Do you like your life at present ?

@rainsa (69)
November 10, 2006 10:23am CST
I want to change my life actually.
7 responses
@epizzahut (2078)
• China
10 Nov 06
I'd say I don't, but I do believe that I will.
@rainsa (69)
• China
13 Nov 06
I believe everything will turn better.
@lawliiet (99)
• Taiwan
13 Nov 06
Not at all. There are many times when I feel that everything has gone wrong. The current stage of my life is anything but enjoyable.
@RieRie (820)
10 Nov 06
Well it's alright, but it would be better if I had a better job, so that me and my partner can settle down and have a family.
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
10 Nov 06
Yes, I love my life. I am making a job change, and things will be even better after that.
@Undefeated (4788)
• Singapore
10 Nov 06
Yup ! but i'll keep changing
• United States
10 Nov 06
yes i do! there are always things that can be improved but i am happy to be with my boyfriend and have my family nearby. my work life is not the best but that can always change!
• Italy
10 Nov 06