my dad told me the scariest, creepiest ghost story i've ever heard!
By sandragellar
@sandragellar (440)
March 17, 2009 11:49am CST
i was reading in the living room late one night. my dad told me i should be getting some sleep because i had to wake up early the next day. i pleaded for more reading time.
he then said, "well, just make sure you don't look out that window. i did once and i saw someone looking at me from outside. but it wasn't a person because it didn't have a face."
meow! i jumped from my seat and obediently went to bed.
perhaps it might not be as scary as he told it. he told the story in vernacular and the impact is kinda lost in translation... nevetheless, of all the scary movies and ghost stories i have read, his story is the one that made the hairs on my back stand like crazy!
how about you? what's the scariest ghost story you've ever been told by a loved one? ghost stories make for an interesting read. i shall look forward to checking all the posts in this discussion... ^_^
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12 responses
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
17 Mar 09
Update: as i was sending this response, my mobile internet momentarily stopped working. Creepy huh? Lol!
Years ago back when we were kids. My aunt from US of A went to Manila for a vacation. My cousin owns a piano and he was teaching my aunt how to play it. On their left is a door exposing some parts of the sidewalk and street. As my aunt was tapping the piano, she noticed that my cousin's attention was not with her or the piano. He was looking outside the door. My aunt asked what. My cousin told her that my grandma (...aunt's ma) passed by wearing black veil. It kind of shocked everybody to my aunt's story when she visited us here in Zamboanga city after Manila. I'm kind of skeptical though because my cousin has a very poor vision.
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@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
aw... too bad. would've made quite a story for future kids in the clan. hehe.
i myself don't believe in ghosts concretely. i try to keep an open mind though.
i still get frightened by ghost stories regardless of how i don't believe in them... lol ^_^
@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
before i saw exrcist the movie, i actually read the book first. it was a really thin pocketbook, about 200 pages or so.
but it scared me so much. it was so creepy! perhaps because it's one of those stories that can actually happen.
i prefer watching the movie than reading that book! i put that book faaaar away from my room after i read it! so if the movie scares you, i suggest that you don't read the book. hehe ^_^

@ProlificDude (47)
• Pakistan
18 Mar 09
I have heard loads of ghost stories. Some that make my hair stand on end at 90 degrees angle. Quite literally too. However, I have never understood why a soul would want to stay and not move on. I have had my share of experience that I have not been able to explain. I have actually had my name called - loud and clear - a couple of times but have not found the caller. There may be a good explanation for this, but the ghost phenomena will stay and is gaining prevalence. Happy ghost story time.
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@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
thank god everytime someone calls out my name, i see a person when i look around! lol ^_^
have you tried saying something when someone calls you? like, "yes, what is it?" it might answer back (whether it's a person or a ghost)!
@ProlificDude (47)
• Pakistan
19 Mar 09
Oh I have answered the calls. Once I heard my mother calling my name and when I went to check what she wanted, she was fast asleep! The scariest part is that I wasn't the only one who heard it - everyone else in the room did. The experience, however scary, was quite amusing:)
@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
ooooh, very interesting indeed! you should have a cam corder in the room! hehe ^_^
the ghosts must really like you to say your name out loud, and in a room full of people! lol ^_^
next time, if you have to wake up early, tell the ghost to wake you up so that you don't risk running late... ^_^
@stacienicole (80)
• United States
18 Mar 09
My husband is from Peru and he would tell me lots of stories that had me staying up terrified at night. He once told me about his uncle who was riding from one ranch to the other late one night. He was on horseback and it was raining so he was going pretty slow. As he was riding he heard a baby crying. He followed the sound to a baby lying on the ground wrapped in a blanket. He picked up the baby and it was a couple of weeks old. He put the baby inside his jacket to keep it warm. He started riding and after a couple of minutes he thought he heard something. He looked down at the baby, and the baby said "look at my teeth daddy" and grinned a big smile with teeth. My husbands uncle threw the baby down. The baby started to cry again but he just rode to the next ranch and told every one what happened. This story scared me and I would not go out at night by my self for a while.
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@stacienicole (80)
• United States
21 Mar 09
Oh my goodness that is so scary. I cant believe other countries have the same evil baby. That is frightening. I hope I never come across any thing like that in the dark.
@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
oh, that baby is what we call "tiyanak" in our country!
i thought that ghost character is unique to the philippines (well, aside from USA's chucky, hehe). i never knew peru also has a "tiyanak."
don't you ever wonder if that story is really true? what is there really is some evil character out there pretending to be a baby? creeeepy!
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@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
21 Mar 09
brrr. creepy thought! yes, it's a little unbelievable that two countries have "tiyanak" stories! oh no, could they be true??? :o
i'll pray a little extra tonight, that's for sure!
@tamarafireheart (15384)
17 Mar 09
Hi sandra,
My mum told me once thaat never to look in the mirror at night or you'll find someelse looking back at you as when she was young and got told off form her dad, she was crying and looked in the mirrior to see herself crying but there was another face next to hers and there was no one around her, she got a fright of her life and ran downstairs to her mum and tol her, but ofcouse she didn't belive her, that what my mum told me anyway.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
18 Mar 09
Hi sandra,
Yes it was very true and they live next door to a cemetary to top it all, my mum used to see things as well.
@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
eeek! i wouldn't want to look at the cemetery at night.
but sometimes, when i'm in the mood to scare myself, i walk past the cemetery and loiter outside it.
but after that, i scamper right back home! lol ^_^
@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
oh, was your mom serious about the story? or was she trying to scare you?
it would be really interesting if the story was true! ^_^
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@Krisneil (577)
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
I have the my own story., Here, its 5:00 pm,I go back to house from school, I go to the kitchen to look some food then my sister arrive in the kitchen and looking also for food, then we eat together and talk a lot especially the matter in house. Then Im finish with my eating I said to my sister that I will change my clothes in the second floor of our house. When I change my clothes I see my sister sleeping, the same sister that I talked lately,, Well I said, she eat alot and dont need to sleep. My mother said She is sleeping since 2:00pm.. I feel cold, my whole body goes to steef. who do you think is real, The one who is sleeping or the one I ete together at the kitchen.?

@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
oh, that's like a doppleganger!
i once saw what i thought was my reflection in a mirror, but it was another person who looked so much like me. up to now, i can't be sure if i wasn't seeing right or if i have a doppelganger, lol ^_^
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@jane9147 (252)
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
pretty creepy huh? as for me, i never had a creepy experience like your dad's. but my brother, he's the one who sees like maybe ghost. once, he told us that he saw a guy standing in front of our tv in the living room. it was just a shadow anyway. the only light was that from the psp my other brother was playing. the next morning, we were awakened by spilled water. the gallon on the safe edge of the kitchen counter which was full fell. that was what freaked us out!
@naka75 (795)
• Singapore
19 Mar 09
I was once told a story that tells a flying female head with long hair haunting a village. I don't know what happened to the story but it was sure spine-chilling to know a female flying head in the sky watching over you and might lash out at you for her next meal! More scary than vampires! From the movies, the scariest has to go to the female ghost from "The Ring" series climbing out awkwardly of a well in the television. For a certain period after watching the movies, we made sure we've turned the power of the TV set off after watching. Of course, not forgetting the ghosts from Korean movies, that live in a wig, hide in walls, sneek out from the sink or hang from the ceilings. Eeks!

@ProlificDude (47)
• Pakistan
22 Mar 09
My "scariest ghost character(s) in a movie" vote goes to the ghost family in the "The Grudge"
Are we looking at a spin-off discussion here??
@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
22 Mar 09
hehe, thanks for the idea, prolific dude... ^_^
man, that grudge chick is scary too. even that pale boy in the grudge who appears under tables... those japanese movies really scare the hell out of me!
@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
yes, that chick in the ring! she's so scary!
funny how i refused to look into wells for a certain time, even if i didn't exactly believe in ghosts!
as to the flying head, we have our own version in the philippines. it's also a flying ghost, but instead of being just a head, it's the upper body half. it's called a "manananggal." these creatures supposedly split their body in half during the night. the lower body half stays put while the upper body half flies around, looking for humans to feed on. hehe ^_^
i wonder if the story in your place and mine are related, since we both come from asia. maybe both stories have the same origin? ^_^

@williamjisir (22819)
• China
18 Mar 09
Hello sandragellar. I have also heard a lot ghosts stories as well ever since I was a kid, but I think that all of them were so scary to me. Each time when I was listening to a ghost story, I would always sit in the middle and when it was over, I would not dare to move away first and I would always walk in the middle as well. lol. That was when I was a kid, but of course I am no longer a kid and won't feel afraid of those stories any more as they are only imagined stories to me. Good day, friend.
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@ivan2000bd (1009)
• Sweden
18 Mar 09
in my child hood my father also used to tell us story of ghost. but now a days i think those story seems to me cheap stories.
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@ds6413 (2070)
• United States
18 Mar 09
I was always told never to whistle outside at night because someone might whistle back at and follow me home and I too heard to never look out of the window because someone might be looking back at me so I never look outside at night even now.
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@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
but, stubborn that i am, i would probably whistle anyway just to see what happens... hehe ^_^
@sinokirin (900)
• China
18 Mar 09
When i was a child,my parents would tell me some ghost story to prevent me from going out in the evening.
But i forgot them all.
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@sandragellar (440)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
oh no! the stories are gone? aw... it would be nice to remember those stories... or perhaps ask your parents to tell them again.
when we have blackouts, my parents try to pass the time by telling us ghost stories. they're usually fictional, but we have so much fun listening t those stories. ^_^