This is NOT a matter of whether you believe he's "natural born" or not!
By thedogshrink
@thedogshrink (1266)
United States
March 13, 2009 10:36pm CST
It's MUCH, MUCH bigger and more important that that. It's about whether our Constitution means anything at all any more, and whether we have any rights as a free people any more. It's about how many people -- individuals with a little power -- are able to completely rewrite the laws, the Constitution, and anything else they want to.
How can a judge rule that ONLY Congressmen can question a President's eligibility? How can a judge rule that this questioning can ONLY be done on ONE SPECIFIC DAY, and that's it???? Where is this written? What country are we living in? Even if you love Obama and believe he is 100% legit, you surely can see the problem here. In an AOL poll last week, just over 50% of Americans said that they wanted to have this completely resolved. The lawyer who is preparing the case for the organization mentioned below, asked about her case, in a room of 300 lawyers, in LA, last week. She was scared of the backlash, because she knew most were Obama supporters -- some of his biggest. Instead, after mustering her fortitude to ask her question, she found not one bit of animosity: it surprised her to see all the heads nodding in agreement!! Even the President's biggest supporters were wanting this matter out in the open and resolved! Yeah, I guess that's because no thinking person can think of a reason why the man would spend millions trying to block and destroy anyone trying to see his records, rather than just let us see them, just like all other presidents have.
[b]Dear Fellow American,
Barack Obama's attorneys took another step to destroy the Constitution of the United States this time in a California State Court. Those attorneys, working with liberal California State Attorney General Jerry Brown, convinced the Judge in that case, at a March 13, 2009, hearing to rule that only Members of Congress can challenge the qualifications of Mr. Obama to serve as President.
The Judge further ruled that a challenge can only be made on the 6th day of January following the meeting of the Presidential electors, at the session of Congress where the vote of the Electoral College is counted and the results announced. To use the Judge's words, this is "the exclusive means for challenges to the qualifications of President..."
Further, the Court blocked our subpoena for the college records of Mr, Obama!
We here at USJF disagree with the Judge's decision, and, with your help, we will continue this fight for the preservation of our Constitution all the way up to the United States Supreme Court!
Click to Donate & Demand Mr. Obama Show Us the Truth!
WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW! Obama's hired guns could blow a fatal financial hole in USJF's operations. They will now proceed with their ominous warning issued by Frederic D. Woocher, head of the Strumwasser and Woocher team:
"Please be advised, in particular, that in the event we are forced to file a motion to quash and we prevail in that motion, we will seek the full measure of monetary sanctions provided for in the Code of Civil Procedures."
That, in legal terms, is more than merely an answer to our citizenship challenge - it's a declaration of war! You don't need to don an attorney's glasses to read between the lines of this ultimatum:
Mr. Obama Will Destroy USJF Unless We Drop the Case.
That we cannot do!
USJF IS IN A BATTLE THAT COULD CHANGE THE HISTORY OF OUR REPUBLIC! USJF subpoenaed the records of Barack Hussein Obama from Occidental College in California, but, at the hearing on March 13, 2009, the Judge, in Sacramento County Superior Court in California, blocked USJF from obtaining those critical records.
What is in those records? We do not know. But the Obama legal team pulled out all of the stops to block the subpoena, so we believe that there is something in those records that bears on the critical issue of whether Barack Obama is eligible to serve as President of the United States.
This letter may be the one of the most important things that you ever read!
The problem is we just do not know whether Barack Obama is Constitutionally eligible to be President of the United States.
We do know that Barack Obama's maternal step-grandmother has proclaimed that she was was present at his birth in Mombasa, in what is now Kenya!
We do know that a fake birth certificate showed up on Obama's website!
We do know that Mr. Obama's legal team is doing everything that it can, in every case filed over this issue; to make sure that no one has access to his birth certificate!
We do know that Mr. Obama's legal team is doing everything that it can, in our California case; to make sure that no one has access to his college records!
We do know that Dr. Jerome Corsi traveled to Kenya to see if he could find a birth certificate for Mr. Obama, but was detained by Kenyan officials!
The voters of the United States have the right to know whether Barack Hussein Obama is a "natural born citizen," as REQUIRED by the U. S. Constitution!
It's a question that MUST be answered!
Simply stated, if an unqualified person were to be elected President of the United States, our entire form of government could be compromised!
Why? Because, if Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible to serve as President of the United States, each and every act that he takes will be null and void! That's right, each bill that he signs, every Executive Order that he signs, and each nomination to his Cabinet and to the federal courts that he makes will have no legal effect!
I don't make that statement lightly. It's not an exaggeration.
Liberty and freedom are not the rule in this world. And it is up to each and every one of us to do all that we can to protect OUR liberty and OUR freedom in this great country!
In His Name,
Gary Kreep, Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation
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11 responses
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
14 Mar 09
I read this article last night and was totally appalled. It is a disgrace that a president could spend so much money to cover his true birth certificate and in the process destroy the very basics of our Constitution. IMO this is a very obvious sign that he has something to hide. I am really beginning to think that no-one has the guts to take a stand against Obama's money and power and give the American people the proof that Obama is qualified to be out President. IMO Obama is getting monetary support from individuals who are not friends of the USA but it is in their best interests to have a puppet president under their control.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
14 Mar 09
Yes, it is very important.
I also read yesterday that apparently the Supreme Court hasn't heard the cases about the 0bamunist's eligibility because one of the court clerks took it upon himself not to file the cases... therefore they never made it onto the dockets and as a result where never even scheduled to be heard.
This is nothing more than an attempt by the liberals to override our Constitution and the disregard our laws. They seem to think that they are above the law, but they are mistaken.
When the rule of law no longer is respected, then our society will collapse, and we will then have a state of anarchy.... or another revolutionary or civil war.
Not many people would want that, so why are so many intent upon ignoring our Constitution and our laws?
Even the courts are becoming irrelevant.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
14 Mar 09
My state(MO) is one of those. Although I am not to proud of Bond right now since he was one of the 8 republicans that supported this last Bill.
Looks like we are going to have to take him to the woodshed.
It really depends on how the individual unit commanders felt as to which way the guard units would go. Not everyone would report, and in my part of the country, we are well armed.
In some places the guard would be with us, and in others they would be with the Feds. This is not a pretty scenario.
The last civil war was about the rights of secession... the slavery issue was almost an afterthought, although it did figure into it.
Now we are once again in the position where the states are asserting their rights against the Federal government, and the Constitution plainly says that the rights of the people and the rights of the states override any law the Federal Government might make.
Just as America is sovereign, so are the individual states, and so are the individuals in those states.
The Constitution guarantees the rights of the individual, and not any group rights.
More people should read it, and become familiar with it... maybe then they would know why some of us oppose the things that they support.
3 people like this
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
14 Mar 09
A long but great post. This puts the whole "Is 0bama a citizen?" question in the proper perspective. Thank you.
2 people like this
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
15 Mar 09
Hello Dogshrink,
All hope for our Constitution is not lost! On the current front (dealing with the Obama legal wrangling to fend off efforts to compel Barack Obama to authorize the release of the relevant documents) we have the following:
[i]"A California attorney lobbying the U.S. Supreme Court for a review of Barack Obama's qualifications to be president confronted the chief justice yesterday with legal briefs and a WND petition bearing names of over 325,000 people asking the court to rule on whether or not the sitting president fulfills the Constitution's "natural-born citizen" clause.
According to Orly Taitz, the attorney who confronted Chief Justice John Roberts at a lecture at the University of Idaho, the judge promised before the gathered crowd that he would, indeed, read and review the briefs and petition."....
According to Taitz, the room was stunned silent as she continued, "I have presented my case to you, and you personally agreed to hear this case in conference. But your clerk refused to forward a supplemental brief to you. He has hidden this brief from you. He refused to put it on the docket. Additionally, my case was erased from the docket one day after the Inauguration, two days before my case was to be heard.
"Outraged citizens and members of the media and state representatives are calling the Supreme Court, demanding to have the case reentered on the docket," Taitz told Roberts.
On the Future front:
Title: To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee's statement of organization a copy of the candidate's birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution.
Sponsor: Rep Posey, Bill [FL-15] (introduced 3/12/2009) Cosponsors (None)
Latest Major Action: 3/12/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the House Committee on House Administration."
We just have to keep at it until all enemies of the rule of law are rooted out!
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
16 Mar 09
Yes, there is a little hope, isn't there? I am hopeful about the conversation the lawyer had with Chief Justice Roberts. However, I read another report about that same lawyer asking Justice Scalia about the issue, and he kept telling her that she needs 4 justices in order to get the case heard in full court. She got the impression that he was saying one of the generally thought to be 4 conservative justices was not in agreement. I'm a bit confused because the two reports seem a little incongruous -- what do you think? I mean Roberts saying he never saw it and Scalia saying they saw but you need 4 of them to agree. I guess, Roberts could have been talking about her specific case, and Scalia could have been talking about all the different cases on this subject in general. OK, I guess I answered my question.
The new bill, H.R.1503, would not affect this temr for Obama, but the good news is it would require him to provide all his documentation before running for a second term.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
14 Mar 09
Here is the latest from WND on the suject:
A California court has ruled that apparently anyone can run for president on the California ballot – whether or not they are eligible under the Constitution of the United States.
"Secretary of State Debra Bowen contends that there is no basis for mandamus relief because the Secretary of State has no 'ministerial duty' to demand detailed proof of citizenship from presidential candidates," said Judge Michael P. Kenny. "The court finds this argument persuasive." His opinion threw out a case raising questions over President Barack Obama's eligibility that had been brought by Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation on behalf of Ambassador Alan Keyes, a 2008 presidential candidate, and others.
That even though, as WND has reported, California in the past has exercised authority to determine whether presidential candidates are qualified, and remove them from the ballot if they are not.
The lawsuit explained secretaries of state in California previously have exercised their election authority and have rejected candidates who did not qualify.
"As stated in our previous pleadings herein, former California Secretaries of State have taken legal action to remove individuals from the ballot for failure to comply with the eligibility requirements to serve as President of the United States, although, in those cases, the issue had to do with the 'age' requirement, not the 'natural born citizen,'" the USJF said.
The filing continued with the warning, "If MR. OBAMA is not constitutionally eligible to serve as President of the United States, then no act that he takes is, arguably, valid, the laws that he signs would not be valid, the protective orders that he signs would be null and void, and every act that he takes would be subject to legal challenge, both in Courts of the United States of America, and in International Courts, and that, therefore, it is important for the voters to know whether he, or any candidate for President in the future, is eligible to serve in that office."
The case documents previously explained that in 1968 the Peace and Freedom Party submitted the name of Eldridge Cleaver as a qualified candidate for president, and then-Secretary of State Frank Jordan "found that, according to Mr. Cleaver's birth certificate, he was only 34 years old, one year shy of the 35 years of age needed to be on the ballot as a candidate for president."
USJF explained that "using his administrative powers, Mr. Jordan removed Mr. Cleaver from the ballot. Mr. Cleaver unsuccessfully challenged this decision to the Supreme Court of the State of California, and, later, to the Supreme Court of the United States."
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
15 Mar 09
Great info Heather!
So, the FEC has passed the buck to the state SOS's and now the state SOSs are claiming that they are similarly not obligated to confirm the eligibility status of candidates?
Well, that just hammers out the last vestiges of 'self responsibility' from our governmental consciousness.
So, who exactly is responsible for doing their jobs?????????? 

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
14 Mar 09
That's disgusting and a gross violation of the constitution. WE ARE HIS EMPLOYER. WE have every right to demand proof of eligibility to work for us. Every single employer I've ever had has demanded proof of eligibility to work in the U.S. Why shouldn't the leader of our country be required to furnish the same proof?
I am not a conspiracy theorist and I do think he is a natural born citizen. That is not the point. Every employer I've had has believed that I was an American with the right to work in the U.S. but they still demanded proof.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
14 Mar 09
I agree with you. Why not get it out into the open? I noticed the post above just said why did you post this, but I think you explained yourself pretty well. But that person did not answer whether to get it out into the open?
@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
14 Mar 09
I think he should get it out in the open as well - But I also think he is American so I am not to concerened about the issue - I am more concerened with money and jobs and health care for thousands that do not have it - I can care less where he was born and I do think he is American. The reason I was asking what the goal is because it seems like many people are just trying to nit pick and find everything wrong which is dividing us instead of finding solutions and working together - All the flim flam from those who want Obama to fail is getting very old!
@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
14 Mar 09
No - That is not what I am saying - I am saying I am Tired of GOP cry babies keeping the country divided and conqured on trivial matters. If you find reasons to dislike someone you are sure to find them - But it is all good tho... We are suppose to debate - It is a Democracy - But at some point - We have to unite to make things better for our kids!
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
14 Mar 09
The eligibility of the president is not a trivial matter.
Make things better for our kids?
The 0bamunist has ensured their indebtedness for at least the next 4 generations.
GOP crybabies? I think not... of course there are a lot of liberal racebaiters, who in the process of getting this ineligible and unqualified elected... managed to set race relations in this country back many years.
These people don't want this out in the open because the lie cannot stand up to close scrutiny. That is why they do things is secret.
That is the reality of this neofascist administration and it's supporters.
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@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
14 Mar 09
So your goal is to show everyone that Obama is not really American so everything that he has done in he past 55 doys does not matter? Or are you rying to turn everyone aginst Obama so we can be more divided and conqured than we are? What was your goal in posting this info?
@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
14 Mar 09
I am not attacking anyone - I am just asking if this is another divide and conqure campaign - I remember you - The Obama Hater if I remember correct - I could be wrong tho - But in any case - I was just asking if the purpose of the question was to get people to dislike the president or not - seems like most peoples goal is to assure that Obama fails.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
14 Mar 09
Rose, thanks for the explanation -- very well put.
Oh, the lawyer I mentioned IS the one for the Keyes lawsuit, and this is her organization. The court case that happened Friday, which is what the letter from her organization is about, was one that she brought in order to try to get Obama's CA college records -- I believe. Obama's lawyers have threatened or filed against her organization, which is the threat that will destroy her organization, because they are trying to take away all her organization's money.
Shakadoodoo, my goal is to revere and support the Constitution of the United States of America. Period. I voted for the first time in 1976, when I turned 18. I didn't know what I was doing, and I voted for Carter. It was the year of the American bicentennial. I joined the USAF the same year, too. Big year for me, you could say. I watched everything that happened when Carter took over, and how our military became the laughing stock of the world, our economy went into double digit unemployment and double digit inflation. It was a very rough time -- rougher than now, regardless of what Obama says. I watched and learned. I have never, ever voted for a Democrat again. It's not that I am closed minded and refuse to give them a chance. It's that I have kept my mind OPEN and watched what they DO. It never works. The best Democrat time period was Clinton, and most of the reason had nothing to do with him, and still our nation was humiliated and disgraced.
Now, Obama has been in office for just over 50 days, and he has managed to give himself -- despite even Republicans pleading to give him a chance -- the BIGGEST fall in popularity of ANY president in the first 50 days, of the last 100 years or so! He did that himself -- no one has done it to him.
Look at his policies. Look at what he thought was "most important" in his first 55 days! He did NOT seem to place the same importance on those very important issues that you said you were concerned about: getting jobs and homes for people and helping the economy.
No, he has very clearly USED the fear about the economy to push thru every kind of special interest legislation and "pay back" of his supporters that he can -- and he isn't done yet.
Some people think that he is "in over his head", and at the mercy of Reid and Pelosi. No, I doubt that, seriously. Obama is very smart -- like a fox. I am afraid he is just planning to get everything he can passed thru, the stuff the Dems have wanted for ages, and if anything goes wrong, he will be able to throw Pelosi and Reid under the bus. That's why he made the strange if not unprecedented choice to let Congress write up the Stimulus plan and the budget, etc.
Honestly, I would have rejected the entire birth certificate issue completely except for one thing: There is absolutely NO REASON for him to seal his college records, his Kenyan records, his birth certificate, even his college thesis and then spend a million and still counting -- no reason, unless he HAS SOMETHING TO HIDE, and I dare say that something is far more than simply having his birth cert. say he has a different name or different father or he is white, or some of the other lesser things people have suggested.
Want him to fail? That's a hard question to answer. In the sense that most people mean it, I think, the answer is no. Of course, I want him to succeed. ON the other hand, if success means drastically changing the fabric of our country and our personal freedoms, which I believe is now clear that's what it means, then YES, I want him to FAIL at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
14 Mar 09
I am not an Obama hater in fact I really do not waste my time hating politicians I just do not trust them. However IMO this discussion was posted to infom people just how deep the cover up goes!
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
29 Mar 09
We already know that he lies, what we need to know is just how much he's willing to lie and hide in order to take over OUR country.
Just remember, it's not HIS or THEIR country, it's OURS. We want proof!
@lilnono (228)
• United States
15 Mar 09
Do you know the names of the law firms Obama uses and where they are located? I'm only asking because i don't understand how all these people can claim to have so much information about where Obama was born and how he isn't a citizen but none of them seem to have access to the proof. They claim to know where he was born but can't find this alleged Kenyan birth certificate. they claim he was adopted but can't find the adoption papers, They don't have any sworn statements from anybody and they don't even have a quote from his lawyer saying "no comment". How can you know how much money The President paid his lawyers yet not know who the lawyers are? I think the website you are linking to is a scam and I would not be surprised to find out that the information presented is either exaggerated or fabricated. If you want to criticize the president please just criticize his policies. Don't criticize him based on fiction. This issue is bothering me so much I even wrote a blog about it.

@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
15 Mar 09
I should clarify. He would need a birth certificate to go to school, but he would NOT have to be a US citizen to go to school in this country - and his school records were sealed by him so no one can see them -- so you can't just assume they saw it and let him in so it was a valid US certificate.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
15 Mar 09
Hi lilnono,
The law firms for Obama communicate with the lawyers for those filing lawsuits, and so they know who they are, and being lawyers, they can estimate how much Obama is spending based on the filings that his lawyers have done. It's pretty easy for them to do that. His lawyers have filed motions, failed to file answers, etc. So they are known. I don't know, but I'm quoting the lawyer for the Keyes case. I'll see if I can scrounge up the names, tho. I will have to look for the court papers that were online later, when I am off work, OK.
No one is claiming to really know where he was born. They are claiming that the few records that have surfaced do not support the notion that he is a natural born US citizen. For example, the school records from Indonesia, which showed him listed as a Muslim, Indonesian citizen -- he had to be both, at that time in Indonesia to attend school there. So if he was an Indonesian citizen as a child, um, what does that mean to his citizenship today? There is no record of his having either denounced a dual citizenship that he had as a child or having regained his US citizenship. There should be records of that.
For example, my daughter was born here in the US, in Philadelphia. She has never been in any other country at all. But, she has dual citizenship because her father (my husband) is a British citizen. His family is actually African, from Nigeria, but he was born in London, so he also had dual citizenship, but he never claimed his Nigerian citizenship, even tho he mostly grew up there. I believe it is now too late for him to claim his Nigerian citizenship, and when my daughter is 18 or 21, she would have the right to claim either citizenship. Interesting that Obama's family history is similar to my daughter's...
SO, if Obama had dual citizenship, he could have lost his US citizenship by living as an Indonesian citizen, and returning here but never reclaiming his US citizenship. Or, he could have been born in Kenya, as his Kenyan relatives claimed.
Did you realize that McCain also had his citizenship disputed before the election? The difference between him and Obama is that McCain brought all his certificates, the correct, long forms, and put them before Congress, where it was decided that he is an natural born citizen because altho he was born in the Panama Canal Zone, it was while his parents were there on duty as citizens of the US, on the business of the US, and Both his parents were US citizens.
McCain avoided all the cost and controversy and speculations by taking all his records and laying out on the table.
Obama did just the opposite -- and that is the 100% sole reason I began to believe the naysayers -- he only showed a birth certificate that anyone could get at that time in Hawaii, that didn't show his birth hospital or doctor. It was a document that registered his birth, and was used in Hawaii back then, but no longer I believe, because it makes non citizens appear to be citizens.
Anyway, he showed that, and that only to a few selected left wing organizations that aren't even actual news organizations, like Huffington Post. And that's it. He sealed his original, long form birth certificate. He sealed his college records, and the Kenyan govt even sealed their records (um, why does he have records there to be sealed if he was not born there?)
What do his college records show that he doesn't want us to see? How was he supposedly a regular kid in the US, who even had food stamps for a while, with no money, yet he attended a prestigious private school in Hawaii, and the best colleges in the country -- including Harvard Law School? How?
SO, the evidence is more against him than for him at this point, yet he won't bring the proof. He is the ONLY one who can bring the proof, and he owes this country that much, especially since he promised us so much complete transparency. (Yet all his records are sealed, and all this legislation being worked up and passed is being done behind closed doors also.)
I really appreciate the tone of your questions - searching instead of accusing -- and also noonpineapple and shackadoodoo.
All nice and polite and providing meaningful questions to be answered, instead of some of the behavior we've experienced here!
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@lilnono (228)
• United States
15 Mar 09
You say that your husband was born in another country . Does he have a birth certificate on file at the local department of health? I'm no immigration expert but I really don't think that American departments of health keep birth certificates on file for people who were born elsewhere. Everybody knows that when you lose your birth certificate and need to get another copy you get it from the place where you were born. Hawaiian officials have stated over and over again that They have President Obama's birth certificate on file. If he wasn't born in Hawaii they wouldn't have it. Does your husband have a job? Since he's from another country he needed a green card to be able to work didn't he? If President Obama had a green card wouldn't that be pretty easy to find out? I'm pretty sure he didn't go from being an under the table construction worker to being a senator. I went to the Sacremento Bee online and did a search for Obama. This story didn't even come up.

@votenoonpineapple (235)
• Canada
14 Mar 09
Just coming at this from another perspective (Canadian)... if he's turns out to be the best man for the job, what does where he was born really matter? It seems that a lot of people are upset that he was elected (which happens with each Presidential election), and they're struggling to find a reason why he needs to be kicked out.
He's obviously a smart guy, and he obviously has the country / peoples best interests at heart, instead of his own agenda.
He was voted in, and he's gonna do his job as best he can. The world won't crumble, and they're be a new election in a few years. Just ride it out.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
15 Mar 09
votenoon: This is a serious, important question, that has a rather long answer, especially since you are Canadian and not American. Please see my note near the beginning of this discussion -- I'll be posting my response in a blog or one of my sites.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
15 Mar 09
Naw! I wasn't trying to say you Canadians don't know what's going on here. But you may not have -- just like many of our younger citizens don't have -- the same background in the Constitution and some of our most important issues. The media is insane, and so you can't get it from there.
Yes, it makes a huge difference, and I promise I WILL lay that out clearly for all to read, asap.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
15 Mar 09
I meant to say also, as insane as it sounds, there is absolutely NO BACKGROUND checks or security checks done on the President. He could not be President if he had to pass the security checks done on his staff!! He wouldn't pass. That's for certain -- just on his record here in the US, no matter where he was born.