Which kind of part-time job should I do?

March 9, 2009 10:25pm CST
I have a steady job.But it is very boring and less technical.Besides,my salary isn't very much.So I usually want to make extra money.It is better that I can learn much from the part-time job.The problem is that which kind of part-time job should I do.Please give some advices to me.Thank you very much.
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3 responses
@LouieWpHs04 (4555)
• United States
10 Mar 09
Well if you're looking for parttime work there is plenty of things you can do online to make yourself some extra parttime cash. If you're interested in some just send a friend request my way and i'll be sure to help you out! G'luck to you, though! If you're looking for something outside of the internet I recommend Bartending, a Security Guard Job, oorrr. Possibly A post office job. If you really really want to although these jobs are frustrating you can try a warehouse job. UPS/FEDEX and others are almost always hiring. Even warehouse jobs in general. They're rough, though. Hope this helps!
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
10 Mar 09
at this time of crisis, we need an extra income which can add to our steady income from our work. i think you can do a number of things before deciding which parttime jobs you like to take. first, evaluate your interests and skills which could be used for the jobs. second, how much time you can spend for this parttime job? third, how much do you expect to earn from this job? online income offers great potential for extra income. but it takes some time to be able to be familiar with some sites. mylot is one of them. i can sense that you are new to this site, but this is a legit site. goodluck!
@jolope (987)
• Philippines
10 Mar 09
since we are talking about part time jobs here..it should something that wont take much of your time.. something that you can do in just a few hours or so.. data entry jobs are nice.. they promise good payback..but im just not sure if they're ligit.. you have to investigate well..and make sure that the money you invest is not something that you really need..i mean, if they are asking you for some money before you can start earning..make sure the money you use is just your extra.. another good way is this.. :) you cant post and tell your opinion.. aside from getting paid..you have fun as well.. :)