Do you cut drivers off?

@tea512 (687)
United States
March 10, 2009 7:02am CST
Everyday I wait at a red light where traffic backs up pretty far. There is a left turn only lane. Everyday people drive down the left only lane and then cut over into the lane to go straight before the traffic light. I hate to see when I wait in the line for 4 or 5 cycles of the light, then somebody just drives down the left only lane and cut everyone off who waited. Are you one of these people and if so why do you think you are more important then everyone else?
2 responses
@lampar (7584)
• United States
10 Mar 09
It take many years of experiences, patient and civic consciousness for one to be a good driver. Lack of concern of others road users has become a common scene on our streets, i don't think i have ever done anything like that before in my memory,as an experienced driver.
@tea512 (687)
• United States
10 Mar 09
everybody is in a hurry i get that but it is a line. The problem i have with these people if they were waiting in line for movie tickets they could not do this so why because they are in a car do they?
@baileycows (3665)
• United States
10 Mar 09
Everyonce in a while, but I swear that I dont mean too. I just accidently do it sometimes. I think some people do it on purpose though.
@tea512 (687)
• United States
10 Mar 09
I am sorry it has been one of those days, you are right the people that do it might just be there by mistake. When you see it everyday you automatically assume the worst in people.