How easy your cat takes a bath?
By zouna5
@zouna5 (564)
March 11, 2009 11:41am CST
How easy your cat takes a bath?Mine gets in the water all alone and then i wash him.He loves water and playing with toys in it.In the bathroom i have one large bowl full of water where he drinks water and put his paws inside playing with water!!I used to have many cats in the past,but i have never seen before a cat to love water!I am amazed and happy for not having trouble with this situation.
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7 responses
@sysdexlicwriter (1619)
• United States
11 Mar 09
I am wondering what breed of cat you have that likes to take a bath. I have never seen a cat that likes water.
We had one of our cats take a bath, once. I had filled the bathtub with water. While I was in another room getting some things for the bath, the cat got too curious and accidentally slid in backwards. I still don't know how. He came flying out of the bathroom with a dry front and a wet back, dripping and sliding through the house. Now he prefers to wash the ways kitties usually do.
@zouna5 (564)
• Greece
11 Mar 09
When i took him ,the first thing i did is giving him a bath.He was one month,so tiny,so he could not do anything.I think this is the reason that likes water so much.The other time I was taken a bath,i forgot the door open and the next minute i see him jump in and start playing with water.But,when i take him in my hands to put him in the bath,he gets angry,scratches and get away!!He only likes it when he does this alone and only then he lets me wash him,which is really often,(once in 2 weeks).
@ihearttinytim (614)
• United States
12 Mar 09
My cat loves playing in the water, but only on HER terms. If I get out of the shower, she'll climb in the shower stall and start prancing around in the water. She even plays with the water inher food dish! This si the reason we can not leave too much water in her dish at one time, because she will have it splashed everywhere. I've fallen on my butt too many times because of her splashing her foo dish water around.
@sysdexlicwriter (1619)
• United States
11 Mar 09
That is so neat. It would be interesting to film him playing in the water and put it on YouTube. 

@ihearttinytim (614)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I am surprised your cat has not ripped your arms off and beaten you with them. Cats do NOT get bathed unless it is an emergency. An "emergency" constitutes the following:
1. Grease, oil, pesticides, any substance in powder form, or any other toxic substance has gotten onto your cat's fur and should not be licked off and ingested.
2. Skin disorders
3. If your cat is a "show" cat.
If your cat is a show cat, be careful not to bathe him or her too much because this cat dry out the cat's fur and skin. If any of the above does not apply, then don't worry about bathing your cat. Their saliva has germ-killing and deodorizing enzymes in it to take care of all of that.
@Loves_Storm (36)
• United States
11 Mar 09
Wow a cat that likes to take baths, now I believe I've heard it all!! lol...I have two cats, well one old cat and one kitten...the older one is about 13 or 14 yrsold and her name is sassy...and believe me her name fits, especially during bathtime! She doesnt like baths...but she'll sit there and howl...and try to get out a cpl times, usually near the end of the bath...but the kitten on the other hand...I don't think I ever wanna try to give her a bath unless she's so dirty it HAS to be done. She's a minx calico--minx cats are the ones w/o the tails, right?--whatever those are, its what she is, she also has an extra claw on each paw...all four of them, lol. Well my kitten-zoey- can jump further than ANY other cat I've seen....she'll jump from the arm of our chair, to the top of our curio (idk if tha'ts spelled right) cabinet. and for her to only be about 5mo. old. when she first started doing shes almost a year old...well when I give her a bath....I also get a bath....she'll try to jump out....over top of my head...I've learned to keep the door closed...but I'll put her back in and she'll jump to the corner of the tub and bounce off of the shower wall and over top of my head....and its like that the whole time...even with me trying to hold her down with both hands....and then when I get her soapy...its I said, when she gets a bath, I also get a bath, lol. Funny thing is I've noticed everytime she goes to take a drink of water, she'll look at the water, touch it with her paw to make it move watch it move then drink it. lol...she's a character, she acts just like a kid. She'll go to do something she's not suppose to, I'll yell and tell her not to even think about it, she'll stop, meow at me as if to say "do what? I'm not doing nothing wrong, just playing" and she'll sit there until I walk off. Or if I catch her in the act of getting in something she's not suppose to be in I'll pick her up and she'll give out a howl as if to say "nooooooooo I wanna play there" and squirm like a kid would.
@loveyevi (513)
• United States
11 Mar 09
Lucky you! I have a cat who absolutely hates the water and goes nuts when anyone tries to give her a bath. Luckily she is an indoor cat and does not need to be bathed very often, if at all. When she does get washed, you have to hold her down so she does not scratch you, or jump out of the tub. She also meowls as loud as she can and really sounds miserable. I am not in charge of bathing her when she needs one, I get someone to do it for me because she hates it very much and I am afraid if I bathe her she will get mad at me. I am the only person she has actually liked since we got her ten years ago, so when I moved out and now that I live alone with her she has not gotten a bath because I wont do it and nobody else wants to for me.
@sassy28 (834)
• United States
11 Mar 09
I have 2 cats, both are indoors and have never given them a bath. My male cat who is not quite a year old, we found him floating in the water someone had thrown him off a bridge. I would not dream of putting him in the bath, he might have flash backs and go crazy on us. My female cat is almost hairless and she has a had time keeping warm, so I am sure she would not like getting wet. I would need to use a blow dryer on her to make sure she was good and dry and that would not be a good idea. She is also very scared of things, we got her from a breeder in Chicago, so she was sent to us in a plane.
@tpinto (66)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I do give my cat a bath about once every couple of months. She isn't too happy about it but she will stand there and let me bathe her as long as I'm quick about it. I do have to hold her while I'm doing it and if I loosen my grip a tad, she will try to make a break for it.