Will you leave your gf/bf because of the objection from your parents?

@ktosea (2026)
March 14, 2009 10:20pm CST
we were all told to find our significant half with similiar background or something else,it's always hard to make our parents satisfied with our gf/bg in the first place.sometimes they oppose us strongly and it seems they will never concede to us,they want us to find one more talented or with more money,it's not right but they do this.what will you react to the objection of your parents?
6 responses
@dodo19 (47268)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
15 Mar 09
My parents aren't too fond of my fiance. I do want to try to have them like him. It's not easy, but I am trying. I wouldn't leave my fiance because of my parents' objects. I love my fiance too much for that. I couldn't do that to him. As much as I care about my parents, I hope that eventually they start liking him more, and hopefully realize that he really makes me happy and he's a good man.
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@ktosea (2026)
• China
15 Mar 09
yeah,parents always have reasons to be not content with our fiance
@dodo19 (47268)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
18 Mar 09
I'm sure they do. Sometimes, it would just be pleasant to know what their reasons are.
@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
18 Mar 09
Oh if that were the case I would have left my first husband long before I married him. My parents think I needed to make my own decisions so I would not try to blame them and make it seem like I had given up too soon. I stayed much too long so I ended up cutting my losses and left with only the clothes I had. The only thing I have is his last name. I threw every thing away or gave it away.
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@ktosea (2026)
• China
18 Mar 09
just do what you want to,could't be worse if you are unhappy with the guy.
@yoyo2323 (465)
• China
15 Mar 09
i will try to let my family like him.if it does work ,i try to find what wrong with each other.and if my fammily still want to find me a better one ,and give me a reasonal explain i will give up,coase i do not want a marrige which all my families disagree.
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• India
15 Mar 09
I will not leave my gf if their objection is not justifiable in my opinion. One can connect "emotionally" with a very few people. I would prefer to be with someone who would understand my feelings rather than being with someone who is more skilled or brings social gains.
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• Philippines
15 Mar 09
i definitely would not leave him just like that..so what if they object if we know that were both in love with each other and you're assured that he is already the right one for you.. my situation is like this, my family doesnt know that i am dating for two months now..they wont allow me coz they think that im still too young..if they found out about this in the future then i would really fight for this love..ive been holding up academically and doing good with my studies, and i know that i am now matured enough for the responsibilities of commitment..
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@eselmaro (208)
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
Of course not. Later on they will understand that it is your life and you are the one respinsible for it.
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