defensive drivers
double standards
gender roles
road accidents
vehicular accidents
stupid driver! probably a woman...
By sandragellar
@sandragellar (440)
March 12, 2009 6:52am CST
do you hear that a lot? it seems that women are getting the bad rep when it comes to driving.
this is another example of double standards. not all women drive carelessly. so why is it that everytime a bad driver comes along, the first assumption is that "it's probably a woman"?
my friend says although male drivers are wreckless (as they cause most of the accidents on the road), female drivers are more unaware. is this true? do you agree?
how many accidents have you been in/ heard of/ witnesses? how many of these accidents involved women? and how many involved men? perhaps that's the best way to be objective. hehe... ^_^
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22 responses
@carrieannmarie (5)
• United States
13 Mar 09
oooookkkaaayyyyyyyy! I think it is all about who can be distracted and who can stay focused. At first women always got blamed because they would get caught putting on makeup in the car. Next it is teenages (both male and female) who get distracted trying to look cool (or maybe hot) for their peers. Next your have parents with kids fighting in the back of the minivan. And of course both sexes talk or text on their cells while driving. I heard that laws are changing to forbid this. We'll see. Finally their are the elderly who are slower to react to situations or maybe just can't see anymore.......who knows? I think both men and women have equal opportunity to slip up now and then.
By the way, the only two accidents I have ever been in (25yrs driving)were both caused by men.....just sticking up for the girls now that I did my bit trying to be fair :-)
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
27 Mar 09
Well said. Statistically women are regarded as safer drivers by the insurance companies. They are not better drivers but they take less risks. Young men are more likely to have accidents as they tend to show off to their mates and their girlfriends.
There are women on the road who drive badly and cause accidents but there are far more men causing accidents. Australia has made it illegal to use a cell phone while driving unless it is in hands free mode, but stupid people still do it and still cause accidents. If they do not have 2 hands on the wheel they are not in control of the vehicle. Men and women are equally guilty in that area.
Yes the elderly are slower to react but they also tend to drive much more slowly as they are aware of their reaction speeds. I think it is rare for an old person to cause an accident but it is common for young men in particular to take dangerous risks to overtake them as they get impatient.
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
12 Mar 09
In all my 15 years of driving the one's that I see driving really dumb are old men it never fails they drive too slow, turn without using their blinkers, park all funny in a parking spot, so many of them have almost backed into me while I was sitting in my car in a parking spot. I'm sorry to all those old men who are reading this I do not mean to offend anyone I am sure there are lots of old men out there who drive very well but for the one's around where I live they don't drive well at all. 

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@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
31 Mar 09
i'm so glad to not be driving, lol ^_^ i would hate to either be labeled as a bad female driver or a bad old driver, hehe. ^_^
@Darkwing (21583)
12 Mar 09
Alas, I've heard that often! I think men and women can be equally bad drivers, both can be distracted just as easily as one another, both can use mobiles, both get in a rush to get somewhere, and sad to say, both can take a couple of drinks and think they're still ok to drive. I think that says it all, don't you?
Brightest Blessings, my friend.

@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
28 Mar 09
i also believe both genders have the potential to mess things up, darkwing. ^_^
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I think there are many men and many women that are both careless, wreckless drives. There are some women that drive pretty well. There are some men that drive pretty well. However, I'm sure that both men and women have stupid people amongst their ranks that drive wrecklessly or that do other things when driving, well everything except driving that is. I hate the double standard. I'm a woman driver and I'd like to think that I drive pretty well.
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@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
15 Mar 09
true, true! both men and women make mistakes on the road! i have a lot of male friends who had accidents. whenever they say something rude about female drivers, i keep reminding them that THEY were in an accident not so long ago.
their answer? "well i had an accident because i was in a hurry, but i was aware of how i was affecting traffic. THAT woman on the road, on the other hand, is simply oblivious and unaware she's causing traffic!"
wow, as if being wreckless is any better than being oblivious. lol ^_^
@victorywp (3524)
• United States
13 Mar 09
LOL! nice discussion, sandragellar! but usually i heard people said, "...definitely a woman!" instead of "...probably a woman!" LOL! yes, this is the most popular example of double standards comparing men & women. but do you realize that this sentence is not only be spoken out from the mouth of men (but even women themselves) when they meet a so-called stupid driver? do you agree?:)
there are some points after my research these years:-
1) there are more men drivers than women drivers (women tend to let men to drive if they are in the same vehicle)
2) men drivers are more reckless in their driving (not all, but accidents caused by recklessness of driving are mostly men)
3) women drivers are more careless (or unskilled) in their driving (not all, but accidents caused by carelessness of driving are mostly women)
4) fatal accidents are mostly (not all) caused by men, while small accidents mostly (not all) caused by women
5) there are more accidents from men rather than women but the percentage of accidents caused by women is higher (example only: 100 accidents out of 1,000 men drivers, 80 accidents out of 500 women drivers)
if you are asking how many accidents have you been in/heard of/witness to judge how many of these involving men or women, it would be an unfair way to view the whole picture. why? because you will surely heard more of fatal crashes (mostly caused by men) as it will be reported in the news. however, if you would like to watch some small accidents from women drivers, you can easily find tons of it in youtube.
please don't misunderstand my points, i'm not a pro-men-drivers. my mother has been driving for the past 40 years without a single accident & i truly believe that there are lots of women drivers out there same like her!:)
@brooxy10985 (153)
12 Mar 09
Basically what happens is women don't pat attention so they cause the accidents the poor men suffer by having the accidents women have caused and because women aren't payin attention they don't realise the man behind has crashed
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
12 Mar 09
oh no!..You have it all wrong! The accident is caused in the first place by the men staring at the women, instead of the road!

@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
28 Mar 09
yes i hear that a lot, and i say it a lot too. maybe it's just my luck but every time i see bad driving it's bound to be a woman. men are wreckless but women are clueless.
they have no idea that they are causing danger to other road users.
just the other day, i saw a chain collision. out of the five cars, the first, middle and last car were driven by women. it seems that the first car had braked for no reason and the cars behind couldn't stop in time. my guess will be the speed camera the cars were approaching. 

@aidenofthetower (1814)
• United States
12 Mar 09
I have to say that I think that this comes with a small grain of truth. As with all stereotypes there are always tons of exceptions to the rule, but there is a case against it as well. I would say I agree with your friend. Men are more reckless. They involve driving too fast, being in too big of a hurry, and often ignoring basic rules of the road. On the other hand, women are often more distracted. They like to multi-task more in the car and aren't always good at it. While more accidents may be caused by men, I think that there are a lot of women who are just not good drivers.
Accidents I have been in. I have been in three accidents. Two were my fault (I am a woman, but not sure that that is the reason for the accidents). The first I have no idea what happened. I had a horrible concussion and some amnesia and don't remember that day at all. The second I fell asleep. The third was caused by a different woman while my husband was driving. We were turning into Burger King and she was turning out of the drive next to Burger King. She turned out and hit us. She seemed to be the type of driver that would make the "Stupid driver! probably a woman..." statement true. She seemed clueless as to how the accident happened, how we were where we were (we had a turn signal on and she should have seen us!), and really wanted it to be our fault (her car was new and had at least $500 worth of damage while our all metal 1989 Nissan had a tiny dent in it). Any how...women and cell phones are my biggest road fear!
@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
28 Mar 09
yes, both women and men seem to have their own gender-specfic weaknesses when it comes to being on the road, lol ^_^
some women get into accidents because they are either fickleminded or ar less focused because women by nature are multitaskers... on the other hand, as one member put it, some men get into accidents because they are staring at women, lol ^_^
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
27 Mar 09
It is a comment that only men make. Women on the whole are statistically safer drivers, not better but safer. I have been in only 3 accidents in 30 years of driving and I only caused one of them. That was the first one when I had only had my licence for a couple of months and I had not been told how to stop on a wet road. I was going down hill and I locked my brakes and skidded into the back of a bus. I had no idea why the car would not stop and after I was told what had happened and why I wondered why my driving instructor had never told me.
The other two accidents were both caused by men, one was driving too fast around a corner and tried to change lanes as he could not stop in time, the other was looking for something in his glove box and did not see the stationary car waiting to do a right hand turn. He slammed into the back of my brand new car and broke the drivers seat. I was terrified as the car was pushed into oncoming traffic on a busy road. He was a young careless driver and luckily I had witnesses. It scared me so much I almost gave up driving.
Now I am not as good a driver as my partner but I drive very cautiously because I know my limitations. I do not take risks. My partner says that driving cautiously causes many other drivers to get impatient and take risks. If they have an accident they may blame the cautious female driver who they say made them take a risk but in reality she was probably just doing the speed limit and they got impatient.
I think you will find that more accidents are caused by young male drivers than females.
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
12 Mar 09

@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
28 Mar 09
hehe lol, sandy ^_^ i wonder how many accidents actually happen because of men straining their necks to stare at women's legs! makes you wonder for real, doesn't it?
@eabaterina (501)
• Philippines
13 Mar 09
i get irritated when i hear this. men are mostly the ones aggressive enough to overtake and nearly collide with approaching vehicles. men are more impatient and drives faster. its not nice to generalize about women as bad drivers. there can be women out there who use cellphones while driving, who get into accidents but not all women. i also see men using their cellphones while driving. i have heard of men driving while drunk and getting into accidents. so stupid driver! probably drunk... =)
@juliotostado (168)
• Chile
13 Mar 09
I only can say, My mother drives a looot better than my dad does.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
12 Mar 09
If women are such horrible drivers then why do we get better car insurance rates? Because the fact of the matter is that statistics prove time and time again that women are in fact better drivers then men. My dad trys to pop off with the 'well a woman can cry her way out of a ticket' but, tickets aren't the main raise in car insurance! It's the crashes! And try crying your way out of a crash!
I think that there are bad drivers on both sides. And actually my siblings and I are more often guilty of saying 'what a horrible driver, must be someone old.' So, maybe the whole gender thing will phase out soon and then we will be on here in our ripe old age why people think old people are such bad drivers.
@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
28 Mar 09
lol that's true ^_^ people simply have expectations of genders, so if something happens that matches their expectation, their belief is reinforced.
for example, if someone believes women are bad drivers, only the female bad drivers are actually noticed. if a male is a bad driver, they simply say "what an a$$h0le," instead of saying "males are bad drivers".
i didn't know women get better insurance rates. could it be that they give better rates though because they know more women are going to avail of the insurance? lol ^_^ i know nothing about insurance issues, clearly! ^_^
@zabawaus (1730)
• United States
12 Mar 09
Thought so much to answer this discussion because i am risking to get lots of - minus rates :) But as a woman driver i have to say something, I am a really good driver , i have my driving license for 12 years and i am driving 12 years non stop, i used to work in car rental companies and drove so long. And the thing i experienced is men and women may be very bad drivers, but i saw mostly women .. Sorry to say these ladies! Please don't rate me negative :)
@izathewzia (5134)
• Philippines
13 Mar 09
This is really unfair. How come only women are thought to be careless drivers when it is the men who drives a lot? Hope people will stop thinking that way. Not all women are as careless as most of the men drivers. LOL
@tamarafireheart (15384)
12 Mar 09
Hi sandra,
Men always say that as women are more careful when they are driving as thjey normally have kids in the car and its men that are bad drivers as they think the own the road and speed, most accidents are caused my men drivers.
@pickwick (858)
• India
12 Mar 09
I have been driving for a decade and till now I have never had an accident,touchwood!But sometimes its irritating when people break rules and give you a dirty look too as if you are responsible.And young boys specially feel theier pride hurt if the cant overtake a lady driving any vehicle.
@strawberrychocodahi (4817)
• Philippines
12 Mar 09
Yes mostly they say it was a woman driver specially when they notice that the side mirror is not in proper place. But the most careful of all is the women because they do not want to have accidents and of course careful not to scratch or bump their own cars unlike the guys.
But i have seen maybe newbie female drivers get into some clumsiness in terms of parking or backing up. But not reckless drivers as you may say they are, but probably chicken on the road.