Discussion Tags and Message Tags.

@thorgrym (675)
United States
March 11, 2009 1:15pm CST
Alright, I understand the reason(s) behind tagging discussions with keywords. Though I am not really sure that they do much good here on myLot, keywords help people to find discussions when searching for related items. Personally, I don't use the myLot search engine to locate discussions as I tend to have enough on my plate just responding to the discussions started by my friends as well as replying to the answers posted on my discussions. My reason for starting this discussion, though is the need for tags on private messages sent within myLot to friends. I just had an exchange with a friend regarding a topic that we discussed in the normal discussion venue. A few questions were raised and we felt the need to carry on the discussion but did so via private messages. Every time that I replied to the message thread I was asked to TAG the discussion. I just don't get that. Why would I be asked to tag a discussion that will not show up in any search because it is not meant for the public eye?
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1 response
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
12 Mar 09
Yeah, I've thought about that one a bit. Must be a bug in the MyLot computing thinga-me-doodles. I certainly wouldn't want anyone to find my private messages by keyword tags. Eeeck.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
13 Mar 09
I seem to tag a lot of my private messages "missing friends". Sometimes I skip tags completely. sometimes the best tag is often the first line.
@thorgrym (675)
• United States
15 Mar 09
Hmmm...the 'first line' tag is a good idea. That way, the system has a tag and it won't bug you to provide one every time you respond to the thread.