obama good or bad
By benny128
@benny128 (3615)
March 13, 2009 9:49am CST
here in the uk we are looking over the pond to the usa, and personally am not sure what all the hype is for obama hes just another president.
Same as our prime minister hes just another politician.
Heres 2 question's taking out the race issue as we are live in a multi-coloured world now,
1) Do you think obama is good bad or just another politician on a power trip.
2) I incidentally watched the inaguration of obama and thought what alot of fuss over nothing lol, again what do you guys all think of the hype of a new president and the parties that seem to go way over the top on inaguration day, not to mention the money thats been spent on them when it could go towards the economy.
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16 responses
@nova1945 (1612)
• United States
13 Mar 09
With presidentslike George W. Bush, who have practically destroyed every workable thing about America, Thank God there is somebody that can do something to keep the masses from starving long enough to get them back to work. Hopefully things aren't so screwed up that not even Obama can fix them.
To some people things like this are a joke. Under the last Republican administration we have gone from a financial surplus to the biggest financial deficit ever. We've seen our country go to war against a country that had already disarmed itself at our demand (no Weapons of Mass Destruction ever found in Iraq). Our former President argued in favor of torturing prisoners of war (would we condone the other side doing the same thing to our guys?). We still haven't gotten Osama Bin Laden (remember 911?). We send billions in financial aid to a country that has a financial surplus (Iraq). The deregulations of the banking & financial service industries have caused millions of people in the middle class (that's where I am middle class, under a million in assets especially now) to have their financial base wiped out. We've seen the greatest numbers in unemployment since the Great Depression. People are losing their homes in record numbers. Finally we get somebody coming in to clean up all the crap that that last administration left behind, and people make jokes about him doing what needs to be done so that people don't starve in the street (since they can't starve in the privacy of their own home anymore). Then we got folks like Rush Limbaugh who are praying that this administration fails and we go the rest of the way down the toilet. It could happen. Then those starving people will be kicking in the doors of the people that they think still have something and nobody's life will be worth a plug nickel. ~ I could laugh at almost anything, but this situation doesn't seem funny to me.
I know I will regret posting this because political posts seem to be magnets for negative responses.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
13 Mar 09
Not all that fond of either one to be honest.
I'm a strange American. I have a friend who tells me I'm the most British American she's ever seen. Must be in the genes. 

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@peavey (16936)
• United States
13 Mar 09
The reason that his being black matters is that we in the USA have had an awful fight against prejudice. It was only a little over 140 years ago that we fought a civil war over black people being slaves to the whites. It's a historical event that a black man was actually elected as President.
All that aside, I don't think Obama is a good president. I've spoken up against him harshly before, but to try to even it out, he doesn't have the experience to lead a nation and he isn't a balanced thinker, which every nation needs. He does have power in the sense that he can appoint cabinet members and so on, that will back his ideas.
I agree that there's too much hype surrounding the presidency or leadership of nations. They're all just people. Unfortunately, many of them don't understand that.
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@healer (1779)
• India
13 Mar 09
I think there nothing big is going to happen with the obama's administration. I watched the inaugural speech of him on the news and it was good but in the end he is just another president of the United States of America and the system will always remain the same. During the campaign, Obama would have been more Lincoln-like had he proclaimed something like "If I can fix (healthcare) by raising everyone's taxes, I will do that, or if I can fix it by raising no one's taxes, I'll do that, or if I can fix it by raising some people's and leaving others' alone I'll do that too." Did anything he say even remotely come close to such a thing?
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@enciel (368)
• Philippines
13 Mar 09
truthfully i think it's because he is the first black president so that's why a lot of people think a lot of things are gonna change especially for the black people. I am not sure if he would be a good president can't tell just yet until he serves for more than a year. for now he can have good airs since he is still just at the beginning. Some people are good at talking to people using wonderful words but these will pass and what work he can provide and what good he can do to people only time will tell and we'll see if he is as good as he says.
@benny128 (3615)
13 Mar 09
thnx for that, but the skin colour shouldnt matter as its the 21st century. people should be judged on merit not skin colour.
surely if hes been elected on skin colour then thats wrong as we are all people after all not matter what race or creed we are.
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@enciel (368)
• Philippines
15 Mar 09
true that skin color should never matter, i am very much against racism in all kinds. but it can't be helped i think him being the 1st black president is the biggest effect he gave people all around the world no matter how much people say that skin color was not the reason of it.
@zedlav23 (458)
• Philippines
13 Mar 09
I guess Obama will always be on the hot seat, with all these hypes, and thoughts of him as nothing more than his predecessors. But in my personal opinion, i would say that it is too early to call whether his presidency is bad or good. There are situations which are in poor shape now but are relinquished to him and not based on the policies or decisions he made. Everything is messed up and what he is now preoccupied is to tackle on how to put things in its place so i guess he deserves a little consideration on that.
I did have a good look at pre-inauguration and the inauguration itself and i guess he has some real generous friends (lol)
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
13 Mar 09
well people think he is the first black president....um his mom was white, so technically he is just as white as he is black, so we'll say is his the first dark skin president....
He is another politician on a powertrip, I think he has a godcomplex...and I think that people blindly follow and worship this MAN, when he obviously is angering a lot of AMericans....
I feel he isnt correctly representing us or doing his best to uphold the constitution.
I think it is a lot of hype and I think he is also starting to anger those who helped get him into office...and It is just the beginning!
Just a few of my opinions! =)
@benny128 (3615)
13 Mar 09
yeah I agree to a certain point, tho he could be green the skin colour shouldnt be an issue but as others have said I think thats why he got elected.
PLus hilary I dont think people wanted to go back to the clinton days and the other guy the older one I just found abit creepy lol,
Its interesting to hear the opinions into obama's short term so far in office. Hes supposed to be the most powerful man in the world but to be honest I think that titles is russia's leader if I am honest.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
13 Mar 09
My issues run pretty deep, it's with the whole dang lot of them, lol. The problem is with his election was yes, hype, heaps of it, and it was a heck of a smoke screen. this man and indeed many of our elected servats, is they are so at odds now with the principals of the founders, it's almost a peversion. I honestly believe an alarming number of people based their vote on pop culture, sound bites, hollywood type sets and award show type speaches, and a great misunderstanding or apreciation for the greater principals at stake and they way things were intended.
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@Crstal0774 (38)
• United States
14 Mar 09
Of course you know, Obama is not just another president, he's the first African American Democrat president. This is diffidently something to celebrate.He has made history.I personalty went to the inauguration,there were a lot of people. However, we got there Kinda late,But I was happy just to be there at the monument near the white house to witness history.
As for this economic issue.
I think Obama has a lot on his hands.I think he is going to do what it takes to change situation but it's going to take time.
@benny128 (3615)
14 Mar 09
yeah but the race shouldnt matter as obama was I read in a discussion born to a white mother I believe.
We live in a multi cultural society there should be no difference between white black red green or any colour or any race.
Also dont you think all the inaguaration parties were a pointless waste of money in these economic times.
@Crstal0774 (38)
• United States
15 Mar 09
YES Obama was raised by a white mother and his father is from Africa (Kenya).
The inauguration parties were needed as this was a real celebration. Not only is Obama a Democrat but he has made history.
But Obama's skin is not white he is still the first African American in the white house. That's what all of excitement was about. Both Blacks and whites were at the inauguration cheering Obama,I know because I was standing and walking beside a lot of them.
So everyone as a whole that day was happy to see the first African American Democratic in the White House.
This just goes to show how well this country has developed and everything that DR. Martin Luther King was fighting for has come true (for us to come together as one).
I Understand what your saying also.
Why is he being pointed out as white or black and not just a person?
That goes way back to history.
@nikhilbhatia163 (33)
• India
14 Mar 09
well its both infact as he is pretty good outside but in bed he's damn bad with his counterparts, really bagg them hard.
@Wordseller (49)
• India
14 Mar 09
Being the first dark skinned president is the definite reason for all this hype. All the dark skinned people who felt that they have been neglected so far have been feeling quite confident now. This is really good in one way that everyone is feeling happy!
Obama, as another politician angle, is a good point to talk about. Until unless the present economic package really creates something substantial as he promised, one cannot say whether he is another politician or a real president in the control of this whole mess we are in.

@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
14 Mar 09
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, had made a change in AMerica, but now it seems America is reverting back, however in the opposite way. So, I think that the Americans are the ones who need to change that...
As for Obama, he is trying to change to government, and political aspects of the US, will he do it? Only time will tell....Will the change be for the good of America? Only time will tell!
@Crstal0774 (38)
• United States
14 Mar 09
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the other African American Civil rights Leaders
have already made a change for us (African Americans).
Obama is our first (African American democrat) President.
His job is to make change to the United States as a whole.

@feixueyzy (2)
• China
14 Mar 09
maybe he will be a good~~~~i have watched some imformation about him on internet~i trust him~~~
@xuanlingfang (258)
• China
14 Mar 09
First I think it is a great progress for the USA to have a black president now. Because for so many years, the presidents are always white people. And in the other hand, Obama is just another politician in my opinion. Since he was elected as the American president, he does not stand for himself anymore. He begins to speak on behalf of the whole party. Every policy stated by him is made by the party not him. So it is hard to tell obama is good or bad. He is just the speaker of the party. :)
@benny128 (3615)
14 Mar 09
so basically you think that obama is just a puppet to put it one way, effectively for the party, if this is the case why the hype about being coloured as there has been coloured senators etc etc for years.
I just dont see the hype about colour but I have never been againist colour as we live in the 21st century. And I guess history will judge him like it will with bush clinton etc etc
@brooxy10985 (153)
13 Mar 09
a bloody joke shutting gwontanimo bay now one of the prisinors haed of taliban well done obama well thought through. not!!