Why does God allow us surfer if He actually love us?

@Eweniks (361)
March 17, 2009 8:46pm CST
Sometimes in life, we strugle for so many years before we can achieve our goals. On the other hand, some people will just put a little effort and get what they want. Why does God allow some people to surffer so much before they could progress in life? Does it mean that God love some people more than others?
10 responses
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
God loves us all always and He does not have favorites. In fact, it was through the suffering of Jesus that He showed us how much He loved us. Suffering in the world is a consequence of sin. Jesus, who knew suffering is our greatest Comforter because He Himself has gone through suffering. Our blessedness in suffering comes from knowing that we have Him not only to comfort us but to help us in our time of need. His grace is always sufficient. Gold that has gone through fire is purified. Suffering may be a way of purifying us so that when it has finished its work in us, we shall come out as gold for the greater glory of God.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Mar 09
Exactly, blungel. What you said goes along with what I said.
• Canada
18 Mar 09
Sometimes I wonder if He really loves us. Some of us suffer so much more than others and go through so much, yet others go through life so much easier than others. I wonder why things go so wrong for some people and not for others. I for example, have been suffering for the last 2 years. Evictions, car wrecks, job losses and no income, loss of family members. So much has gone wrong, I wonder what I've done to deserve it. I don't know if I'll ever reach my goals since something always goes wrong for me.
• Canada
19 Mar 09
Sounds like he loved God despite the hardships he faced. And I do too, I just wonder, like many do, why He challenges us so much and so often. It's not fair to those who have to suffer while others around them thrive and are successful. I look back to my high school years. I have now gotten into contact with some of my old high school friends, and all are successful, except for me. Sure I got married, but that's the only good thing that's happened to me. My friends from school went on to university and have landed careers, relationships and families. Me, I'm a dropout, doing whatever I can for a living. I can't afford to have children, and wouldn't dare do so until I know I can support them. There was one successful spell for me, this past summer. I had a great job, was making good money, even got out on our anniversary/honeymoon vacation. When summer was over, that was it. The tests started again, and failure started setting in for the long haul. I pray every single night, and wonder if it's in vain. Still no signs of things working out, and I wonder what will happen in the future. Will He be done testing me, or will I suffer again next year?
@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
18 Mar 09
lol Welcome to Mylot my friend. To answer your question No God does not love some people more than others. David each time in his book of Psalms say that we should not watch those who has prosper because we don't know how they come by their wealth. What I would encourage you to do is to pray and continue to trust God because he knows our heart and the desire of it. I have been through my struggle but now I have come to depend on him and I have seen his blessing. Don't be disencourage my friend just seek him and be encourage at all times to seek his advice.
@Eweniks (361)
• Nigeria
18 Mar 09
Thanks for that wonderful contribution to my discussion. Remain blessed.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
18 Mar 09
No one can know the personal struggles another person goes through. Not all of them can be seen. It may look like some people have an easier path to follow but has that been the case their entire lives and will that be the case in their future? Our struggles help us to grow as individuals. I am the person I am today because of the things I have gone through in my life. Had I not faced obstacles and tests...had my path been an easy one...I would not have had a reason to become who I now am.
@Eweniks (361)
• Nigeria
18 Mar 09
That's lovely. Thank you.
• Trinidad And Tobago
18 Mar 09
100 percent correct,,,,,, all of us suffer for the deeds we have done,, none is perfect,,believe me,,we make our mistakes knowingly and think that nobody will find out,,well ,somebody is definitely watching,,,,I love ur comment,, had i notfaced obstacles,,,,,,,,, Its true,,, SUE SAID SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
@agmamayo (804)
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
Sufferings are just tests given by the Lord to everyman on earth. Its doesn't mean that those people who are wealthy don't suffer at all. Truly they have all they want they have money, power, and fame but do you think they are happy?. We should keep in mind that everything the Lord has given us, may it be suffering or happiness in life has a plan and purpose, and we may never know what that plan is. As a saying has stated " In every sorrow there is happiness". So dont be discouraged, don't question the Lord about your suffering. Instead, speak up your mind and praise the Lord, ask that He will let you surpass those trials. God will not give us a suffering which we can never surpass at all. Remember, the world has so many problems yet it offers so many solutions too.
@Eweniks (361)
• Nigeria
18 Mar 09
I appreciate your contribution. Thanks a lot.
• Philippines
18 Mar 09
God allows us to suffer many trials and difficulties before we achieve our goals we wanted for the future because He tested us on how we are devoted to our work in day to day lives. God loves us so much and we cannot say that He give us many trials just to suffer but rather He tested us if we can survive to our aims in life. It does not mean that God love only those who are rich because in the Bible God love refer to those who are suffering.
@Eweniks (361)
• Nigeria
18 Mar 09
Great contribution. Thank you.
• United States
19 Mar 09
Hi! To answer your question, have you ever heard the phrase, "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger?" God does notcause pain and suffering; that is Satan's job. The reason God allows it is to test our faith, and to prove the strength of our faith in God to Satan, and to help us grow as human beings. For example, someone who endures endless teasing and bullying in school as a kid, will grow up learning how to treat everyone he or she meets with respect and dignity. A rape victim finds that she can share her experiences with someone who has gone through the same thing, so they know they are not alone (this is why we have support groups). Would you not agree that what you have endured in life has caused you to become a better person somehow? A sword starts out as a plain, ordinary-looking piece of metal. When put through the flames and hammered out, it slowly, over time, becomes a strong, gleaming, magnificent and sharp instrument for battle. So, the next time you are going through a trial and tribulation (AKA: being put through the fire), just remember: God is actually going to turn that into something good for you because these trials He allows is what hammers you into a magnificent, strong instrument ready to conquer the next battle (or help someone else through theirs). I hope this helps!
• United States
18 Mar 09
Everyone has struggles in this life. Some are better at hiding the struggles than others are. In ministry (minister's wife) I have seen even the best of the best have struggles. The Bible says that God is no respecter of persons. He does not favor one over the other. He offers the same blessings to everyone. It depends on how willing we are to listen to God and obey. It depends on how much junk that needs to be turned around in our lives. We all fall short, but if we fall into God's arms, He will never turn us down. The Bible says we should not compare ourselves with one another. God has a great plan for each of us and that plan is different as we are different. One of my favorite books on this subject that will take you through the Bible on this subject is "Blessed Beyond Measure" by Gloria Copeland. It has really helped me and others that have read it. It explains that God is not out to hurt us. He loves us. It explains why disasters happen, how to avoid difficulty, etc. God bless you. I wish you blessings always.
@ackerdog (41)
• United States
19 Mar 09
It depends on what he must put you through to have you where he wants you otherwize we wouldn't appreciate that EVERYTHING IS HIS .It depends on your dedication GB.
• Indonesia
18 Mar 09
i think no, because i think the god love us same with the other.