An Equation
By p1kef1sh
@p1kef1sh (45681)
March 9, 2009 9:29am CST
Take one person. Quadruple their work. Promote them. Give them no pay rise but lower their existing salary by 4%. Wonder why they aren't happy?
Am I alone in wondering how any organisation can think that the above is an entirely satisfactory way to run a business. The above is happening to a bunch of managers where The Boss (my wife) works, including her. This is nothing to do with the recession but the effect of an amalgamation of four different organisations. Of course their timing is impeccable though. They know that no one will dare leave without a job to go to and those are in short supply.
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12 responses
@AnnieOakley1 (5596)
• Canada
9 Mar 09
Naw, I never peek.
Maybe I'm just smarter than the average bear, eh?

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Mar 09
This has been going on in the lower echelons of the workplace for many many years. People are expected to work harder and faster to reach ridiculous targets. Training is minimal and there are huge staff turn-overs...there is always someone new wanting to step up. The work can be degrading and is certainly demoralising.

@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Mar 09
It's certainly ridiculous the amount the already fat cats are paid. I've worked at the lowest level in sales, been a store manager in a franchise and a company book store and I've been an owner operator of my own business. I know how it works and I fail to see the benefit of this inbalance in wages and salaries. Forget the crap about "If you don't want the job there are plenty that do" theory is if your staff are looked after & treated with respect they will be happier and more productive.
This inbalance between upper management and the actual workforce needs to be addressed. What are the unions really doing?
@p1kef1sh (45681)
12 Mar 09
I agree. But what really irritates is that the new senior management team have all received huge (and I mean huge) new salaries, whilst the middle managers and the coal face workers are likely to see a drop in pay! Yet they are the ones that are having to deliver the business. Having been in senior management myself, it isn't all plain sailing, but the people that keep you there are the folk that work for you. Neglect them at your peril!
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@mummymo (23706)
9 Mar 09
This really is awful p1ke - as if the Boss didn't work hard enough to earn her salary before hand! You took the words right out of my mouth - they are doing it now because they know that they can get away with it, with the economy struggling so badly and the employment situation in the difficulties it is. I bet that those at the very upper echelons of the business, the fatcats, are not losing any percentage of their income and would be most surprised if the thought of doing extra work even entered their tiny little minds! Tell the Boss I am behind her if she wants to give them a good telling off I will help! xxxx

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Mar 09
Guess jolly old has reached it's 'redundancy' rate and is now playing a different but just as defeating kind of game with the working population huh? Sorry to hear this P1ke. Like you all need more grief right now....
Keep in mind, there's lot's of room in Saskat. And we don't have a redundancy policy as rampant as yours!

@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
11 Mar 09
Saskat will take ANY skills on offer! LOL We are not the most discerning of peoples! ROFL
Glad to hear your Boss's Boss is such a good guy. I was talking to my oldest last night and found out that the restaurant he was working for closed their doors on everyone without notice last Friday. D's boss knew this was coming and before the employees were locked out, he had found jobs for everyone in his kitchen, so my boys (who now work together) went from being unemployed on Friday to working on Monday.
It sure helps to have a Boss who has your back in this day and age, and very rare too!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
11 Mar 09
But is there any work Sparky. Does Canada count Panda rustling and spanking as one of its core skill shortage areas? LOL. Thank you. Things have actually improved a little through the single handed efforts of the Boss's boss. The pay cut is not quite so great. A small, but appreciated, mercy.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Mar 09
This must be what Rahm Emanuel means by saying a recession is a great opportunity.
Take advantage of people desperate to keep their jobs while firing others to improve your bottom line. More work for those who keep their jobs, get rid of all but the essential people who can pick up the workload. Yep, lots of opportunity there.
Sorry for the Boss. I certainly hope her job is as pleasant as possible.

@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Mar 09
This started before the recession hit. But she has been doing the work of three for the past year. She has been hospitalised twice as a result of seizures caused by overwork and worry, which they think may be contributing to epilepsy like symptoms. I genuinely worry for her and her colleagues.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
10 Mar 09
P1ke, maybe she should consider trying to look for another position. Nothing is worth sacrificing one's health for. I know you have to keep a roof over your heads and all but what good is it if she can't enjoy living? I'll say a prayer for her tonight.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Mar 09
Big companies expect loyalty but show none. A trend that will hopefully reverse one of these days...
@nannacroc (4049)
9 Mar 09
Why are you wondering? These people have little choice but to put up with is as there are so few jobs to go to.
I do get angry about this sort of behaviour as our parents, at least mine, fought hard to stop this sort of thing happening and all the work they did has gradually been undermined in various ways.
my brother was lucky enough to have reached the age where he could take early retirement when the same thing happened to him.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
9 Mar 09
i would think that a lot of businesses will do this once they know that there are no jobs out there to go to, guess they can get away with whatever they want when times get like they are now. Guess we would have to hang on and hope that it gets better in the future, I don't see that happening, I think our new president is determined to bring us down. We can only pray that god is watching and will take care of us.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
9 Mar 09
I don't share your view of the President. But I doubt that he has any more of an idea about things than any other politician. But life is going to get harder. In some ways I think that could be for the good if it brings out more community spirit. But I am very annoyed at the cynical manipulation of people. That sucks.
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
10 Mar 09
that is horrible for the boss.i have just done a survey all last week about employment and every ones worries about what the future holds.this sort of thing was a big concern,and hanging on to your job.this survey also showed us how and where to find what the minimal wages for adult are you have unions over there where your wife works,i think they need to know the conditions people are working under,as they should not be pushing people that hard they become ill.what about occupational health and safety.where i work we are big on occupational health and safety and they set the guidelines on what is a safe load of work etc.for example i collect blood within a hospital,i average a bout 12 patients per hour,depending on how difficult they are or their access.legally i am only required to collect 6 per hour.this is set in guidelines set by occupational health and safety,so if any one comes along and tells me to go and work harder or do more,for less money i can tell them to off and legally they can not touch me,or i can go to the unions and tell them how unsafe their request is and they can not sack me for that.your wife's health is important so i hope all goes well for her.cheers sue
@tamarafireheart (15384)
9 Mar 09
Hi p1key,
That is disgusting, thats what you call taken advantage of the situation and using their work force for their own means, but such is life that you can't do anything about it, but there is something I've read, no company are allowed to lower your wages but can cut your hours down, it is illegal to cut your pay. That is what it say in a lw book, You and Your Rights. Huga.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
10 Mar 09
Hey p1ke! That doesn't sound like it makes very much sense.
Why would they do something that is going to make their
employees so miserable? Oh, never mind! It's about the money!
I guess they are hoping that they'll quit so they can hire
people for less money. But, what they aren't thinking about
is how many hours it will take to train new people to do
the same work and how much slower they will probably be since
they won't be as familiar with the job! Businesses don't
use logic sometimes when they think they are cutting corners!
The really just end up making a mess and costing themselves
more money in the long run. I've seen how this tecnique works
or should I say doesn't work!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
10 Mar 09
They did all this to save money and "improve services" Opal. However, they are making such a mess of it. The staff at the top have all been given new posts and HUGE pay rises and the staff at the bottom have been given more work, forced to apply for promotions to pots that pay less than they currently receive. But because thy have applied for the jobs, they are deemed to have accepted the new pay structure. It stinks! If they get through the next 12 months without a strike I shall be very surprised.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
9 Mar 09
This is nothing but exploitation the workers.The employers take the opportunity
of scarcity of jobs.This is one kind of slavery.It is the characteristics of capitalism to gain more profit by exploiting the workers or the employees.If the workers protest the employer find the smell of communism.If the exploitation goes on such a way communism may revive again.