I am getting stress while working in computer??? any suggestion

March 19, 2009 10:41am CST
Can i get some suggestion, I am getting stressed while working in computer. My eyes are paining and watering..........
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4 responses
@louisex2 (203)
• India
19 Mar 09
Yes, you are taking too much stress. You have to care your eyes. It's not good for eyes like paining & watering. Some suggestions from my side: 1)Always use LCD monitor instead of CRT because CRT monitors emit UV rays which damage eyes badly or use UV rays screen protector for CRT monitors. 2)Always take 5 minutes break after every 45 minutes of continuous watching. Clean eyes with cold water. 3)Sit at a defined distance from your computer. 4)Don't bend yourself 5)Try 0 point spectacles if pain remains in your eyes.
• United States
19 Mar 09
YES. I have worked with computers for over 20 years, and I can tell you that if you are getting stressed working with a computer, MOVE your computer. You heard me. The position of your keyboard, mouse and monitor have a great deal to do with stress. Moving these around just a little can really change your stress levels. Let's start with the most common problem - the monitor. If you computer monitor is set to low you will get a cramped neck and will likely end up with more stress. You should be comfortable at your computer. Make sure your monitor is at eye level when you are sitting in your chair looking straight forward. A high monitor will cause the same stress levels. While using your computer, you will also use your mouse extensively. If you are using a laptop on a regular basis, consider getting a wireless mouse to use rather then the touchpad. I feel the touchpad on a laptop is for quick use and is not well designed. You may also consider a trackball instead of a mouse if space is an issue. Finally, the keyboard should be positioned so you can use it with your arms at a comfortable position. I find that when sitting with my arms at my side, if I have to raise my arms to my elbows are bent more then 90 degrees (as in sloping up to the keyboard) my stress level goes up. The same thing with a keyboard that is too low. Keeping your upper arms in line with your body and your elbows bent about 90 degrees has worked best for me. Hope this helps you out.
@yogeshdhusa (2236)
• India
19 Mar 09
hi bamboo, i think you should take small small break and wash your eyes with cold water . this will help to reduce pain. i used to do fill a bottel of cold water while working i used to place on my one eye then on second you will very relaxed.. try it. when you are at home and not working instead of watching TV use a cotten eye mask dipped in rose water, enjoy working but do not get stressed :)
@dolphin2406 (1224)
• Poland
19 Mar 09
If your at work you should take small breaks from pc even short as 5mins every 30mins is good. Get up from chair and dont stay in front of pc. That will rest a bit your eyes otherwise you'll also end up with a headache.