thank you

@SaintAnne (5453)
United States
March 14, 2009 12:25pm CST
I just want to thank those that responded to a certain discussion I started and those that have consistently replied to other discussions I have started. I always try to respond back but this time I am just going to let it go but I do appreciate all your thoughts and words and of course, they are "duly noted" as I say. Bear with me. I am working hard to get going onward and forward (as someone said)... up, up and away. With all my heart, thank you again. PS - I know this is a discussion site. But you don't have to respond to this one.
5 people like this
9 responses
@cherriemae (3370)
• Philippines
15 Mar 09
hi there saint anne.. i dont know if were already freinds here, but i wanted to be one of your friends, well, i wanted to respond because i wanted anyways, i will thank you if you will respond to my discussions here.. me too, always thank my friends here and my new friends of having consistently replied to my discussions, we are always glad that they respond to our discussions, like in my case, i really tried my best to add a comment and thank all of them, it's difficult for me because as i always said, i just only using computer in internet cafe but i'm trying and always giving my best to thank all.. have a nice day.. and happy mylotting friend.. God Bless
• Philippines
15 Mar 09
Hi SaintAnne. I am not among those who have responded to that particular discussion you are referring to as I think I missed out on that one...I just want you to know that I think it is so sweet of you to express your gratitude and your sincerity is admirable. Thanks. Have a happy day!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 Mar 09
Why I wont! i would definitely answer to this one Sisi. I am pretty much in your hoes these days, working harder than ever before. I know, I have to and since we cannot have everything, we have to choose our priority. That doesn't make other little, does it? You take your time, get going and we will always be there for you. Good luck and move upward and forward.
@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
14 Mar 09
Anne, this sounds waaaay too much like a goodbye If whatever you're doing or dealing with straightens out, I hope we will see your smiling face around here once again!!! I've missed you recently (whether it was my absence or yours). I pray your onward & forward (& even the upward) is kind to you & you find ALL the BEST that life has to offer!!! Be well my friend!!!
@loseli (25)
• China
14 Mar 09
Supports you,continues to try hard,i have paid attention to you to be new,better topic
• China
15 Mar 09
this is my first time to use this tool here are many people it let me feel cool ,though I don't know much about this forum but from the words writed by others I know this is a good forum people want to share thier ideas with others and not for money thank you everbody on this forum thank you for you build the forum salaam
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
14 Mar 09
Well, you've always made the effort with me too SaintAnne, so how about we just call it even!
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
14 Mar 09
Well we may not have to respond, but how else can we say YOU ARE WELCOME, my friend. In a PM, lol! Hang in there!
• China
14 Mar 09
in this big family,we can help eachother through chatting,discussion,post photos, send messages, and express your own emotion,I suggestion, we should first to thanks for mylot's clients, because of them,we can enjoy ourself on this web;second,we should to thanks each others beside us ,,my all mylotters!