It's my birthday

United States
March 20, 2009 8:12am CST
Well another year older. I can't say I am terribly excited about it. 34 wow. Whatever happened to 24 or even 25. I took 30 really hard and it has gotten worse every year sence then. How about you? Are you excited to be another year older? Or does it bug you like it does me? Personally I think as this point I should get to just pick an age and celebrate it. So I am declaring myself.......22. If you could pick an age and relive it what age would it be?
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45 responses
• China
20 Mar 09
Hi, I even had not any feeling about my age, year and year, I alwyas regard that I am young forever!So birthday is nothing as to me.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Mar 09
Hi bluerainhong, Happy Birthday and age is something, none of us can do anything about, so just enjoy your day. I know that age does bother many people so you are not alone, but 34 is so young, why would you even be thinking about it yet? I say if you want to be 22, just go ahead and be that age but have a good day regardless. Blessings.
• China
25 Mar 09
That's it! I agree with you.Just enjoy your life,and age is only a figure.
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
20 Mar 09
"You're only as old as the girl you feel" is a truism that you should remember (even if it was reputed to have been coined by a 75 year old man!) When I was 15, my grandmother, then in her 90s, told me that she felt like an 18 year old girl inside. I found that very hard to comprehend at the time but, as I have grown older, I begin to understand what she meant. The age we feel inside seems to vary according to a rather complicated algorithm. When we are 11 or 13, we like to think we are somewhat older and more capable than our parents seem to think (and very likely we are). When we pass a 'certain age' (which varies a little but must be around 30), we tend to think of ourselves as younger than our real age - though I know people who were old at 10 and stayed that way until they caught up with themselves at about 60. At the moment, having been told by the company I worked for that I was no longer fit for employment based on a somewhat arbitrary number, I feel that I am really as good to go as I was when I was half my age. That would make me a rather unfit 34 ... Hah! The same age as you! I do find that there are some advantages to being 34 in a 68 body. For one thing, when I was 34, I had little time for anything but being employed and the prospect of raising a family. Computers had barely come on the scene and certainly weren't things the ordinary person would dream of owning. The Internet was some 20 years in the future. 1974 was certainly quite a good time to be around, in spite of that and 34 was a very good age for me, all things being considered. I had been married 5 years (yes, I know, rather late even for a guy) and our first child was a year in the future, so it was a fairly carefree time. I suppose that now all three children have made lives for themselves, I am naturally drawn back to that period with no kids to worry about (much) and my mind - as a bonus - has the time to run on things that, at 34, I would have wished to be more concerned with that I was. Now, 22 was a good age, too. I was still rather gauche and unsure of myself at that age, so personally I would choose one where I had let go of those inhibitions but each person, perhaps, goes back to a time when they first truly felt 'adult'. 22 and 34 would get on fine, I am thinking. Age of a partner or friend seems not to matter so much once one is into the 20's. It happens that my nephew and my son were born on the same day in November so we had a joint 18th/40th birthday party for them. It was at that point that I realised that chronological age is not really important and I remember being really confused (probably for the first time) about what age really is - to me they seemed to be almost of an age. These days I frown somewhat at approaching 70. It's another step towards being classed as 'old'. I suppose I have a natural tendency to counter that with an increasing irresponsibility - which only brings on further 'motherliness' in the females around me! Ugh!
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
20 Mar 09
Hmmm ... I should have begun with 'Happy Birthday', shouldn't I ... or should I? Maybe a bronze (and therefore permanent) plaque engraved with 'Many Happy Returns, 22 year old' would be more appropriate.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
14 Apr 09
I wouldn't want to relive any age. I just don't believe in the whole "if you could just rewind" idea. There's only now and there's usually a forward. Not all of my ages have been bad, but yeah. Excited? Meh. Bothered? No. It's just another year...though I'll grant you, I'm usually excited about every new year that passes...but that has nothing to do with my age. Happy belated birthday, lilwonders.
• China
25 Mar 09
By the way,happy birthday~~~
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
22 Mar 09
Well Happy Birthday to you, even tho its a little late. I'm getting closer to 40 myself and I'm not really all that excited about it either, I can still remember when I turned 30 and I thought that was bad. Now, I would like to be 30 again, thats the age I'm declaring myself...30.
• Philippines
25 Mar 09
Hey there! Belated happy birthday!lol Like you, No, I am not excited about my birthday. I only 23 years old but it's already bugging me. I'm thinking that in no time I'll be 40, 50, 60. I don't wanna get old I'd like to go back to being a I'd like to be 18 years old again. If I would to pick an age I'd pick 18 years old. I want to stay at that age. Have a nice day. Happy posting!!
• United States
21 Mar 09
it doesn't bother me. i'm turning 40 next month,and i'm in the best shape now than i've ever been. i'll keep my age.i would never want to be 18 was overrated
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
21 Mar 09
Hi, lilwonders456! Happy Birthday to you! I wish you many more wonderful birthdays! I am 30 and I will be 31 this August. I don't want to get any older either. But, as of now, it really dosen't matter. I don't look my age anyway. I have been told that I looked like I am still 19 0r 20 years old. But, I am happy to be alive to see another year of my birthday come through. I sent my nephew a birthday card in the mail and he turned 8 years old on Friday. The age that I would pick to live again would be 17 years old. I had fun during this age, I was still learning life then.. Have a beautiful birthday, lilwonders456!
@savypat (20216)
• United States
21 Mar 09
Not to worry, do what I do, I am 25 inside and it's not until I look in the mirror and see my Grandmother that I see myself as 67 so guess what I do I don't look in the mirror often. Blessings
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
21 Mar 09
First let me wish you a happy birthday. To answer your question, I don't have a clue what age I would choose. I've not been bothered by any of them. Maybe it's because basically, I'm a happy person with a young attitude. I don't understand these people who think just because they've reached a certain age they have to act a certain way. So if you want to have a 22 year old attitude at 34, do it.
• United States
21 Mar 09
You ARE kidding, right? I am sixty-one years old. I have a husband who is partially disabled, a daughter with Down Syndrome, we are losing our home to foreclosure and I am THRILLED to wake up every morning. Get over yourself and start thinking about the world outside your own brain. It's an amazing place.
@csrobins (1120)
• United States
22 Mar 09
Haha I am 22! but about to turn twenty three which for the first time actually scares me a little bit..twenty-three seems so much older than twenty-two. I will be ok though again until twenty-six, that one seems old too. If I could be any age this year I would be eighteen. That was a fun age with little responsibility but old enough (Not high school). When I turned nineteen I rememeber I changed tha date of my birthday to may instead of April because I didn't like where my birthday fell that year, and my eighteen year old friends went along with it-that is why it is cool to turn eighteen. Old enough, but not so old that you can't make up your own rules and look silly or immature.
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
22 Mar 09
17. Even though a lot of crap happened to me at this point in time... I still would love to be that age again, at least for one day and be totally free of cares and worrys and be old enough to enjoy my life still. I would also totally change my attitude about a lot of stuff because I would know what was in store for me in the future! Haha. I'm okay with getting older. I don't think of myself as that young anymore. But, a lot of people I know call me a 'young one' I don't look at the number really though. I feel so much older because I've had so much happen to me in my life that not everyone my age can really say has happened to them.
@HelloMickey (1655)
• Hong Kong
22 Mar 09
I am 32, and just like you, I just feel it has gotton worse every year. Though I am still happy, but frankly, all things become so different. If I can go back in time, I want to relive again in my 21. That's the year I lost so much, if I can go back, then I can live with different attitude at that moment, that would make a very different world of me.
@ryzach (1544)
• United States
21 Mar 09
Happy Birthday to you. Celebrate life, you only get one chance at it and enjoy. I am in my 50's now and my 30th birthday was not so good either but I have learned to enjoy each day because I cannot get it back. yes there are some days I would not want again but for the most part I try to enjoy each day. I don't know if I would re-live a previous age or not. I like my life right now, sure I am older and not as thin as before but I am wiser and definitely happier at this stage of my life.
@gemini_rose (16264)
21 Mar 09
I am like you, I took 30 hard too, I did not want to be thirty at all and I dread my birthday coming around each year now. I hate people asking me my age and do not see why they have to know!! If I could I think I would stay at 28 because I wised up at that age and started to look at things seriously rather than mess everything up all the time. Happy Birthday anyway.
• United States
21 Mar 09
i'm just thankful to have another birthday every year, if i could go back i'd go back about 10 years ago before i got iin bad health. that would make me 56 years old.
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
21 Mar 09
I think I'm going to be 39 for a few years. In reality, I'm 47, but I don't look it.
@zulito (174)
• Germany
21 Mar 09
hahhaa.. cool idea.. i declare myself also 22!! it was a great year then.. but well life is to celebrate!
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
21 Mar 09
First let me say Happy Birthday. The hardest birthday that i had was when i turned 25 I do not know why but i did. I turned 53 This year, and they do not bother me one bit..we all grow older, their is nothing that you can do about it, so why let it bother you. You are only as old as you feel and today i feel young again....