Do you read horoscope? DO you believe it?

March 16, 2009 11:42am CST
Me, i dont. I dont read horoscope or even believe it. All i can say, im agree that im a cancerian, and somehow the cancerian are true sensitive person, we are more strong and also look like tiger, because most cancerian tend to keep their feeling and show to the world how strong they are... just like crab... always bring the strong shell with it. But inside, cancerian are pretty sensitive and emotional person and somehow her or his mood can affect her or his life with others... but i dont think that because of that, the cancerians will get trouble to socialize themselves.hahah I dont believe horoscope just like how the magazine predict about life, love, money, finance, lucky day, lucky color, and other lucky things. In real life, the luck in the magazine maybe the bad day to me... ahhaha i just cant believe and never allow my self to be controlled by such source. anyway, thats my opinion, i hope i will not hurt person who has different idea. have a nice day!
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25 responses
• United States
17 Mar 09
I believe the description of my sign. I am a Pisces in the star sign & the Chinese sign I am a Dog. My personality is a combination of both signs.
• United States
17 Mar 09
I think they are funny to read but I do not believe in them. I am a virgo. They never come true in my opinion. Also I am just not the type to beleieve in luck or bad luck. I think good and bad things just happen. I think people read to much into some things. That is just my opinion and I don't mean to offend anyone who does believe in them. I know some people do and their is nothing wrong with that.
• Philippines
17 Mar 09
When i read on the magazine or newspaper i usually see a horoscope i read on it but i never believe on it. I don't depend my life on what is written there for I believe that I should trust and believe on God and not on those writings by someone that I don't know or believe on. Though there may be happenings that coincides with it but it is not something that we should belive on. nice topic. thanks.
@aplaza (630)
• Netherlands
17 Mar 09
There is Astrology and astrology LOL In my opinion a horoscope that is calculated for a person specifically can be very useful. However I do not think that one should read too much in the stuff that gets published in a magazine or a newspaper. After all if it says that Cancer will find a pot of gold then that would mean that 1/12 th of the population would. That can't be right. However I do think that if you find a good source for a daily horoscope - and use your plain common sense - that it can be useful at times to keep an eye on certain influences and thus reap the benefit of a little cosmic help now and then. And heck maybe it's just fun and entertaining to have a look at the end of the day to see how much of it rings true! Have a look at my profile. There is a link for a really cool daily horoscope on there somewhere.
@cybersoft01 (1284)
• India
17 Mar 09
Dear Manya, I am a cancerian, too and I don't believe in horoscope and astrology though I have read many books on astrology and numerology. My brother wanted me to build a software that can tell us about future but I never gave it a try as I don't believe man has got the power to look in future. We can guess only and if it turns out true it is merely by fluke and not because we can actually see the future.
• India
17 Mar 09
i hate said that that day was going to ba an interesting day with lots of good news.AND GUESS WHAT it turned the worst day of my life.i think these are just bogus.they are a waste of time.thats my opinion.i do not mean to hurt others opinion but thats my bitter can someone out there , who does not even knoe you , can predict whats gonna happen to you.
• Malaysia
17 Mar 09
i believed in horoscope but sometimes not all the sources of the horoscope is accurate for me.the most i believed is friendster horoscope.everytime i log in into friendster website i will definitely check the horoscope part.however it happens to be very true for my zodiac sign.i am an aquarius.
• Malaysia
17 Mar 09
i like to read horoscopes, but just for entertainment purposes..however, i gotta admit that some of the zodiac sign's characteristics are true though. but as for day-to-day predictions kinda thing,i dont believe them because my days dont usually turn out the way the horoscope said it would! plus i dont think people with the same horoscope all around the world have the same kind of day? hehe..
@kissie34 (2294)
• Philippines
17 Mar 09
Nope, I don't always read horoscope.. Maybe, once in a month or sometimes once in two or more months..I don't really believe in horoscope.. For me its a foolish thing in believing in horoscope.. Its a person who made his/her day.. It just trying to make her/his mind confused if she/he keep on trying to follow the horoscope.. We can't live all alone by his/her self without a horoscope since all of his.her life were on fulfilling or following what it stated there..And besides only man whose doing the writing in the horoscope.. Its all in the imaginations of human being...
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
17 Mar 09
I used to read horoscope every morning when I was younger but not now. If you think practically, there are millions of people with the same sun sign and the newspaper predicts the same thing for all of them. This seldom happens and there are bound to be deviations when you compare the days of two people with the same sun sign. Hence, I stopped reading them.
@Troy1987 (49)
• China
17 Mar 09
I read horoscope and didn’t believe it.but recently i read a article about personality of people who are Aquarius.You guess what?I am very similar as the article describes.I don't know why It was amazing! i began to believe horoscope since then.
• Philippines
17 Mar 09
Well, for me, I do not believe in tose horoscopes, but I read them. I don't know, I mean it depends on the person who and how he or she runs his or her day. So, the horoscopes for me are just a bunch of people's way of telling us what to do in our life or something. ^_^
@oxtihama (91)
• Philippines
17 Mar 09
I don't believe in horoscope but I do read it. Maybe by coincidence but there are times that what the horoscope tell connects also to the real life of the individual. But it does not mean that horoscope controls the destiny of our lives. It however guides and directs our path. Whatever we become in the future is influence by the decisions we do at present...not because it is what the horoscope says.
• Philippines
17 Mar 09
Reading a horoscope is one of my favorite activities.There are times that the horoscope I am reading is believable and so I will believe on it but there are also times that it is unbelievable so I don't believe on it.Well anyway there's nothing bad in believing on it right?I am just taking it as a guide throughout my journey in this world.Only myself can control anyway my life..let us keep going.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
16 Mar 09
No, I don't read the horoscopes. I used to do, simply for laughs. But I've stopped reading it. I've never really been interested in horoscopes.
@Kmarie923 (875)
• United States
17 Mar 09
I read horoscopes every now and then. I don't take them too seriously. I do read them at the end of my day or week to see if they actually matched up. Sometimes I read them before just to peak my curiousity.
@cjfoust (614)
• United States
17 Mar 09
Sometimes I read my horoscope. One site emails my horoscope to me daily, but they never make sence or even go along with what happened that day. I do read my horoscope every year on my birthday though - the one that is printed in the newspaper. I don't rely on them whatsoever!
@reichiru (748)
• Canada
17 Mar 09
If I ever come across a horoscope, I would read it for curiosity's sake, but otherwise I wouldn't go searching for one every day just because I HAVE to read it. I don't believe in the whole concept of luck, karma works better with me. I think horoscopes are silly and a waste of time. Even if sometimes the descriptions and predictions are accurate, I think it's more of a mind-bending thing. They make it up so that it's general, and people's minds will somehow fit it into what happened that day, and thus they think that horoscopes are genius and believe in them. That's just my opinion though.
• United States
16 Mar 09
I do read the horoscope too. But sometimes I just can't take what they're saying seriously! I do agree, we Aquarians love to stand out and love to be original. We also tend to a little out there. Yeah, a little eccentric sometimes. But we can't help it :)
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
17 Mar 09
the general characteristics of a typical capricorn applies to me so somehow i believe in horoscopes. when i was in my early twenties i always glance for it in the papers. not anymore.