very positive side, here I am sharing and now wouldn't that really irk the troll or trolls that think they can cause me some sort of mental set back? I think I read somewhere that the good can use bad for good... Sounds like a plan to me???? and you so I see... :)
• United States
9 Mar 09
I am not sure I believe in the good using bad for good. That seems counter productive, and almost hypocritical to me. I wasn't saying you were causing drama either, I was saying not to let the drama of the troll affect you online. Creating a thread like this one, even if for positive use, really only keeps goding the troll on. It's giving them exactly what they want-attention. Just my humble thoughts mind you lol. Take Care-Anora
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
29 Aug 09
We can all only try...
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Aug 09
I think that many of us are starting to see the flaws in the old flawed belief systems that created the problems and the more they promote their false beliefs the less people will be inclined to follow those flawed doctrines... The gaps or the disparity is so overwhelmingly obvious that we can't remain blind to the present problem made so apparent.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 Mar 09
If you continue to mention those people you are giving them are feeding them and encouraging them so it is not so much that person who brings the site down but the people who continue to encourage them and their behaviour. IGNORE! IGNORE! IGNORE! If you believe there is evidence of this kind of behaviour....bring it to the attention of admin...NOT THE BOARDS!!!
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• United States
10 Mar 09
But Ms. Tickle, Ignoring the problem doesn't fix the problem and the problem continues, and since the administration doesn't want to be notified of the problem through E-mail they request that we use the report abuse button on the post that we find offensive the boards are the only tools we have to access the administration to let them know of the problem that I have just identified. How else do you suggest I contact the administration of a problem on the boards? As for giving the trolls credence, you don't see any trolls taking credit for their behavior, but I certainly can guarantee that the administrators of MyLot know exactly who tagged that discussion that I linked to, and I know this how? Believe you me, this post is not encouraging their bad behavior, it is spot lighting the problem and those responsible for bad behavior, do you think they will continue to try that tactic with me or my friends? I would say that if we are victims of this type of behavior again because we didn't take the appropriate measures in order to prevent being such victims then it is our own faults. What this post has done is it has taught me something that I had overlooked and others can also learn from my mistake. I found the responses to this discussion very informative. I hope you enjoy my next entry... I have my transcript, now to figure out how I'm going to reveal the information that I wish to share. I have a couple of different options and I need a little rest, I also have a lot of other stuff to do... Stay in tune, and I promise not to sing out of key... or at least too far off key... I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,,, Day by Day... Dream Weaver, Did you hear what I hear, Did you see what I see??? Said the king to the people everywhere, listen to what I say... Pilate's Dream, I dreamed I met a Galilean a most amazing man, he had that look you very rarely find, that haunted hunted kind, I asked him to say what had happened? He never said a word as if he hadn't heard. Then the room was full of wild and angry men they seemed to hate this man, they fell on him and then they disappeared again. Then I saw thousands of millions crying for this man, and then I heard them mentioning my name and leaving me the blame... From my memory of the score that I bought a copy of and performed in, as a supporting cast member, the show called Jesus Christ Super Star...
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
9 Mar 09
well, it would have to be someone you responded to your discussion right? because you cant tag it unless you respond, I believe...right?
• United States
10 Mar 09
Hi Stacy, Actually you are wrong, the person did not respond, they were able to tag the discussion without leaving a response, does that surprise you? Imagine all the people that can read a post or subsequent responses and just hit the negative symbol to down rate the person making a post or response??? There are many things that MyLot has control over and this behavior of a troll that I am exposing is one of the things that can be contained before other people also end up getting hurt.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
9 Mar 09
Hi Gary! I do agree with you that we have to keep our community good and friendly. This is a site that i enjoy and hopefully we can all have a harmonious relationship here. It is kind frustrating when a few would want to destroy that and causing other mylotters to leave. I hope that mylot would do something about this. Take care and have a great day!
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Mar 09
At the suggestion of Lucky Lady below... I'm going to hold fast to you Faith, silly me,,, {{{{{ BIG Hugs... }}}} Yes, of course the destructive forces will not win out... I don't like giving them the attention that they seek, but since they can't come out and admit that they tagged my discussion as they did there is nothing more that they can do except hide... I hope no one else leaves as that would really be giving the trolls exactly what they want. I love the community feel and the high level of participation that we share with each other. Thank You for checking this out, May your life be filled with hugs, Sincerely, Gary
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Mar 09
Hi Faith, As you will see I'm certainly far from perfect, but I'm learning. Hugs, Sincerely, Gary
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
10 Mar 09
Hi Gary! haha..That's what friends are for. Very difficult to ignore the negativity here but with the positivity that is being shared by so many of our friends, I know we can end victorious. The Good always wins!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Mar 09
Well anyone who knows you wouldn't give something like the time of day. And the rest seldom look at the tags anyway. But still and all, what a nasty thing to do. Most of us have a pretty good 'troll alert' system in place here George and believe me, you've never been on the 'alert list'.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Mar 09
Hi Sparks, You light my fire, and we all certainly are learning about all the ways a troll can invade and infect a system. I'll say hi to Mr. Spacely of Spacely Sprockets the next time I see him, and I won't forget to take Astro for a good long walk, even if it is on a conveyor belt... Hugs,
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Mar 09
I have a Rosie that needs to get put away, oh' but that might not be the type of dishwasher you wanted anyway... She isn't very robotic, too much flesh and blood... Oh' dear, I just hope I don't end up where Rosie and my Mother should be... Couple of more things and I'll be getting prepared for the fiasco tomorrow... What joy...
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 Mar 09
Could you pinch their dishwasher while you're at it, as mine seems to be on the fritz. The Jetson's will never miss it.................LOL
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
11 Mar 09
Hi, GreatWhiteBuffalo! I know that there is many enemies amist us all. At myLot and outside of myLot.. I am sorry that someone tagged your discussion. How could they have done this, being that you were the only one posting this discussion. I hope that you get this cleared up. You may need to contact myLot about this..
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Mar 09
Hi Cream, I guess the created a blank post and tagged the discussion and so there must be a flaw in the system, or it was an inside job??? I already wrote about why I don't think it was necessary to contact MyLot administration, I think I already did??? Post Positive as evidence, see
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
9 Mar 09
trolls? it is my first to see or hear that there are such things on this site. will they affect a lot on our activity on this site. cause i have not noticed those trolls. can you tell me more on what are those things these trolls actually do on this site. what are the ways they destroy our discussion here. anyways, if in case i am familiar with them i am going to make sure to tell my friends around about them cause i don't want them to victimized by these trolls you have mentioned.
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• India
9 Mar 09
Smells smething. Guys 4th world war starting here. If there's given destroy oppertunity for enemies. There there won't be a human being alive. Cuz its humane to destroy their odds.
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• United States
29 Aug 09
Actually it is not humane to destroy... Humanity certainly needs to learn, but what we teach today is the opposite of what we need to know because our world is full of false beliefs. There is only one truth!
• United States
9 Mar 09
Hi Great White: I've read pretty much through the discussion, and I don't really see much else I can add. I do think that you got some very good advise we can all use, and really should remember that should do away with that aspect of the problem. The next hurdle to jump is getting everyone else to realize the problem exists, and putting into play the wonderful suggestions provided you. I wouldn't quite say that you were targeted specifically, so I wouldn't take it personally. You do have so much more important issues to deal with in your life to allow this incident in. Hang in there, keep your chin up, and hold fast in your faith. Take Care....
• United States
9 Mar 09
Yep I have lots of issues, and I'm taking you up on holding on tight to Faith, albeit I think you were talking about my spiritual faith and not the one above you??? Men! Sending the best wishes to you also, and plenty of hugs,,, Blessings and Peace, Sincerely, Gary
@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
9 Mar 09
I think that is terrible. Have you reported it to the staff of mylot? I am sure that who ever is doing this can be traced. Every page we see is in simple form but if you look at the raw data, there will be lots of words and symbols. I am positive that the experts on this language would be able to sift through the raw data to find out who did this. They could also possibly find out if this person is a repeat offender. Or even ask them to remove the tag/s as it is offencive to you.
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• United States
10 Mar 09
I posted my piece, the administrators here at MyLot can deal with the problem as they see fit... I have faith in them...
@lucas16 (98)
• Philippines
9 Mar 09
wow!!! nice.. very scary!! have a nice day
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Mar 09
It really isn't that scary, but it is upsetting that someone could tag a conversation like that when there was nothing wrong with the conversation and no one had responded. If they thought my conversation was not worthy of being a discussion they should have posted a response to back up their attack and accusation. Absent any reason for the tags it makes the tags rather baseless.
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