Obama & Osama; their spellings have striking similarities!

March 19, 2009 8:29am CST
Although they are 2 very different individuals, yet there is a striking similarity in their names. The only difference being the two letters B & S. Amazing isn't it?
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4 responses
• United States
21 Mar 09
thats not that weird look at the signs they had posted for his election "obama biden" thats really close to "osama binladen" thats even more of a coincidence, I actually when I first saw the sign at first glance thats what I thought it said I had to blink a couple times to see it straight and its funny that the letter difference is B and S because it seems he has been doing alot of BSing since he started running lol what a link
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• India
23 Mar 09
There does seem to be quite a strange kind of coincidence in their cases. And sometimes it does sound quite eerie.
• United States
20 Mar 09
Coincidences occur all the time. I do not believe there is any other similarity.
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• India
23 Mar 09
You might call them co-incidences, but are you really aware of the real thing? Nobody knows clearly to pin-point the exact reason behind the truth. Unless somebody does a case history study of both, you may prefer to call it just a coincidence.
• United States
19 Mar 09
Not really, no. Millions of people have similar names...
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• India
20 Mar 09
But my dear friend , do you think that Obama and Osama are among those millions of people? I don't think so. They are not commoners; they are among the selected few, who have made themselves famous throughout the world. Now that's a seperate issue as to which way have these people grown in fame, but again, i am sorry to differ on this point that Obama and Osama are like millions of others.
• United States
19 Mar 09
You JUST realized this. Did you figure it out all by yourself?
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• India
20 Mar 09
If you ask me honestly, then i would say YES. I was recently reading through a book of numerology and how does it affect our lives according to the numbers that we have in our names, in our birth dates, and other important personal details. While going through the book, i came across a reference in people's name and suddenly it struck me about the similarity between Obama & Osama.