Simon says.....Alexis Grace goes!

@tjdas83 (178)
March 19, 2009 12:29am CST
It's amazing how America's voting tends to relate to the ever famous Simon Cowell. I think he knows his stuff but he can be a little brutal giving out his opinion. But all and all...he is right most of the time. This week, Alexis goes sad but the competition is stuff. So should pick songs that would please Simon...hehehe. What do you guys think?
4 responses
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
Simon Cowell's way of criticizing is tolerated because it makes the show even more interesting. Other than that, showbiz is not easy.. personally, I think the way simon treats these people is a good way to prepare them and make them tougher to survive showbiz. In other words he's a necessary evil. xD
@Reesers (1387)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I agree. You just summed up everything I was going to say. The only difference with this is that they're criticized in front of millions of people on live tv. I'm sure if these people were to walk into Simon's office and they were the only two people there, he would still say the same thing. You really need to have thick skin for this business.
@Mathurin (491)
• Philippines
19 Mar 09
simon is mean, that's how he earns his paychecks, he is supposed to be the voice of sanity to paula's overhyped and dramatic criticisms... it was really a treat, when he apologized to david cook and anoop, probably the stocks on him went down a bit... the more you hate him, the higher his pay will be...
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
19 Mar 09
I would say Simon is right about 90% of the time, but when he is wrong he is really wrong. I think he has gotten better with his critisism over the years, but he still can be really rude and mean sometimes. There have been times though when his critisism alone has caused people to go and vote for certain people. But I think people would be wise to listen to Simon's advice.
@tea512 (687)
• United States
19 Mar 09
based on his absolute hate for country music they should not have a country week at all. He should not judge as he hates the music and will always let people know. When the oil rigger did that Garth Brooks song with about 2 million words he dismissed it as horrible.