Imagine the OUTRAGE!

United States
March 19, 2009 9:27pm CST
Yes, it is true. President 0bama made fun of the Special Olympians by comparing his bowling to the heroic efforts of these handicapped atheletes. Unbelievable! Here's the link. I say just imagine if GWB had made such a remark. He might have been forced to resign. It will be interesting to see if this gets much play on the news and whether or not Jay Leno puts this on his show. What do you say?
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14 responses
• United States
20 Mar 09
GWB never got away with anything. Obama gets away with everything. He is so embarrassing. Oh, and he never means anything by it. His problem is that he never THINKS. His family is off limits, but he can say anything. If someone is offended, too bad. When does this man ever feel he should apologize? Never. He thinks too much of himself, and his wife isn't any different. With Larry Sinclair's book out, he should be hiding under a rock Kenya!
5 people like this
• United States
20 Mar 09
What reporter will be first to ask him about Sinclair's book, do you suppose? At least the question, "Why don't you sue?", should be asked.
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• United States
20 Mar 09
Without question, Sinclair does not have aura of honesty about him. However, when he failed the polygraph, Sinclair asked for the paper record of the graphs to be made public for the company to prove he failed. Last I heard, the polygraph company would not document Sinclair failed beyond saying that he did. Interesting, eh? Don't forget, too, that the murder of a homosexual young man from 0bama's church (at the time of the murder) is involved in all this and is the key issue. 0bama was questioned by the police at the time. The murder remains unsolved. I give Sinclair credit in publishing the book. If he is lying, he loses everything he has or ever will have. Consider to the publisher. These folks just don't publish anything for fear of litigation.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
20 Mar 09
I'm torn on this one guys. How does Sinclair have an ounce of credibility after failing (was it two?) at least one, perhaps two lie detector tests? When Sinclair first announced, the Frank Davis part of the equation wasn't out in the public domain yet. Davis as little Barry O's mentor does veil the situation with a certain profanity, but ... I dunno. It's just really difficult to view Sinclair as credible. Have either of you read his book yet, or heard a trustworthy review of his story -- how the allegations are laid out, and how well they are supported? This is a toughy. If Sinclair is just a gold-digger then I don't want to support his 'get rich quick scheme'. Though, if there is any shred of truth to his tale, then the implications may perhaps lead to a very ugly back story.
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@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
20 Mar 09
Larry Sinclair is self publishing his book. It's supposed to be out by April 1st.As to Obama's remark about retarded people, he reminds me of what Hitler did;he came out and said he wanted retarded people euthanized because they were 'Useless Eaters', and then also against elderly people. In fact, the retarded were the first ones that were gassed as an experiment, I think, in Austria. Then the disabled, homosexuals,gypsies, jews....I hope sincerely people take this as a wake up call. It's depressing to me that younger people are just laughing this all off, oh, he's so cool, you know? How cool that the president is just like me! Wow! Coming on a comedy show, wow!
• United States
20 Mar 09
Sinclair self published? Well, that explains that. I, too, will now discount that book until more or other evidence appears. You are completely correct about Hitler's views. I studied the man quite a bit at one time to try and figure out how the most technologically advanced country in the world in its time could be take over by such a loon. Yes, folks, Germany of the 1930's was more technologically advanced then the U.S.A. of that time. We are seeing a repeat of a technologically advanced society being taken over by a glib heartless pretender. It can not end other than badly.
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• Morristown, New Jersey
20 Mar 09
Oh come on. Are you serious? Obama making a little joke about how he can't bowl that well is on par with Hitler? That's ridiculous....come on get real! And the media and people all over the country have jumped on Obama, so I don't see how he is 'getting away with it' I got three forwards from three different organizations condemning Obama. So he's not "Getting away with it." What do you want to do, impeach him? People sometimes say things that are insensitive. He should be jusged on how good a president he is, not one comment.
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• United States
21 Mar 09
Whoa, now. Back up the bread truck there, son. Put this in the context of normal people rather than world leaders. If someone said to you, "haha, I bowl like a retard" you would not assume that they wanted to kill all disabled people. If you were a reasonable person, you probably wouldn't even assume that they had anything against disabled people. There are plenty of sensitive and compassionate people who say that IRL, but they get away with it because they're not the president.
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• Philippines
21 Mar 09
I read this and I don't find it offending what he said. It was a mistake for him to compare his playing to the olympics but people joke about things and nobody is perfect. Don't get me wrong I didn't vote for him because I am not an American but I guess him apologizing in public should cover up for it. I just think he should be more careful in what he says in public next time because he's the President of the United States and what he says in public will always be quoted by everyone.
• United States
21 Mar 09
A reasonable response on your part. Thank you.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
20 Mar 09
Well, we already know what happens when white guys say things like "Makaka" and "Nappy-headed hos". I guess this means that the Chosen One is just another insensitive basstard who needs to be fired.
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• United States
20 Mar 09
Direct hit! He scores! That's gotta hurt! DING... DING... DING... WINNER! The ONE becomes a zero!
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• United States
21 Mar 09
"Makaka" comes from the word "macaca," which is a type of monkey. So, either the person was talking about a monkey or they were using a racial slur that compares black people to monkeys. There is a third option, but it would mean that the person in question was too lazy and ignorant to know the meanings of the words they were using. There's really no grey area there; he should have lost his job. "Nappy-headed hos" is also clearly an insult which, interestingly, would have been applicable even if the person were talking about white people who wear their hair in dreadlocks. It doesn't matter which part of it was found to be more offensive by the public at large, it's a phrase that can only be taken as an insult no matter who it's being said to, regardless of their method of getting income or the state of their hair. Again, the person who said this would have to be insane if they thought that it was at all appropriate for radio. Saying essentially that you bowl like a Special Olympian is not politically correct, but it's pretty obvious that the intent was to express how much the president sucks at bowling - insulting the Special Olympics was just a side-effect. If the president had used a word like "retard" that could only be used with the intent to offend then you might be able to compare that to the use of racial slurs, but as things stand this is apples and oranges. It would take a sociopath not to see the difference between these situations.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
20 Mar 09
It was mentioned by Greta VanSustern and she said he might have to apologize. But, you are right. IF it was Bush that had made that comment, he'd have been totally annihilated! There would have been no mercy thrown his way. But the main media seems to always be on vacation when Obama makes a gaff, which he does constantly, unless he has a teleprompter present!
• United States
20 Mar 09
Perhaps, this will get people to realize how little actual compassion 0bama has for anyone other than himself.
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@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
20 Mar 09
But will there be enough people who will realize this by the time of the next election? I heard someone say last night on Fox News that he was doing things that would assure this is his LAST four years. But I just can't see some, who hang on to the notion he made history by being the first black president, giving up that. I think they would vote for him again for that very reason.
3 people like this
20 Mar 09
I'll vote for him again for the same reason I voted for him the first time: the Republicans are going to nominate a warmonger or a fundamentalist religious dimwit, or both, and Obama will be the lesser of two evils.
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
21 Mar 09
I say he did apologize right away and after all he was making fun of himself. I'll forgive him on this one but it's a little hard to forget or ignore the trillions of other screw ups he's been making.
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• United States
21 Mar 09
Certainly a fair response on your part.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
20 Mar 09
Hello Red, I admit that when I heard that the sitting president of the United States of America was going to yuck it up with Leno in Hollywood, during a national crisis ("the likes of which we haven't seen since the great depressions"), I thought that it probably was going to amount to a very poor choice. Who could have guessed that it would have turned out this poorly. 'Course, it certainly won't bode well for the White House, and its goal of having Mr. Smooth 'orate' his way into mustering up support for that boondoggle of a budget. The Special Olympics? Come on -- with all the possible targets out there, he has to sink to that level? Could he have possibly picked any other target that would tick off as many people???
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• United States
20 Mar 09
Now, it turns out that in addition to making fun of Special Olympics, 0bama and Leno made a reference to "Water heads" in what many consider a remark in reference to hydrocephalus or the disease commonly called, "Water on the brain". 0bama apparently is contemptous of the disabled. From this it can be infered he has little respect for human life in general. His positions on abortion are now becoming understandable.
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• United States
20 Mar 09
Don't ever worry about not addressing my specific questions. I always ask, "What do you say?" because I want to hear what the responder has to say irregardless of what it is or whether it is even relevant.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
20 Mar 09
Oops! Sorry Red, I forgot to address your specific point. There is no doubt that if this had been a GWB blunder it would have been forever fodder. Similarly, there is no doubt that much of the media will gloss over this as a 'honest mistake'. Though here's the key, there will most certainly be fewer mainstream media outlets willing to coddle him this time then there were even two weeks ago. I'm betting we're going to see another sizeable drop on the 'popularity meter' by the middle of next week.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
20 Mar 09
I don't know. I know he did apologize right away. Would G.W. get away with it? I doubt it, but obviously its caused problems for President Obama too. We all make mistakes and misspeak sometimes...even the Presidentjavascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$cphMainContent$lbStart','').
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• United States
20 Mar 09
Thank you for the perspective from 0bama's point of view. We do need to keep things fair.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
20 Mar 09
I am not surprised. He will get away with it as well. The messiah can say and do anything.......
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• United States
20 Mar 09
I admit, I am surprised. Somewhere deep in my subconscious exists the preconceived notion that only a superior socially skilled person could ever become President. Wow, talk about having your prejudices smashed! Just think, 0bama has raised my consciousness and made me a better person.
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• India
21 Mar 09
Well, Yeah i agree, that is unbelievable and it also sounds pathetic. But i dnt think there would be any controversy for his comments.....
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• United States
21 Mar 09
Good responses both of you. Thanks. 0bama did sound pathetic and true, he should be held to a higher standard and not help make America a laughingstock to the rest of the world.
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@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
21 Mar 09
The main thrust of this is, Obama showed he was insensitive when he made that joke about Special Olympics. He is the president of the United States, not an actor, or other celebrity, though I think he has let his position get to his overinflated ego, therefore, I hold him more accountable, and so should you, if you care how we look to the 'world' at large. When Bush was in office, people used to squeal about how 'the world hates us' because of Bush. Well, the world is getting a bellylaughful out of this president, of that you can be sure.
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20 Mar 09
Wow, that was a tacky thing to say. Not quite on the level of, oh, invading the wrong country.
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• United States
21 Mar 09
You need to do your homework. Iraq was a sure enough threat, and plenty of countries knew that including the UN with their 17 sanctions. You would do well to walk softly in this area, because there are a few of us who have been following that whole subject very closely, and we have sources other than the propaganda spouted from the TV set.
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20 Mar 09
Congress was not primarily Democratic in October, 2002. Do your homework, please. And Iraq was never a threat to the United States in any case. Poland and Czechoslovakia were a more credible threat to Germany than Iraq ever was to the United States.
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• United States
20 Mar 09
It wasn't the wrong country, government intelligence had the info and reported it as such so GW AND congress were on board with that.. oh and GW's congress were mostly Democrats! Go figure?
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• United States
21 Mar 09 I hope he does hire a special needs adult to work in the White House. It will prove to my students that I've been teaching for many years, who are special needs, that they can do anything they want to. Namaste-Anora
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• United States
21 Mar 09
I don't have the link handy, but the SPECIAL OLYMPICS bowling champion has challenged Barrack Hussein 0bama to a bowling match. The SPECIAL OLYMPICS champion is likely to win. His average is 266 and so far he has rolled 3 perfect 300 games. Take that, Barrack!
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• United States
22 Mar 09
Your students are kinder than the average person.
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• United States
20 Mar 09
Will the real Barack Obama please stand up! I am so glad that the world is getting a taste of what this man is really like. He has been the coming messiah for the whole time he was running for president. MSNBC was in bed with him so to speak... talking about him like he's a perfect saint, and downing McCain and poor Sarah Palin's private life was picked apart... yet Obama came off smelling like a rose.. I'm so glad that President Obama is being himself now and sticking his foot in his mouth. He can't speak without a teleprompter anyway. Maybe he should be called Mr. Teleprompter instead of Mr. President. I'm glad he is getting what GWB got.. it's his turn to lie in slop now.
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• United States
22 Mar 09
Given GWB was still pretty popular at this point in his Presidency, 0bama has a long way to fall, yet! He will, too. You can't fool all the people all of the time and all that!
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• United States
21 Mar 09
I like how the Special Olympians are all offended at being compared to him. Like, "Don't compare us to you! You suck at bowling!" I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill, though - Obama is just being human.
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• United States
21 Mar 09
We expect our national leaders to be a little bit better than the rest of us humans. The President of the U.S.A. should be someone others would want to emulate, not have to make excuses for his shortcomings. We had enough of that with William Jefferson Blythe Clinton.
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