Any freethinkers here?

March 19, 2009 10:33am CST
I was chit chatting with a co-league of mine during lunch break, and I found out that she and her family are freethinkers. Freethinker is defined as a person who forms opinions about religion on the basis of reason, independently of tradition, authority or established belief. Freethinkers include atheist, agnostics and rationalist. This is not the first time I've met a freethinker, however this is the first time I've met a freethinker who didn't criticize me for being a Catholic or a Christian for that matter, and I do get along just fine with her. Do you know or have you met a freethinker? What are they like, and did you get along the first you met them? Cheers!
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5 responses
20 Mar 09
Free thinker? Are you saying someone who does hold a religious or spiritual belief can not be a free thinker?
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23 Mar 09
Thanks for clarifying. I have "religious views" Although they are not very common.
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• Singapore
23 Mar 09
Hey there freethinking agent. Nope, I think most free thinkers were born and raised based on their family's religion and beliefs, but later on realized or should I say, enlightened thru experience and developed his/her own freethinking ways.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
22 Mar 09
Hi brady2moss! My b/f is a freethinker. I was raised Baptist. It makes for very interesting conversation sometimes.LOL..I am by no means the person who is in church every Sunday but I have my beliefs and feel strongly about them. He is very down to earth and an all around good person. He describes him self as being humanist most closely. His morals are much like my own and lives by very much the same code of ethics. We do have some heated debates on occasion but he respects my opinion as I do his.LOL
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• Singapore
23 Mar 09
Hi Jenintn. I hate having to debate religious stuffs, but it probably is a good thing from time to time. Cheers!
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@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
20 Mar 09
I am a free thinker, and I, like your colleague, am not one of those who criticize others for having religious beliefs. Quite frankly I can't stand those that do. Many of the free thinkers I know are rather intolerant of religion, and I argue with them frequently because I dislike anti-theism, and they fit the bill perfectly.
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• Singapore
23 Mar 09
Hey there Latrivia. Nice to know there are others like you, I can't stand people criticizing me for my religious beliefs, I just hate having any religious debates. Thanks fro responding.
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@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
21 Mar 09
Free thinking can exist only if one is a master of the mind. If you are a slave of your mind, then you can not be a free thinker. Most people on this planet are free thinkers. It is not a question of whether you are theist or atheist, christian or muslim. It is a question of mastery over the mind. A christian may be more free thinking than a narrow minded atheist. Since I have still not gained mastery over the mind, I am not a free thinker. I am trying to be one. As far as meeting other free thinkers is concerned, it is not possible for us to look into other people's minds and see whether they are slaves or masters of the mind.
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• Singapore
23 Mar 09
I guess free thinking really has got a whole lot of meaning to it, other than the one I mentioned in my original post. I should have said "religious free thinking", just to narrow down the field. Thanks for responding Frederick, and I agree with your sentiments.
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@ulalume (713)
• United States
20 Mar 09
"Freethinker" is kind of a goofy name for it, but yes. I suppose I myself would fit under this category considering I am basically the ultimate mesh of Satanism, Athiesm, and Hinduism. Most of us are decent people because we are basically as blind as anyone else when it comes to 100 percent accuracy in a belief. I like this way of life cause it has inadvertantly brought me happiness instead of the true despair I experienced as a religious being. Anyways, I can personally get along with anyone who is not ridiculous. Inevitably at some point someone will just turn me off for my beliefs, but I don't exactly walk around preacing at people. I am open, but not to the extent of being an idiot. This is mostly because I don't care about much (seriously, half of the time I feel like I am high and just floating through life). If someone is a jerk, it doesn't really phase me anymore. Most people are decent enough creatures to not be an idiot at a casual, first meeting. You kind of need to ask yourself if knowing someones true self would be worthwhile. I mean, on the surface I am relatively nice but underneath I pretty much despise religion and am basically a misanthrope. Its like two different people engaged in the same body, that both function in the way I say they do. I am a decent and nice guy, but I can also be cruel and filled with hate. I pretty much just let experience and knowledge do the talking for me. Eek, sorry for that rant. Sometimes I can't shut my brain up.
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• Singapore
20 Mar 09
No problemo buddy. I guess as long as you don't do anything illegal then that is just fine. Trust me, it's a lot better to hear your rant, than this freethinker I know, who feels as if what he's doing is the right way, and everyone else is just plain crazy. Cheers ulalume!
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