What do you think about involvement of parents into one's love life ?

March 20, 2009 7:49am CST
Well each parents wants that their wards should be happy forever, so they always try to look after their life. But sometimes this creates a problem for their children if they interfere too much. so share your views regarding this..
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5 responses
• India
20 Mar 09
Hello.. According to my opinion,parents should not indulge in love life of their children.As eveyone has the right to take their own decisions,so if someone is happy with his or her love,then parents should support them.This is my opinion as i belive in love.
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• United States
20 Mar 09
My parents about two months were telling me to get rid of my boyfriend, he isnt no good for me and i can find better out there. I believe they say this because at times he yells, he doenst like me telling him to do certain things and be careful so he gets a little temper tantrum. I have been able to handle that for along time now and its fine with me i guess. He knows he needs to treat me better as we have had a talk after my parents were telling me everything and he has been doing alot better and we have been doing a lot more since then and i appreciate it. Having my parents involved in my relationship sometimes makes me relize things that we need to work on. I dont feel that there interfering is going to break us apart in away way, we are both struggling to make a good life for the both of us.
@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Hello abhi_abhi! In my opinion, parents shouldn't be involve in terms of their children choosing who to be with. I will only cause rebellion in children's part and would cause problems in the family. Every one of us has the right to choose who to marry and who's not to marry.
• India
28 Mar 09
ya this is also a kind of view... we have got alot diversity in the views...
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• Canada
28 Mar 09
i think that parents sometimes can give you great perspective but they do need to stay out of their adult childrens love life and let them work it out on their own
• India
28 Mar 09
Ya Sometimes it can aslo be considered and you should have made your view in a more clear way..
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@luvmysons (497)
• United States
20 Mar 09
Parents interferring is a NO NO..LOL This I believe only creates problems between the couple.. My mother in law used to interfere so much with every little thing that we had to tell her to keep her thoughts to herself every now and then..