Do you think the world will end in 2012??

United States
March 15, 2009 4:27pm CST
Ok so what I have recently learned is that all the ancient cultures of the world like: mayans, egyptians...etc have all predicted the end of the world to be in 2012! And so far it looks like it's heading that way, think about it the bible says the antichrist will come in the formof a trusted leader, that everyone will trust, and love, and also it says that the world will fall into pollution, war, disease. And nowdays obama is trying to put microchips in people.. Hello mark of the beast!! Who thinks this is going to happen in the coming years, and what are your opinions on it??
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43 responses
2 Apr 09
It will not end, only it will change. And yes the beast must come first and is already hear. And the beats will be a _______, who will deserve many.
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2 Apr 09
Ah but I can answer that on so many level Alex. The simplest but yet very true answer would be for me to say look to the stars. As revelations is very mush a book of "Signs", the signs are documented to the trained observer to be constellations, the signs of the "age" or "times". The whole book is a series of dates and times given. The beast given would be the sign of Ophiuchus, the serpent holder. This constellations heart is at the center of the great riff or "Abyss- bottomless pit), the galactic center of our Galaxy. Which points to the date 12-21-2012. The other signs given in this book also point us to different constellations and indeed gives us dates and times, and by the way it is carried together in the sequencing we can also know which years these months speak of sense we know the date of 12-21-2012. Jesus spoke of the seasons, ages, and times, he also spoke of the signs int the heavens, and the coming age. The promised age of Aquarius when he would return with "Living Water" as the water bearer. Although this is a very simplistic picture it is non less a true description. How ever as above so below. As what is unfolding in the heavens appear so on earth shall it be done, or on earth as it is in heaven.
@alex55 (50)
• Dominican Republic
2 Apr 09
FTA=What do you call the beast.The truth is always concrete. Although you are very intelligent you seem to be slimy.Please try to make sense for me.You don't have a shape and I don't know how to reach you in an effective way.I would read your biography to put you in a mould for the purpose of getting your beliefs,I answered to you a few minutes ago at the question regarding one or many gods,what is best to believe in.Alex
• United States
2 Apr 09
Yes i think he's already here too...Great comment!!!!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
16 Mar 09
Personally from my Christian point of view, no one really knows the time, nor place of when the second coming of Christ will be. Many scholars and such might be predicting 2012, but you really never know. Personally as a Christian there are many signs starting to take place, but nothing pointing 100% to the end yet. I think there are still some major things that need to happen first, and overall I think even with everything going on now, we still have a lot of things to happen first. As a Christian my Pastor is always stressing to Pray for Obama and the other leaders and to not let things going on around the world effect us so much. If you tend to put your focus just on this, and rumors and such you will loose your focus on the real things for sure. Just my thoughts.
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@resasour (378)
• United States
16 Mar 09
Dear, microchips are NOT the MARK OF THE BEAST!! the mark of the beast is "acceptance" of him. And doing his works... SO MANY will be deceived by him because his whole plan is going to be to come in and "save us"!! And the world will witness him perform great miracles... and his coming will be at a time when we are all scared, and likely aware that God is pouring out his wrath on the world. He will come into the most "Holy place" and make it his throne! There are things that he will do...and we must be aware, and watch faithfully...for he is only given 5 months to accomplish his task! Also, God will not take us out of here.. God is coming to take back his land and his people. he will purge this earth of evil, and rebuild his kingdom... And we will reside with him in his kingdom, right here on Earth!! This is the whole reason he built this Earth to begin with!! Only it will be a new EARTH AGE! and we will be in our "spiritual bodies" just like we were "in the beginning" If you don't know why god made this earth, and why we are here, then you will never understand what your purpose is, nor will you understand what is still to come and why...
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@resasour (378)
• United States
17 Mar 09
no dear... not all scared. Worried, maybe... but you havent seen scared yet. God says we will know that we are getting his wrath by the time the anti christ comes... and he comes in and claims he is to save us.... now why do you think so many are deceived? This is why it is so very important that we know and understand Gods word... If our failing economy has you scared already, then pray for strength and wisdom... because America will fall as a superpower.... and one of our not so good allies will become the "new superpower"... there are still many things yet to happen... but things are getting lined up..... when you see a one world money system and a one world government, and disasters and 1/3 of the worlds population gone as a result of things like earth quakes, sunami's, and even global warming... these are all signs of the end days.... and yet there is still more to come.... many will perish, and many will wish they had....and many will still be walking this Earth when Jesus comes... YOu are God's child... what do YOU have to be afraid of? HE takes care of his own!
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• United States
28 Mar 09
Yes, we will have to disagree on this matter. I never said the WORD "rapture" is in the Bible, but if the Bible says those that are alive will be caught up in the air with the LORD and we should comfort eachother with these words, than that's what Im going to do. Im not going to try to convince people to believe the opposite. History repeats itself in the Bible, another good example is GOD saving Noah and his family before he flooded the earth. GOD is not a liar and if he told Noah, Abraham, and Lot he would save the righteous before his wrath that's what I'm going to believe. :)
• United States
17 Mar 09
That made no sense, this is a time when we are all scared. The economy is going down hill, and people are losing thier jobs.
@gzlgzl123 (224)
• China
16 Mar 09
I never trust it,it's absurd.We can't control the weather,the things which will happen tomorrow.The world will be endless until all the human disappear.I think every adult will have their own computer in the coming years.That's so crazy.
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@Spook619 (335)
15 Mar 09
For a Christian point of view, there are many now that are saying that all the prophesies of Revelations have been fulfilled. This must then mean that we are currently just waiting for the anti to come... judging by this the world can't end for another 1K years minimum. However... I see no reason why the anti whouldn't be revealed to us in 2012, thus effectively ending the world.
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• United States
16 Mar 09
Yes true I agree with you, I believe that the beginning of the end is on it's way. As in the anti-christ beign revealed to us soon. Idk who, but it's so scary to think about... And there are so many people that dont believe in god( which is sad) that when the anti-christ comes they are just going to be oblivious to him. People have turned thier back on god these days, they think we came from monkeys LOL
@Spook619 (335)
16 Mar 09
My personal bets are on one of a few groups... 1) the Vatican 2) The big banking clans 3) the free masons The development of the veri chip soon means that we'll never need passports, cash, credit cards, or anything else again. Surely this has a very high chance of being the mark.
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• United States
20 Mar 09
True true spook 619, cause thats what they were talking about using it for.
@cptlo1 (93)
• United States
16 Mar 09
lmao i had a bad feeling about everything cause everytime i was bout to graduate from school something happened world trade center got hit when i was in 5 grade 8 grade something happened forgot what tho and now 12 grade first black president man this is all kind of weird. but i dont really think the world will end in 2012 it might end tho sometimes in the 2000 era but im ready for it lol.
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@smacksman (6053)
16 Mar 09
From what you say maybe it is only America that is due to vanish and go to Heaven? The rest of us will just have to kick our heels and wait.
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@Ted3_uk (114)
16 Mar 09
Maybe your a prophet?
• United States
17 Mar 09
YEs true smakcman
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• Thailand
16 Mar 09
Lets see: "all the ancient cultures of the world like: mayans, egyptians...etc have all predicted the end of the world to be in 2012!" Wrong, The only prediction comes from the Mayan calendar and it did not predict the end of the world, only the end of an age. Even if all the ancient cultures of the world had predicted the end of the world in 2012 how can you relate that to anything in the bible? They were mot Christian cultures and had no knowledge of the bible. One more time: "nowdays obama is trying to put microchips in people." This is another statement that basis no base in fact. Jesus was the first to predict the end of the world and he got it wrong. (Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. Mark 13:30) For two thousand years people have been expecting the end of the world and it hasn't happened yet. I don't think there is any reason to think it will happen in 2012.
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• Thailand
17 Mar 09
[i]"Almighty Obama" is trying to put microchips in people... LOOK IT UP. That is a fact, one of his projects. [/i] OK, so I looked it up and can find no reputable information that indicates that there is any fact to support this fable. Maybe you can provide a link to support your claim.
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• United States
17 Mar 09
"Almighty Obama" is trying to put microchips in people... LOOK IT UP. That is a fact, one of his projects.
• United States
16 Mar 09
Did the world come to an end in the year 2000 like everyone thought that it would??? The Bible also says that the Lord will come as a thief in the night. Do you expect a thief in the night? You never know when it will all happen. I do not doubt that it could be soon. But I think that it will be a time when noone will know. The Bible says that you will not be able to tell the seasons apart and that is definitely going on right now. One day it is 80 degrees and the next day it is sleeting and so cold it is unbearable. At least that is how it is where I am at right now. The world may end in 2012 but who knows.
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• United States
16 Mar 09
Your right I dont know when it wil happen, but i think the beginning of the end is soon...
• Philippines
17 Mar 09
I don't think so that the end will end in 2012. Nobody here on earth can tell exactly when will the world end. As Jesus says in the Bible no one knows the hour of his coming only the Father.
• Philippines
16 Mar 09
Is obama trying to put a microchips to people? Uhmm sorry I don't know this thing. I am from Philippines and I don't watch news too often ^_~ well, I think it maybe true, but I hope not.
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• Philippines
17 Mar 09
OMG! What the hell is he thinking? It's gonna feel like someone is watching you all the time. Creepy!!
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• United States
30 Mar 09
I know!!!! that's what i said!!1 It's wrong, and they are also taking about using them for the banks, like putting them in other people to use like a debit card.
• China
16 Mar 09
Honesty I have no idea about it. Surely the environment of our earth today is increasingly becoming worse and worse. And the problems are far more than that. What's the meaning of what we are doing today if the world will end in 2012? I can't imagine that. So just forget about it and lead a normal life as usual. Time will prove.
• United States
16 Mar 09
The meaning of what we are here for today is so we can live our lives here on earth worshipping god, and living our lives for him. The earth is a temporary home for us... The real home is in heaven with our god. God made people for his purpose, to worship him, and live for him, but as you see they are not doing that...that's exactly why the world is on it's way down.
@zedlav23 (458)
• Philippines
16 Mar 09
I believe that the end is near but i don't believe that people can say when exactly it will be. These events in our society are just signs of the coming end but only God knows when. I'd rather read the book of Revelation than listen to those who say it will come in 2012.
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• United States
17 Mar 09
I dont say it will come in 2012, but am open to think it may... And i also believe the end is near, everything is falling apart. I am afraid of the end but am also confident that god will take care of me.
• China
16 Mar 09
Well, I do not think the world will end in 2012. At least now I can not see that. Sure we are encountering the economic cirsis. Some people are being evil in their way of handling things. But still I can see some hope between the people. Everybody in this world does not want to die in this way. So we will try our best to prevent the world to end. Maybe we need to be optimistic in some way. Cheers.
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• United States
17 Mar 09
well look at how the world is today... obama is trying to put microchipps in people, and he lied about where he was born... Supposedly you have to be born i america to lead this country...supposedly but look obama wasnt born here and he's stil in office...tisk tisk... how did that happen??? I believe the begginning of the end will happen in the next two years, and im worried because who wants to go through with that kinda thing??? not me, I am ready for heaven,
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@oxtihama (91)
• Philippines
16 Mar 09
well,as what i have learned from my own faith too, is that nobody knows when is ending of the world, we cannot predict it as of now that it will really end on that particular year.. God only knows when to end this world, we cannot assure when is our last day living in this world. Who knows? it might end today, one of us might not getting to what we are doing as of this time, then suddenly there will be raining if fire... I still believe that only God knows everything in this world.. nobody can foresee everyone's future but He!!! welcome to mylot!!
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• United States
17 Mar 09
Thank you!!
@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
16 Mar 09
Dear friend, I do hope those predictions may not be accurate. May be some other unforeseen changes could make a whole change in all other aspects too. Hence I feel world is not going to end even 2012, there is long way to go. The humans day by day are emerging to face all those problems and this technology and inventions too they make to protect the earth. But we all need to be careful in order to protect the earth so as to it could be healthy with effects those living creatures on it too.
15 Mar 09
No i don't is the short answer. In essence the end of the world has been predicted so many times in the past 100yrs and i can only wonder how often these myths have come to light since the dawn of time itself. Each time it is down to the passing of a star, a collision with a comet, a tribal prophecy, the turning of a millenium, a bad feeling etc etc. In my opinion it gives the eternal pessimists something to look forward to and the rest of us yet another thing to roll our eyes at :D
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@Spook619 (335)
15 Mar 09
This differance between this one and the others is that is was predicted by people who predicted their own downfall.
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• Indonesia
16 Mar 09
comooonn...we must not will end 2012...just we must keep our world with good hand...stop global warning's example!!!
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@zahfran (851)
• Singapore
16 Mar 09
Oh man, This means I only got 3 more years to live.. You should have told me earlier! I wouldn't know for sure about this. In fact, I don't think anybody would. The last time they said the world would end in 2000 but look where we are now. It could happen anytime. So just be prepared, make the most of your life and yeah, when it ends, you know that you have done good and will go to a good place. :)
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• United States
16 Mar 09
People have interpreted some of these predictions and myths and prophecies as an end of the world in 2012. Then again let's look at how man has misinterpreted the bible. Personally I don't believe the world will end in 2012. I have however prepared greatly for it. Check out this group I found, they might be able to help you feel safer . I've never heard about obama and this microchip thing, but I know that the super conservative side of politics has been pushing for microchip id systems since the eighties. If you know more about obama and these microchips I would like to know. i've been searching for stuff on it for a about an hour and can't find anything real. 2012, good post Kim and Joe
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• United States
16 Mar 09
I think the world will end when everyone least expects it. People have been predicting for years when the world will end and a lot of people have been wrong. The bible also says it will happen when everyone least expects it. I don't think it will be 2012 but I could be wrong. I guess we will see when 2012 gets here.
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