So.....The Romance Is Over........

United States
March 11, 2009 9:13pm CST
Many of you have read and commented on my countless discussions about Mr. FedEx. Yes, I still like him, but I have tried to take the advice of most of you and back off because he obviously isn't interested. No, I haven't been mean to him or anything like that, but I haven't been putting myself out there either. You are probably aware that there was a suspension on him picking up where I work, Well, it was lifted on Monday and he has been in every day this week. On Monday, we just more or less had a "Hi and Bye" kind of day. It was no big deal. Tuesday, I offered to take his packages to his dock door as he had a full skid of packages. While he put them in his truck we talked about the suspension that had been on my employer. Today, he came in and I kept on working, he went and talked to my co-workers, but I didn't make an attempt to get his attention or anything. As he was leaving he made an attempt to make a joke to try and get my attention. Of course all I did was look at him and smile. Now after he left today, his friend (my co-worker) asked if I got to see him today and I said, "Yes". He asked if he had given me a hug and I answered, "No". He said, "Well, did you ask for one?". I replied, "No, I shouldn't have to ask for one. I want a man to give me a hug because he wants to, not because I ask for one". I was joking around and said, "Well, I offered to go home with him Friday night, but he said no. If that isn't a sign that a guy isn't interested then I don't know what would be". All the men around me started laughing and most said that was a true statement. One co-worker said, "So the romance is over, huh?". I said, "I don't think you could classify it as ever being a romance". He laughed and said, "Yeah, you are right". I guess it is apparent to the men that I work with that I'm not going to chase after this man anymore. I'm sure if they can all see it then Mr. FedEx can probably see it as well. I'm not really upset about it all, if anything, I feel really light-hearted and easy-going about it all. To me, if he never comes around, then he doesn't know what a good woman he is missing out on and if he does come around then I hope he does realize what a good thing he could have with me. Have you ever given up on ever getting to date someone and it not really bothered you because you know you are a great person and one day you will find someone who will appreciate you for who you are?
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12 responses
12 Mar 09
Hi singlemommy, Ah well what must be must be, I sure now he might try and talk to you more but if he doesn't thats that but you will meet someone one day when you least expected. I had a crush on someone where I used to work but found out he had a girlfriend but i used to go to lunch with everyday and he was very nice to me but never ever made a pass at me, that is why his girlfriend was a lucky lady, he was just a friend. I left that firm and work at another place, and met my husband there, within six months we were married and we have been together for nearly 29 years. Tamara
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• United States
12 Mar 09
You have been together for a very long time. It is great to hear about real love stories. You hear so much about divorce anymore. I know I will find someone soon. I just have to keep my eyes peeled.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
12 Mar 09
You just may find out that backing off changes things. You deserve someone that loves you for you. Good luck!
5 people like this
• United States
12 Mar 09
This could be true, but either way, I'm happy.
4 people like this
• Philippines
12 Mar 09
your story was kinda cute. really makes me smile. but is the romance really over now? just kidding. but do not worry, there will still be someone for you if Mr. Fedex is not the man. it's not over yet. never loose hope as they may say. surely, you will find someone who was really meant for you and who will suit you. and you'll be much more happier then. okay? just take everything under control, slowly and calmly. who knows one of these days the right man comes knocking at your door again. and this time with the right package for you. haha. happy mylotting!
• United States
12 Mar 09
Yes, I definitely need a delivery man that will bring me the right package! I can't wait when he does!
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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Mar 09
I am so glad that you have reached this place. You are a great person. I have come to the same conclusion about my guy too. I think we just have to go through the gambit of emotions and then we usually come to this same conclusion that you have. I sttill have some times but not near as bad as they were. He sounds like a nice guy and I hope that I am right. That he doesn't do all the girls and is more wholesome than that. Good luck to you.
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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Mar 09
Right on! And their loss if they can't see the protential.
3 people like this
• United States
12 Mar 09
2 people like this
• United States
12 Mar 09
Thank you so much. Yes, there is a special guy out there for both of us. No need to fret over it.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
12 Mar 09
Chances are that Mr FedEx may just come around; men seem to do that when a woman shows no interest! It is irrelevant though because what matters is how you feel about yourself and it seems to me that you are feeling at peace with your decision and I agree with it. You deserve a man who will sweep you off your feet and make you feel like a princess from day one and not keep you guessing and now you have opened the door to all sorts of opportunities to come your way! Good luck!
• United States
12 Mar 09
Maybe he will come around, but I'm not putting all my hopes into it. If he does then great and if he doesn't then great too. I know I will find a man who deserves a good woman like me.
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• United States
12 Mar 09
First of all good for you on deciding what is right for you. After all why should women ever have to chase a man what happened to men chasing women? Second I ended up giving up on love all together and thats when i found my husband who is the man of my dreams how ever we do have our problems just like any relationship in real life its never going to be "happily ever after" no matter how much we want it to. I hope that Mr.Fed Ex comes around though and starts chasing after you but who knows may be by then you will have your prince. Good Luck and God Bless
3 people like this
• United States
12 Mar 09
Yes, I don't feel like I was getting anywhere by chasing him so what is it going to hurt if I don't chase him? It could work to my advantage and if it doesn't then who cares, right? There are plenty of delivery guys out there.
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
15 Mar 09
maybe a long time ago..but recently I haven't even been if someone has noticed me...and not made a move....too bad for them! you I wouldn't be upset. I think you are handling it very well! Good for you!
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
12 Mar 09
singlemommy, Really great sharing and I really like to commend you on your thought provoking account here. I must really admit that you are one good example of a positive minded initiator and do admire your guts here. Well, this is just one of love's lessons where if he is meant to be yours, he will return and be yours. No use pursuing endlessly and one sided, the other party just needs to reciprocrate and respond accordingly. Let no one put you down and remember you are the rightful owner of the one heck of a lady award here. Kudos and continue being cheerful. Have a nice day.
• Singapore
12 Mar 09
singlemommy, You are welcome! "Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction." - Saint-Exupery Take care and be cheerful always.
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• United States
12 Mar 09
Thank you so much for your encouraging words. It means a lot!
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I wish you the most happiest of journeys on the roads of life. It's a wonderful time being single and doing special things for yourself, it's a good time to grow as a woman.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Mar 09
Thank you so much!
@bfarrier1 (2082)
• United States
15 Mar 09
Its his lost becauses you are a lovely lady,one day he will see you sitting there not noticing that he is in the building and realize it.He just was'nt the right man and before you know it the right one will come strolling by and when he does he will definately notice you,hang in there until then.Good Luck and take care, you and your kids will be in my prayers.
• Philippines
12 Mar 09
Hi singlemommy, I have been following you story, and I am happy to hear that you feel light-hearted about your decision now, I guess that's what counts. I don't think that the man for you will allow you to chase him; he will make you feel loved not just because he sees that you're into him but because he loves you first and knows that you deserve to be taken care of and loved! He's out there singlemommy, and he will come for you at the right time, whether it's Mr. FedEx or not. ;)
2 people like this
• United States
12 Mar 09
Thank you. I know he will come in time and when he does I will be ready and waiting!
1 person likes this
• China
12 Mar 09
great woman,great mom, great title!!!
• United States
12 Mar 09
Thank you!
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