
@mimibt (52)
March 10, 2009 1:10am CST
In the dictionary the word friend is defined as; a person whom one knows, likes and trust. Well here in the internet this is not entirely the case and anyone out there with Myspace, Facebook, Friendster and other networking accounts know what I mean. I'm new here on myLot and have already sent out invitation to my friends. None have accepted yet and I know all of them are busy at work unlike me. I'm a stay at home mom and have the time to surf be glued to the pc for hours without minding anybody's business. So once again, here I am asking anyone out there interested in adding me as their "friend". After all I need a social life here on the internet too, right???
1 response
• China
10 Mar 09
but now friend defines as very widely,even if you are just speak one words,or wothout anywords,people who liberal will say we are all friend in the gobal,but most of the time the good and the bad things all devoted by your friend. you r in mylot pending friends and did not recerive the accept?so confused,maybe i have nerver met that question,but i think if they find it ,they will approve it,friends located everywhere,we all wish all of them are good one,lucky one
@mimibt (52)
• Philippines
10 Mar 09
Thanks for your comment Lucy! I hope my friends will have time to make their myLot accounts soon. :)