today, 800,000.people world wide lost their jobs

@cynthiann (18602)
March 20, 2009 4:21pm CST
I called my son in the U.K. to tell him about the bad news concerning his sister, He said that he already knew but I found it strange that he had not called me to discuss it. He then said that he too may be facing a job loss. He will be working for six more weeks and then has to re apply for his job. he did not want to worry me as he knew that I was dealing with his sister's news. He told me that the figures for job loss world wide are issued daily and at 4pm this afternoon, 800,000 had lost their jobs world wide. I am thinking, panic, famine and starvation. Those of us with a little and must grow food. God helps those who help themselves. I am praying earnestly but I am also doing something. I have started my potato project in tyres. What are you going to do?
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38 responses
• United States
21 Mar 09
i really don't know a whole lot more that i can do. i have always had to live close so it's nothing new to me. sorryabout your children's jobs. just hope my sons are able to keep theirs. it' alot to think about for sure. i hope things get better for everybody soon but i'm afraid it's going to be awhile. good luck w/your potatoes.
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• United States
21 Mar 09
if she gets another job van she stay? i'd be beating the bushes for another job if that were the case. i'm sorry. hope something workss out for her. worry, worry , all the time.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
She will not be able to teach in her county in a public school as it is now their policy to use US citizend only. She will be seeing her lawyer Tuesday to see if there are any options. We are thinking that if she got a job in a private school then they may allow her to stay. But I don't know - I am grasping at straws here. She has been told to leave the country by June 30th. I don't know if there is a market for her to sell her home. It is all a worry but I put all my worries last night in my worry box. So when I start to worry I am praying instead. I am praying hard for a miracle for her. Can you imagine both the principal and teachers crying at the news he gave them? I tell you that the girl is GOOD at her job and loved by all you meet her. she is an asset to the USA not a worthless person who intends to use the system for benefits. She got her Master's with distinction in the USA.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
YTou are so right . It will take a long time before things get better. Thak you for your good wishes. My son will get unemeplloyment benefits if he loses his job but my daughter will have to leave the USA on June 30th.
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@melg32 (3)
21 Mar 09
I'm from the UK and I too am about to lose my job. It's pretty scary when you realise how many people are chasing each vacancy.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
It certainly is. I was from the U.K. but moved to the West Indies, many years ago. My son is in London and it now being evaluated. In five weeks time he has to reapply for his job. Howevewr, as a British Citizen he will get unemployment benefit. Out her, ther are no unemployment benefits. This is why Iam so scared for us. I hjope that you get another job soon. Even look for two part time jobs. Best of luck
22 Mar 09
thank you for your comments I hope that everything goes well for your son when he reapplies for his job
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
20 Mar 09
Cutting back wherever we can. Yesterday we walked right into a mortgage rate cut that only lasted a day, so we are refinancing. Hope your son's job ends up being safe. Enough bad news going around...
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
The 800,000 was just for yesterday. Not the day before or even today. Yesterday alone. I am so sorry tha tyou have to re finance. Everyone is affected by this - except the top greedy cats tha thelped to start the problem
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
6 Apr 09
wow, one day? That is pretty awful...
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
21 Mar 09
I hope that with these jobs losses more people will be frugal and environmentally friendly. My fiance and I don't have a job and so many people right now are losing theirs, we're afraid to look. We just save and hope that by saving we will be able to have our own income - I guess, well what is it called? Maybe ya'll will know, it's when it's saved income, it's still income because you at one time earned it... ahh, I just read what the word was yesterday... anyway, back to the topic at hand. I hope that more people will also move back in with their parents, that will save some money. My fiance and I suggested a garden last year but the wild animals decided they'd like to eat it, lol, so the weather has been permittent to try it again this year. Sorry I'm rambling. I hope that your daughter and son will find work soon, and I also hope that other people who have lost their jobs will find work soon!
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
Mnay thnaks for your kind words. Regetfully, my daughter will have to leave the USA by June 30th. Her county is no longer employing persons as treachers who are not US citizens. Her papers should have come through last year - but Homeland Security said that there was an illegal immigrant with the same name as my daughter so they only gave her a year's extension. she has bought a house and now she has to leave by June 30th. It is so sad. She is not there illegally - she was recruited by the County as they did not have enough teachers. She should have had her green card form last year.she has taught at the school for four years and has her Masrters in Education now. she is so loved by everyone. I really feel it for her. she is in shock. I heard from her friend yestrerday thatthe teachers and kids were crying to hear that she has to leave them. I am praying for a miracle so hard. Sorry - I am rambling now.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
21 Mar 09
No that's fine (I mean that your rambling). Our country (the usa) is trying to do a good job with keeping out the illegals, but sometimes they get so busy doing that that they don't have time to help with the one's who want to stay and are there with a visa to work! I hope things can be straightened out and she can come back here, or never leave. I've heard things like that take sometimes up to a couple of years. Good Luck!
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@ajit25 (1008)
• India
21 Mar 09
I am really sorry to hear that your daughter loss her job and your son is also facing problem with his jobs, 8 lakhs people world wide lost their job its really a terrible news, what will happen to them who just lost their job? I am from a small town and doing a job if i loses my job then i will go to village for cultivation.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
I am glad tha tyou have a plan of what to do if you lost your job. Save as much monmey as you can so that you will not suffer so hard if you lose your job. I wish you well
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@ajit25 (1008)
• India
21 Mar 09
thanks cinhiana
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• United States
4 Apr 09
This is sad and scary. These are bad times. Everyone is trying to hang on to work. I have seen the unemployment offices with lines around the block. I wish times were better and so many did not have to suffer. I am hoping the economy will be better nest year.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
6 Apr 09
I think that it may take several years before the economy turns around in the world.Thaks for responding
@AmbiePam (96644)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Did you know 85% of Zimbabwe are unemployed? It staggers my mind. I was reading about the top ten most deadly dictators in the world, and Zimbabwe's dictator was number one. I mean it is bad enough that free nations have jobless citizens. I guess we all have to keep hoping and praying. Sad thing is, the unemployed rate in that country is by far the least amount of its worries.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Mar 09
You are so right. The world should take action against Robert Mugabee. (Not surte of spelling) I could say a lot more on him but then the discussiobn would be deleted. We must be proactive and not give up hope. Also we must become more frugal - stretching every dollar. God Bless
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
24 Mar 09
H[i]i cyn, This is very scary. I can't even find a job this time and good thing my hubby's job is stable and I wish soon this recession will be solved slowly. So pity for some people who are losing their jobs especially for those who have kids. This summer, I will have my garden again at least, it will save some money![/i]
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
24 Mar 09
I'm glad that you will have your job. Make a game of it and save every penny that you can. Be frugal so that you have somehting if your husband's hours are cut or if he loses his job. Be prepared. Look for a part time job or look after another child in your home. Be prepared to do any honest work and you will be blessed. One Love
@mymytri (2030)
• India
24 Mar 09
It is very sad and scary.Some of my friends and relatives who are working both in USA and India had lost their jobs and many of them fearing of job loss.This is the time you should be strong enough to be successful .One should try to stand on their own feet doing something by themselves not depending on jobs.Hope the situation come to normal very soon.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
24 Mar 09
Yes, we hasve to be proactive about the economy. Save as much as possible and look for part time jobs. anything in hourable if it is done honestly. Many people thnk that certain jobs are beneath them but we have to survive. Plant food is opne of the answers - even planting food in containers. It is easy to do and helps the family. God bless you
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
21 Mar 09
wow that is really such a scary figure. hopefully we will be able to find some alternative job or way to survive this worldwide crisis. it already affected every part of the world even those most developed countries in the world. i wonder what causing this and why it even affects the first world countries badly.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
The first world countries have the money - I think that this is the answewr. It trickles down to every country eventually. The figure that I gave was for one day only? can you imagine it?
@Humbug25 (12540)
22 Mar 09
Hi ya cynthiann It is grim isn't it? Well I am trying to grow some vegetables too but haven't even started yet, I really must pull my finger out soon musn't I? I remember you saying about the potatoes and the tyre, please don't forget to keep me informed as to how you get on with them!
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Mar 09
Just take a potato ans let it sprout. Cut it into pieces and wait for the cut to heal over.plant in a tyre when the plant is 8 inches tall add the second tyre leaving out 2 inches of plant. when t he plant grows another 8 ionches then put on another tyre . Only with the fourth tyre do you let it flower and doie down. Then reap by removing one tyre at a time. I am on tyre number one and it is going well. It is worse than grim.God help us.
• Philippines
21 Mar 09
Here in my country, the news are the same. Big companies are cutting cost as well as the employees. I am one of those who has been loss a job. I've decided to switch career and pursue my calling for I know I will find satisfaction and achievement of what I really wanted to do even though it doesn't earn much money. Being a wise buyer has to be applied nowadays and keep saving.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
You are so right. May I wish for you every success.
@LCHBheart (167)
• Singapore
21 Mar 09
Hi cynthiann, I lost my job as well. Currently, I'm figuring out what to do with my life, what other occupations I could take. I am also reading up and going to the library frequently so as to upgrade my skills. I am also doing things that I never really had a chance to do before, for instance, read the English Dictionary.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
This is a good chance for you to decisde what it is that you want to do. I am glad that you are being pro active and wish you evry good wishes for your future.
• United States
21 Mar 09
Wow that is a lot of people worldwide. I've lost my job but I started selling National Motor Club membership for $18 and it is great money. If u sell 1-2 membership per week you can earn $72 per sale, 3-6 sales 88 per sale and 7 or more you can earn $97 per sale. This is great money and I have made it. So if anyone read this this is great money if interested goto Great money!
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
I am so happy fpor you. You had a plan and that plan is working. Many congratulations
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
21 Mar 09
Yes, the greedy rich folks of this world have really destroyed a lot of people this time. It's hard to think of people losing their homes, going hungry, and losing their self-respect, all because bigwig executives have to have million dollar bonuses.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
I wonder if they sleep at night?
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
21 Mar 09
Our area has been lagging behind in getting hit by the recession....though I am prepared if necessary. I do have a stash of money and handle it carefully...the trickle down of this recession might after all hit me too....but so good.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
I am so happy that you have not been hit by this recession. I too had mnoney but all of it went to on medical bills to keep my husband alive. Please God, that you do not suffer - but pray for us:)
• Philippines
21 Mar 09
yes it is scary... I was so scared that some of the people, no not just some but people around the world are losing their job, and that it because of the global financial crisis..
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
Millions have lost jobs all over the world. God help all of us
• Philippines
21 Mar 09
Hello Cynthiann, this is really the reality. Our country has been facing this problem for a long time, that is why most of my countrymen are working abroad to meet both ends because prices of commodities keeps on increasing. We don't have any option but to work abroad to support our families although the economy is just the same, one thing that is good in our fellow countrymen is that they still know how to laugh at problems such as these. We do depend on God as well as do something that our hands would toil and our backs would pain. But the faith that we have is stronger than ever because we know that God will not abandon us. We can all still make it through. Just count our blessings daily. Happy Mylotting!
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
I don't know where you are from but peole will soon not be able to travel and work abroad. Your attitude is wonderful and I feel ashamed that I have doubted that God will provide for all of us.
@snow8515 (169)
• China
21 Mar 09
Yes, it's a global economic downturn. Many of my friends and classmates are looking for jobs with difficulty. And some friends having work are facing unemployment. So many of them decide to come back to school getting through this period.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
ducation is never wasted. This is a good idea if they cannot find a JOB. GOOD LUCK!
@HelloMickey (1655)
• Hong Kong
21 Mar 09
At this time of day, we are all in hard times. Never lose hope on miracle. I think we should use this opportunity to learn more and equip ourselves with professional skills. So I am trying to find a niche for myself. I will never give up find a part-time job if I can't earn enough for my living.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
21 Mar 09
It would be good to look for a part time job now so tha tyou can save and have money if you do lose your job. You have the right attitude. Thanks for responding