Do you make it a practice to drink 8 or more glasses of water a day?

@tjdas83 (178)
March 21, 2009 11:59pm CST
I try to do this but its kinda irritating cause by doing this, I tend to go to the loo often. This is not cool when you are at work. Hehehe. Is it hard to put to practice, or does it came naturally to ya'll? Having a small bladder sucks. I keep an average of 5-6 glasses. That way, my bathroom visits is kept at bay. How literally do you take this 'ever popular' doctor's advice?
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49 responses
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
22 Mar 09
i don't count or want the number to be 8 or something.when i feel like drinking water i drink it.i think it is above 8 because whenever i drink water i drink a lot.maybe 2-3 glasses.3-4 times a day and that makes it over 8 surely
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
22 Mar 09
I think my problem is that I drink juices and coffee more than water. Hmmm something to think about. Hehehe. Thanks for the response. Happy mylotting.
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@roi452 (232)
• Philippines
22 Mar 09
Yes i think i do this thing but i really don't count how much i drink. In the office i usually fill my tumbler with water every now and then. and i don't mind going to the rest room every now and then too. it's one way for me to stay awake whenever i feel drowsy at work.
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@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
22 Mar 09
Yeah I do the tumbler thing too, but I estimate it to be close to about 3 glasses. Thanks for the response ;)
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@xkaraix (595)
• Australia
22 Mar 09
I try too. Recently I've been actively trying to lose weight and part of that is increasing my water intake (this helps with hunger and also retaining fluid). Initially I was like you and had to go to the toilet constantly but eventually my body adjusted and is used to the increased intake. I've also found the whites of my eyes are much clearer and my skin has improved no end! I can't believe all of that just from drinking more water. It is awesome!
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
22 Mar 09
Your response made me drink another glass of water. Cheers! Thanks xkaraix ;)
@yAks89 (589)
• Philippines
22 Mar 09
I don't really count how many glasses of water I am drinking. but I am sure it is beyond 8, it could be beyond 15. I am a water addict! Every time I pass by our refrigerator, I drink at least 2 glasses of water.
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@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
22 Mar 09
I envy your bladder. Hehehe. Just kidding Good for you ;)
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@orenji (39)
• Philippines
22 Mar 09
I used to forget to drink water at work when I'm super busy or even at home sometimes. It was really bad especially when I started to become constipated because I'm lacking liquid. At first, I felt like drowning having to gulp down 8 or more glasses of water everyday. But in the long run I got used to it. Drinking lots of water really does wonders for your skin, mood, metabolism, bowel movements and generally your health. Going to the restroom has been a welcome respite from having to work in front of the computer. It kinda gives my eyes some rest and opportunity to stretch. So, drink up! =)
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@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
22 Mar 09
I should start being happy going to the restroom and stop complaining about it. Hehehe. Cheers to you!
• China
22 Mar 09
I couldn't agree more .It's a great piece of advice.I drink water as much as I can everyday. I am aware that water is so important for us.Though the point is that I have to go to the bathroom so often specially in winter,I just keep going .After water goes down my throat ,I feel so comfortable and become active.However, if I don't drink water for a long time ,it is so terrible.It seems to be a fish out of water.Therefore,if possible,I drink water as a wonderful dineer in my life.
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@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
22 Mar 09
Yeah, I can feel my lips so dry if I don't drink regularly. Thanks for the response. By the way, welcome to mylot ;)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Actually, 8 glasses can be too much for certain people. I know that 8 glasses is too much for me. My body cannot hold that much. Also, if you drink too much water, you could actually die from it. Yes, you can die from drink too much water. You should only drink as much as you think that your body can handle.
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 09
Yeah it can be too much. Thanks for your contribution ;)
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
23 Mar 09
i don't really count the number of glasses that i finish in a day's time, but i do drink a lot of water equivalent or more to eight glasses a day! i love water, and most of the times, i often choose water over juice or sweet drinks when i m eating my meal... i just fine the natural taste better and soothing to the taset. and when i drink juices or any sweet drink, i would still drink a glass of water after..
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 09
Yeah, I do that too cause somehow sweet drinks tend to make me thirstier. Thanks for the response.
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
me too!! i feel thirsty and it feels rough on the throat if i drink sweet drinks. no problem and enjoy mylotting! cheers!
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
Well, I have heard about this advise. As for me, I usually drink more than that. I think I consume an average of 12-14 glasses a day. Though I do not literally count and monitor them but from my estimate, its more than the usual number of glasses as popularly advised. I do like drinking lots of water considering that it really makes my urine clear all the time. Perhaps this is healthy for our system.
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
24 Mar 09
Wow, 12-14 glasses. That's pretty great. Good for you! Thanks for the response ;)
@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I try to drink 8 glasses of water a day to help my body. Lately I have been doing about 5 or 6 because i can't drink that much water anymore.
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
25 Mar 09
Tell me about it. It's the same with me. Thanks for the response.
@23uday (2997)
• India
22 Mar 09
Hi friend, I will drink water daily 8 glasses of water or even more than a day. Drinking more water in a day is good for health.I will take 1 litre to 1.5 litre in a day.If drinking more water our body and blood circulates. drink more water in a day and practice it. have a nice day.
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
22 Mar 09
Yup, it's definitely good to keep practicing this. Thanks for the response ;)
@reds08 (305)
• Indonesia
22 Mar 09
I know and realize that drink 8 glasses is very good for our health and metabolism system, but i can't do it. I usually drink just about 4-5 glasses of water in a day. Sometimes when im too busy in work, i forget to drink,lol. I just don't feel thirsty that time. Its so hard to reach 8 glasses.
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@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
22 Mar 09
I'm with you. Especially at work, I'm too busy to remember to drink. If I do, I'm off to the bathroom. Hehehe. Thanks reds08 for the response.
@kawalnarang (1095)
• Trinidad And Tobago
22 Mar 09
yes,, 8 is good,, I used to take less and I had probs,, Now I am taking 9 or 10,, and i do feel better , 1 glass as soon as I wake up,, does good,,
• Trinidad And Tobago
23 Mar 09
Make it a habit,, u will love urself................also I drink a lot of water for the day,,, but after a meal I wait for 20 minutes at least,, it sure works for me
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 09
Yup, I like that early morning cup of water too. Very refreshing. Thanks for the contribution.
• India
22 Mar 09
last october i got admitted in the hospital with the complaints of sever abdominal pain and the doctors diagnosed as renal stone . they posted me for surgery . doctors are telling that drink more water to avoid the reccurence of renal stone . so now i am drinking 3 litter water per day . so please drink more water to prevent renal stone ..
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@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
22 Mar 09
I guess I should stop worrying about going to the loo and just keep drinking water :) Thanks for the advise.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
23 Mar 09
No, that is a lot of water I could never drink that much water I would have to force myself to do this. I really don't like water, a lot of times I have to force myself to drink water, but it won't be out of the faucet.
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 09
I don't have problem with drinking water, but I do have problems with the bathroom. Hehehe. Thanks for your response.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
23 Mar 09
It is a great thing to do. Our body really needs that water. I try to do it daily. I have discovered something about myself... if I drink a lot at one time and earlier in the day I don't seem to have to go to the bathroom as often. If I drink it a little at a time all day long it seems I have to go a little at a time all through the day. I'm sure we are all probably different when it comes to this. But it is worth a try.
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 09
Hey that's a good idea. I'll try that. Cause I think I drink little time-to-time. Maybe that's why the bathroom has become my second home. lol. Thanks for the suggestion ;)
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Hey tjdas! I do try to drink as many glasses of water as I possibly can, but I have the same problem as you do! I spend more time running to the bathroom too! That is the problem with trying to take in a large amount of water! I have no problem drinking it, but it does get to be difficult if I am going to be out and about during the day! It means that I always have to know where there will be a restroom to stop at! That is the drawback of trying to keep to that schedule!
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 09
I feel your frustration Opal26. I do feel it's a drawback. Thanks for sharing ;)
@mariposaman (2959)
• Canada
23 Mar 09
I never used to drink as much water. I used to just drink when thirsty. I do however consume with it spread out during the day. I can make a carafe of decaf coffee in the morning and consume most of it during the day. That is 10 eight ounce cups, not sure what that is in liters. I carry a 500 ml water bottle around with me all day which is something I never used to. I use it more in the summer though when I am losing water through sweating. I think more water is required in the summer or in hot climates. Everyone says 8 glasses but people pass this information along without actually knowing where this saying comes from. Nobody can quote studies. Just a caution, you can actually drink too much water. In a normal healthy individual this is not usually accomplished unless it is a drinking contest or forcing liquids when you exercise. 10 liters over a few minutes will bring on this condition, or less in infants or compromised individuals. See more
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 09
I carry around a tumbler too. I live in a hot climate tropical country and I need water with when I'm mobile. Hey thanks for the link and the caution ;)
@chemcdow (149)
• United States
23 Mar 09
i usually only get one to two glasses of water a day, because i am busy and do not think about it. This is not a good habit, so i really need to change it, but it is easier said than done ^^;
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 09
I think we just need to let our body get use to it. When our body is adjusted to the new system, it will later indicate reminder for us to drink more often. Thanks for the response.
• United States
23 Mar 09
I don't at all. I try to drink everything that tastes good. I went without drinking water for weeks I say. I stuck to drinking soda, juice, everything but water which tastes bad. But yes, I've tried to drink 5-6; or let's say a liter of water every single day. And it was hard. I got so sick of drinking water, I didn't even know what to do. As for the bladder, my bladder is pretty big, so I can handle drinking even 8-12 glasses of water and not have a problem.
@tjdas83 (178)
• Malaysia
23 Mar 09
I envy your bladder. hehehe thanks for the response.