new to mylot

March 9, 2009 1:58pm CST
Hi, I'm Jamie and I'm new to mylot. I was just wanting to know more about it, tips, info, etc. I always see websites with "real" testimonials from "real" people and I think this is the way to actually receive real advice! Any advice or expierences that anyone would like to talk about or tell me would be wonderful! Thanks!
2 responses
@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
9 Mar 09
first of all welcome to mylot.. As for tips, just be sure to be thorough in your discussions and responses.. most people love when you have an actual discussion, as opposed to question and answer, you know? trying to get back to those who respond to you. It is a really fun site, and you can meet fun, interesting people. On the other hand there are some who can be quite rude, I say just ignore Enjoy yourself! Have fun and Welcome again!
9 Mar 09
Thanks for the advice! :)
• United States
23 Nov 09
Hello Missjamie! Welcome to mylot by the way! Hopefully all is well for you! I am not new to mylot and my advice for you is to remain as an active participant on this site. You can earn money participating on this site!