how much can distance matter in your love??????????

@parthu28 (498)
March 11, 2009 12:57am CST
i ve already started this kind of discussion long back here on mylot but i still am in the same dilemma... How much does the distance matter in your relationship?? i ve been far from her for 5 years now and in fact from the time it all started. my friends keep telling me my love is true and i am great that i am able to maintain my relationship even from as far as 800 miles.. but i no my love is true and so i no i am no great. but what bothers me is, this distance has got us in to some problems we wouldn't have got other wise.. i have a serious question!! will this distance, we are managing to evade now, get us in to any kind of trouble in future..... any thing emotional or psychic or any other??? we love each other a lot but i observe that she had hidden some of her very strong feelings, which i would have sensed if i've ever seen her face at that moment, fearing that it would spoil the relationship , little aware that its those unsaid words that are getting us in to trouble.. now we are out of it all but i dont want this to happen again and so i wish to know all that is needed to make a long distance relationship work.
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11 responses
@daliaj (5674)
• India
11 Mar 09
I don't think taht distance matters in love at all. It is the love between people that matters. I live in one of the southern states of India, Kerala. I married a person who lives so far......Iowa, in USA. We never felt that the distance is a big problem when we were in love... now we are happily married... and in the coming July, I am moving to Iowa, his place.
@parthu28 (498)
• India
11 Mar 09
great i am very happy for you... i can sense the pleasure it feels once you get together after a long time of staying far away.. all the best for your future with your loved one..
@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
11 Mar 09
The distance does not really matter if you were meant to be. I've never been far away from my husband except now that he is assigned in the province. He comes home once a month. It's really hard but we try to make it work out. We're married, in the first place so we have to make it work. If you really want to make it work, you CAN. Of course your partner needs to cooperate too.LOL!
@parthu28 (498)
• India
11 Mar 09
thanks and i really want to make it work.. hope no problem comes from now on.. i am not yet bound by marriage and so i am afraid of the differences lol. just kidding he he.. i am bound by more important feeling called love..
• United States
11 Mar 09
I think it really depends. First, if the relationship is one that hasn't had time to develop in person, then it is a lot harder. You say that you have always been apart...that makes it harder to develop a deep relationship. It can probably still be done, but it needs a lot of work. Communication is the biggest issue. Often we communicate on multiple levels. This usually includes what we say, how we say it, and the different ways we look or move. This can be hard when it is done long distance. It is harder to make sure that everything is really okay.
@murugezh (273)
• India
11 Mar 09
Distance never matter my dear friend how much you are in deep with your lover that is the rate for your real love. Distance will not reflect the real love. Where ever you are in the love will live for you ever. BEST TOPIC ABOUT LOVE. CONGRATS.
• Philippines
11 Mar 09
Hello Parthu, well distance does not matter if both people really are in love and honest with each other. But i just wonder you said five years? why? where are you and where is your beloved? I know that spending time "with each other" is more important. Will you not decide to meet each other? i just got puzzled about the distance thing, because if distance does not matter, one out of the other will travel to meet the other one so that they will be together. Somehow that 5 years is very very frustrating. Are you already husband and wife or just boyfriend/girlfriend? You need at least a time to meet and show your love, not in a distant way but together.
• Malaysia
12 Mar 09
well, i am in a long distance relationship right now, and for this kind of relationship, the most important thing that we need is, trust, and also loyalty. even though i do doubt him from time to time, when he didn't answer my call or didn't reply to my text, but i always think positive.
@vipulchawla (2220)
• India
11 Mar 09
Even I had started this discussion a long time back and even responded to many such similar discussions and my point of view on long distance relationships still remain the same. I have had one long distance relationship during my college days, but unfortunately it didnt work out. Infact, we could never get to meet anytime. Anyway, lets not discuss what happened with my affair, but my opinion about long distance relationship is that, there is no harm in having such a relationship, but it should not remain a long distance for a long period of time. Anyway, not everyone is lucky in love and neither everyone has the same experience. so all the best for ur relationship.
• Malaysia
11 Mar 09
I've been in a long distance relationship before. No doubt it was very hard, especially with the time difference. i have no idea how i survived that, but i did. drove me nuts at times and made me cry too. but there are many means to keep in touch; telephone, email, IMs, digi cam..etc. i missed him a lot, every single second and wish i could see him or for him to be physically there with me, whenever i was sad or happy. you need to have a solid trust, as you're not able to see what your other half is doing. And you need to have lots of faith, enough to not make you give up on your relationship. but i believe, in the end, love is what that holds you together. if two people really love each other, no matter how far they apart they are, they'll be able to go thru the relationship. love knows no boundaries;).
• China
11 Mar 09
I think as to love,distance can not make it better.Although you feel you two are not far away from each other from heart but you should notice the reality.For a girl,to work and live alone without the accompany of her partner,it's not an easy thing especially for a girl.If there is any possible,I think you should get together.Good luck !
@zhuhuifen46 (3483)
• China
11 Mar 09
Distance brings about mystery, and in the process of searching the reality, it might be exciting experience. And short time distance will be accompanied by longing for each other, which turns out to add up weighing for love. But life is more than love. Love in distance is tough for hearts and tough to maintain. Either move to either location, or cease the relationship, before misunderstanding occurs. The experience should be kept as a good memory, instead of a bad nightmare.
• India
11 Mar 09
The LOVE word itself is very true, it is very humble, it does not know any caste, any relationship or any kind of long distance. It sometimes occurs in my mind, i have been 19600km away from my love since from one year, its very hard to away someone whom you love so much but if you are true to your self, then your are also true to your love. Sometimes problem occurs in our life but it never means that we should forget to believe in our love. The first thing is we believe in our self then other will also believe in you and someone you love will never let you down.