Do you think our country is losing the value of education?
@taki_takaishi (1279)
March 18, 2009 11:33pm CST
I am a College student in a University. And all I know is that education is important because it is a stepping stone to a career.
But, everyday, I see students instead of attending their classes, they are just going the computer shop and play DOTA or any online games. Some students don't really attend their classes just to play. I wonder, are students already losing the essence and value of education. Do you think our country will fail in education because of this? Do you think students should value education more than gaming? What do you say about this?
For me, playing DOTA and online games is a waste of time, I mean, you can play sure, but they should at least attend classes and all. I play games but I study first then play if I have time. Because I can't waste time that right now we are facing a lot of crisis.
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14 responses
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
19 Mar 09
They will regret later on. Even if they are able to graduate with a third class honours or whatever, employers will still test their knowledge.
As an interviewer, I have seen graduates with second class honour unable to answer questions pertaining to their field of study. One hiring manager was so angry with a candidate and he told off the candidate "If you are not prepared, don't waste our time."

@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
19 Mar 09
Hi taki, there are a lot of factors we as interviewers considered.
First of all, the reputation of the university you attended. Many companies in Singapore are keen to hire foreigners, and the first thing is to consider the university. We will check the government websites or Times guide for university ranking for a particular discipline.
The overall grade is not as important as the individual subjects. We do not mind graduates scoring lower on their electives, but graduates must be strong in core subjects. No point scoring a distinction in German but fail mechanical subject when you are studying for a Mechanical degree.
We ask about internship too, we want to know what the graduates actually gain from internship. Even if the graduates told us that the company treated them as cheap labour and asked them to do filing, we would ask "why didn't you approach your school or HR department to complain?" We feel that graduates who are pro-active can contribute more to the company.
Before going for interview, I advise you to take out all your notes and refresh your memory. The hiring manager is likely to graduate years earlier from the same course, and will ask very tough question.
I had seen the ship-repair manager brought along the drawings of a ship. He pointed everywhere and kept asking the graduate "What is this? explain the function." Those graduates were in fact first class honours students, but they were not prepared to face such tough interviewers.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Wow. You are really cool.
If I may ask, does grades matter when looking for a job? I mean, I want to know what are the managers or interviewers are looking at in a person who is applying for the job?
Because right now, I want to prepare myself, and I would be glad to know more about this. Hehehe.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Wow. I never thought that the managers and interviewers would ask basic questions and all. I thought it is all about skills and advance knowledge, but I guess, basic knowledge too is important.
I have another question, it regards about the Universities attended. Do you look into it by the ranking around the world or in that particular country? I mean, I had to transfer due to financial problems, does this affect the interview? Because, I am getting worried about it too. I may have knowledge but I wonder about the school I have attended. Does this affect the applicant?
Does having manners also important? I mean, this is what I think, some people hide their true self during the interview, and they pass, during work hours you get to see the person in action. Do Managers and Interviewers change their mind or regret why hire this applicant.
Sorry for too many questions. I am really curious.

@rsa101 (38328)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Well with the many distraction nowadays that tend to lure the younger ones they would definitely lose interest in studying. It is not only online gaming but we have TV and other forms of entertainment. How do we get these children from appreciating back the value of education is really hard at this moment. Although there are several attempts to make the educational system parallel to the technology that we have right now. I think Singapore is doing it right now, they have classes that are so interactive that every student learn using the net technology. I guess in this way they could lure them back to learning the fun way.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Wow. I never knew that Singapore has been doing that. I think it would be nice if it happens to our country. However, our country has its mind somewhere like food and all, wish they should also look on to education.
Do you think our country will have the chance to improve our education system?
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@rsa101 (38328)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
I am working in a foundation that is aimed at improving the quality of education. Our foundation is donating TV and satellite dishes to public schools to access our channel in the remote areas of the regions. Our channel is showing only curriculum base shows meaning those lessons that are being taught in the public schools. Although we haven't reach all of the schools we were able to connect about 2,000 schools already. What they do is find time to watch our shows to help teachers as well as students interested in learning using the TV as a medium of instruction. So far so good I would say. We are not able to reach all but somehow we are contributing to improvement of educational system somehow.
As in Singapore, I guess they can afford to do so with the economy they have right now. In our case it would take us time as corruption in the government is so rampant that implementing this kind of technology is rather next to impossible right now.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Wow. That is really a big help. I mean, you get to bring back the value of education to students (in any ways) and let students think that education is more important. I just really hope they can see its value.
You sure have a great job. Good luck with it.
Thank you for answering my question.
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@jralivio511 (480)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Yes, I believe that the value of education here in the Philippines is degrading. But playing DOTA is not the primary cause of that. Some student might think that instead of attending a boring class, go on play. Some school don't provide a quality education that s student is expecting so they are finding ways to satisfies their other needs. Parents should play a big role with their children regarding their education. They have to check from time to time how they are doing.

@jralivio511 (480)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Somehow yes but it is still the responsible of parents to have time for their children. Proper management of time between work and family should be promoted to have to an open communication.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Hmm. Well, I think some parents care and some don't. Though I wonder, they parents care and all, but what if they don't have time because of work. And they do tell their children to study hard still they don't. I wonder what is wrong with the children, I know what parents say is good for them but I don't get is why don't they listen anymore. Is it because they want independence?

@donnakristel (1704)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
bravo to you taki! i hope you can influence students to go to school and attend classes.
yes, i think philippines is losing the value of education. ever since corruption conceived, education is falling.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
I am trying to influence some of my friends who are lazy to go to school. I told them what will ever happen to them in the future if they don't do it now.
I know I am being big pain or something, but for me, I am just doing them a favor and setting their minds to doing something right. I mean, what I am doing is good for them. I mean some people give up on them, but for me, I will only give up when worse case scenarios come. Hay. Some people don't really appreciate what other people are doing for them. And some don't appreciate that they are lucky that they can study while others who want to really study can't study because they have financial problems.
Philippines right now is focusing of having business for the economy to raise up, but how can it raise up when other important things are left behind like education. Sure, some people appreciate what is happening, but for me it is not enough.
@gxyywhyzy (450)
• China
20 Mar 09
maybe,to some students they are only waiting graduation.their purpose is only for degree they waste most of their time on playing.there are only a few of students can realize the importance of knowledge. maybe ther will in the future when they need a good job.for me now,i have regreted wasting my school life,so i learn my professional knowledges everyday.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
I guess some people think that when they graduate they can find good jobs because they have the certificates and all, I mean for me, I don't think that is one ticket to success. I guess some students don't yet see what it is and what is what.
When they realize it, I guess it may be too late and would blame themselves.
Thanks for answering.
@agmamayo (804)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Children these days know the value of education, however there are so many distraction around with the availability of technology like internet, online games, arcade games, and most of all cellphones. However, we should not blame the students themselves for lacking interest in attending classes, its the responsibility too of their parents to check what their children are doing. Know their behaviours in school and outside of school. If a parent knows how to discipline his child about the do's and dont's in life surely his education will not be compromised. The teachers has a responsibility too to report any truancy of his students to his/ her parents. Open communication between the parent and his child is an important key to know what their childrens needs are. We wont lose the value of education as long as we know how to discipline our children despite the various misdirecting activities available around them.

@edujccz (929)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Maybe this kind of situation is more in the city specially so that life is harsh this days that both parents are compelled to work and the time to check their where bouts are not easy to do, that is my problem, the children will come from school at 4pm but parents is not around and when parents arrived, the children is nowhere to be found in the house and you search the internet cafe in the visinity where you can find them. it is good that this is only happening to my son and not my daughters. Everyday they recieved scolding but I dont know if kids at 15 needs more than spanking.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
I guess we could blame the term "influence". Maybe your son is influenced by his friends to play instead of studying. I think spanking is not the answer because they will rebel more (I did this rebel thing and it is not good either) and worse he won't really do what you say.
In my experience, I used to play a lot, but when something happened financially, I stopped my bad habits and started to think more about the future and all. I mean, I don't want my life to end in somewhere I don't want to belong to. I guess you have to show him something that would make his mind divert to education importance. I mean playing is alright but not always that affects not attending to school.
I guess, talking is nice but if he doesn't listen, then I guess showing him what is reality would make him change. And talk more about the money, what it happens and all. I mean, money is not that easy to get anymore.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Hmm. I understand that partly the student and partly parents are blamed.
There are some instances where the parents keep telling their children about the value of education, I wonder why some don't listen to their parents, no matter what they say. Is the parents blamed for this in this kind of situation?

@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
20 Mar 09
YES! We are dumbing down America! I know why but I can't say on here or it'll be deleted! People are not even talking good english any more and a lot of them go to collage too! It seems everyone is saying: HAD WENT! And people are even spelling everything that ends with an (ed), with a (t), example: I learnt how to do it and I cleant my room! This is now excepted in our schools and no one is correcting anybody! My mother was a school teacher back in her time and this makes her sick! I just feel like shaking the hell out of people I hear talking like that and screaming: LEARNED, LEARNED, LEARNED, NOT LEARNT YOU IDIOT! What can we do about it? NOTHING! The world is changing and NOT for the better!!
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Wow. I really feel what you replied to this discussion. Yes, you are right. Some people who are in College couldn't even pronounce words properly. Some also can't even spell the word. And hearing other students with wrong grammar makes me angry.
I even ask myself about this one time, how can they enter or go to college without even knowing how to pronounce simple words. Like apple, they pronounce it differently and when it comes to spelling that is even more worse.
And I agree with you. The World is changing and not for the better. I really see it. It is getting worse every hour. I guess, if government can't do something about education, we will labeled as the worse country in the world.
Thanks for answering.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
I guess even though you put away those games from them they will still find way to play. Surely it is a big hindrance in studies. They prefer playing than studying and that I really feel bad for the parents who work hard for their children and the children just waste the money and the effort.
Well, for me, some children don't really listen because it is either they don't want to be boss around or something.
I really hope your child will come to realize the importance of education someday.
Thanks for answering my question.
@bluishrose (2289)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Some teenagers are specially of the technology today and their curiousity are intense nowadays that they try anything that cross their mind. Also I think one cause of this is the booming of call center industry. That one can apply even if you are an undergrad and still earning well compared to regular office workers.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Yes, I quite agree, when Call Center was introduce, some of the higher level said they just prefer working in Call Centers than studying. I mean, I think that Call Center is just for experience, I mean graduating and having a good job will let you go farther than being a Call Center Agent.
@aero89 (422)
• United States
19 Mar 09
They are losing the value of what it means to be America. Our colleges are laden with liberal professors, and they're using humor and sarcasm to teach our children how awful America is. And it's trickling down to school-age children too, who are taught not to hit back, taught that they need medications to calm themselves down, taught that America hates people who aren't white. taught that God should be kept quiet... well, you see where I'm going with this....
If we fail, we won't fail because we lost education; we'll fail because of the New Education they've been implementing for decades now...
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Yes. I really agree to what you say. The new education right now, I think it is not good for students because it is not helping them instead they are making it more awful. Hay.
Thanks for answering.
@ayenacsi (910)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
I admire that you have set your priorities straight and that you are not sidelined by all the distractions the modern world has to offer. You have achieved and maintained the balance of study and time for recreation.
Keep the attitude and you will be rewarded later in the real world. You know when to have fun and know what needs to be done must be done to achieve your goals.
Keep at it!
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Thanks for the praise.
And thank you for answering.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
19 Mar 09
It starts out from early child hood with teachers and parents who don't care. It seems to me that teachers these days have forgotten what the word "teach" means and they think they are just a babysitting company. That is how I am starting to see them with my own kids because I have to do all the teaching that they fail at. Also I think they are just picking anyone off the street these days t o work with students because a couple times my kids have been taught information from their teachers that is completely wrong. Too many parents aren't paying attention to whats going on with their kids school work or realize they are suppose to work with them. So of course by the time the child gets to college they don't think its important.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Yes, I am thinking about the same thing about teachers. There are only a few good teachers out there. Some of the teachers who I knew when I was in high School who are good at teaching students quit working at schools because some schools don't pay teachers the right amount, and other teachers are studying for a degree.
It really feels bad when there are only a few of them left. And some students don't sometimes appreciate teachers who are good at teaching.
Yes, I beleive some parents are also at fault for not guiding their children. My teacher told me that parents are the best teachers, I wonder where was that saying gone to.
I really wish that the young ones should value education and take it seriously because now, it is not easy anymore to find a job.
@taki_takaishi (1279)
• Philippines
20 Mar 09
Yes, most students, however, some of this most students are starting to turn into a gaming addict. Don't you think influence is the reason? I mean, you won't be dragged into something if you are not influenced right?
@ulqu1orra (307)
• Philippines
17 Apr 09
Its really hard to admit that I quit my schooling because of addiction to online games. Not knowing that I'm just wasting my time and money on them. Although they are entertaining but compared to studying, education will surely be your best asset to live productively in the future and its something to be proud of.
But I will surely still pursue my studies once I have earned money and get a job for me to sustain my needs while studying.