She is said to be the world's most hated Mom (Octo Mom)
By Chevee
@Chevee (5905)
United States
March 13, 2009 10:02am CST
I know, I know you are tired about hearing about the Octo Mom, but I was just looking at the news and her mother was on saying that the donations are not coming in because people are taking this out on the mom (Octo Mom) and this is hurting the children.
The news person said that the donations are coming in for the furnishing of the house that was just purchased.
I was thinking negative of Octo-Mom and still have that negativity, yet I am concerned about those babies.
Would you give donations to that cause?
Do you think people would give more if someone else had custody of the children?
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15 responses
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Mar 09
I would definitely give more if someone else had custody. That woman had no right to even CONSIDER bringing even ONE more baby into this world, let alone eight!!!
No, she deserves nothing, in my opinion. How many other babies are born now? How many more were born the day she gave birth to these eight babies? How many have been born before or after the day she gave birth? Is anyone helping THOSE babies? No. The ONLY reason we know about this woman is because she is insane.
To her, nothing. To the babies, yes, I'd help, but not to help HER raise them!
My attitude was negative enough until I read about her nonchalant attitude when she learned of the eighth baby. It was kind of an "Eight, huh? Okay." attitude. That turned me completely against this woman.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
13 Mar 09
Thank you and how are you doing?
I just can't stop watching this on the news. I need to though. I just saw where she has changed her wardrobe from drab to fabulous, wearing name brand clothes and shoes. It was said that she has played the American audience (people) and really benefiting from it. It's like she has hit the lottery, or have been on Price is Right and won a lot of prizes. They said that the contributions and donations were suppose to help the children but she is benefiting from them.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Mar 09
Oh, how am I doing? Well, I'm thinking about having a reality show of my own... the "Living on Nothing While Women Pushing Out Eight Babies Get It All" show!
This kind of thing makes me madder than ever that me, and others like me, can't get the money they've earned throughout their working careers. I've earned the disability benefits I've been trying to get for seven years now. If they deny me again, I'll never get any of it back... never. It'll be gone forever.
Why can't they see how my diseases are destroying me? Well, it's not just the diseases destroying me, it's also Social Security refusing to give me the benefits I've earned in the almost 40 years I've worked! That's adding to my difficulties, not only monetarily, but psychologically. I'm not doing very well, Chevee. I wish I could say I was, but I can't. I can only say that coming here to myLot helps a lot. It helps to get my mind off of everything for a little while. It helps because I've made great friends like you whom I know care about me.
How are YOU holding up?
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@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
14 Mar 09
That octo mom is one screwed up woman mentally. I do not hate her, I feel sorry for her. She is a train wreck and does not even know it. Anyone that deludes herself she can look after 14 children as an unemployed single mother has my sympathy.
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@bmorehouse1 (1028)
• United States
13 Mar 09
IF I were to donate to these children it would not go directly to the mom. What she has done is beyond ridiculous! Why wasn't she satisfied with the six children she had? I understand there is an organization that has agreed to come in and help her with the kids. I guess you could donate to them and it does not go to the mom. I wish the children well!
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
13 Mar 09
Hi Chevee,
I'm sorry but I wouldn't give donation to her as I think what has it got to do with me? I didn't all those children and I can barley suvive myself, let the goverment help her. Hugs.
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@moonbeam94 (387)
• Australia
14 Mar 09
I feel so sorry for those babies ,what is this women thinking bringing more children into this world knowing that she can't support them . Some of the blame lies with the doctors ,knowing she already had a family ,they should have refused her to have more children. It is hard enough suppoting ones own family and I give where I can ,after all that is what being human is all about ,she needs to stop running around enjoying herself and set up a plan as a single parent and even to think long and hard weither it might be best for all concerned to consider adoption.
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@callahanb78 (529)
• United States
13 Mar 09
I actually saw her on the Dr Phil show a few weeks ago and she kind of explained her background with her other children and how the odds that she would have had that many in 1 pregnancy where very slim to none. She had the same about of eggs implanted in her other pregnancies and had 1 or 2 children each time and how she was only going for 1 more and ended up having the 8. She also said it wasnt planned that way and again didnt think it would have ever happened that all 8 would have taken. Which I suppose makes sense. She still does not seem all there to me but I dont really know her. I guess her explaination shined some light on what I was trying to figure out...Why would a single mother of 6 want 8 more children?!?!?! Was a complete mystery to me!
On to the question Would I donate?!?! I would donate to the children ::diapers, formula, clothing, etc. I would not donate to her ::money, household items, furnishings, etc.
I do think people would offer more if they were given to another family or someone else had had them in the first place.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Mar 09
I was wondering whether the donations could come a different way. What about giving them to the grandmother who seems to have some sense, and she will get the things for the baby? Or what about going to a lawyer and putting some money into trust so that the mother cannot touch it and it will be for the children.
The babies should not have to pay for their mother's irresponsibility.
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@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
14 Mar 09
OK, I believe she's a bit flawed. When she kept having kid after kid, her parents should have spoken up then. Now the father to his credit told the doctor to stop. What did he care as long as he got paid? then, when she did this very last treatment, I am sorry, the train should have stayed in the station and not pulled out. Now you got a retired father doing his darndest to get this girl a house, and she's going around taking credit for that, she goes on tv and gets funky with her mom,a retired teacher, and yes, we all have our issues with family, but to just diss them, that just shows me that she didn't have no feelings on how they felt with her and these kids, and she still don't have none and to me, that's her biggest support team right there. With that said, should I donate? hard question. I hate for a child to suffer for the parent's folly in this instance, but why throw money after bad? hard call.
@mummyofthree (2715)
14 Mar 09
My opinion is rather harsh I'm afraid.
Do I recieve public donations to help raise my children? NO
Do you? NO
Does Mrs Smith down the road, who works all the hours under the sun with her husband and is still struggling? NO
So why should she? She chose to have those children. She chose to keep them and not have any adopted out.
Yes I know for any woman regardless of circumstance these are heartbreaking decisions to make. But none the less they are her decisions.
The children are her responsibility as are ours to us.
What gives her the right to expect handouts?
• United States
14 Mar 09
no, i would not donate one penny to her. i think thaat's what she wanted to start with. i do feel sorry for all those kids. there life will never be normal on account of their crazy mother. i wouldn't trust her w.a cent. she's just out to get all she can. some way to do it. i am sick of hearing about her. i'm shocked at dr. phil for getting so involved w/her. thought he had better sense to.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
13 Mar 09
I thought the most hated mom was Casey Anthony.
If I could I would donate to the children.
I do not care how the news are covering the story, there are things that should not happen but did happen anyways, for better or for worse the babies are here, and they have needs so why not help them?
Are we not the country that helps other countries in their time of need? During earthquakes? Natural disasters? what about our own? Should these babies suffer because of choices their mom and their mom's doctor made?
I think not.
I am not sure if people would give more if someone else had custody of the kids, if that happen, I believe the public would forget as the story will not be in the media anymore.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
14 Mar 09
Hey chevee! This woman is a manipulating, lying, coniving,
and decitful beotch! You can't trust one word that comes out
of her mouth! And she's crazy! So it is not any surprise that
no one wants to send money to her even if it is to benefit the
babies! It is truly a shame for those poor little children,
but no one trusts that loonatic! Why should we? Everytime she
opens her mouth some other psychotic lie comes out!
@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
14 Mar 09
aaahhhh! poor octo mom! her mother taught her how to be such a low-life expecting that people are going to open their wallets to support her sick need to have lots of babies. i heard octo grandmom on tv suggesting that someone should "give" her daughter a house. excuse me? why? personally all those babies are getting from me is prayers. i would never ever give money. i work for the children i brought into this world. i have never asked for a hand-out. she is someone who should put these babies up for adoption if she truely loves them and wants to give them a good life. there is no way even with donations for basic needs that one mother can nourish emotionally 14 children. no way...someone is going to suffer somehow. i am a mom of 5 and it still isn't easy. and my children had a father. and they all are 3 years apart except for the first 2 who are 16 months apart. i am good at multi-tasking as most moms learn to be but still it is tough to be a mom. any mom out there knows what i am saying. i am tired of the idea that people feel like they should help these children. there are lots of children suffering in this world. who is helping them? who is putting up a cutesy little website asking for donations. like i said , adoption is the only right thing to do in this case.
@Mashnn (4501)
3 Jan 12
I would only donate because of the young children who are suffering. Otherwise, this woman pisses me off to think that she could have all these children without knowing why to get money to take care of them. She is simply on of those very irresponsible person that I have come across.
@thinkingoutloud (6127)
• Canada
13 Mar 09
I agree that some sort of trust could be set up for the babies... and I wouldn't be surprised to see her parents (the grandparents) do something like that. People might be more inclined to donate if it was handled through an objective third party because I don't know that there are many people who are even remotely sympathetic to her "cause."
You know what gets me, though? This woman has a total of, what, 14 children? Yet she is constantly in the media, running around in her car, visiting her new house with a friend (or at least it was another adult)... and, lo and behold, NO children with her. Maybe I've missed something, because honestly, this story annoys me too much to follow it closely... but where are her kids?