where do you stop?....

United States
March 22, 2009 1:54pm CST
If you are on your way home or you have been running around all day and you are finally on your way home, and you realize that you didnt start dinner yet and dont want to even think about it when you get you and you decide to pick something up for dinner... where do you stop? There is always Mcdonalds... or BurgerKing, Wendys... or maybe your in the mood for Taco Bell.... or maybe you have a Sonics or Hardees by you.... which one do you choose? just curious as we had Taco Bell last night.... LOL
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9 responses
• Philippines
23 Mar 09
Hmm I'd grab a box of pizza and some pasta.
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• United States
23 Mar 09
that is my choice too....$5 pizza abd $2 breadsticks...feed a family of 4 for under $10.00---cant beat that!! thanks for the response.
• Taiwan
23 Mar 09
I won't choose to eat fast food which is not good to our health,well,i like to some tidy and small scale restaurant to have hot stir-fried dish. I can't make deliciouse by myself,it's always my sister that cooks in our home so that i usually go out to eat after working. I have decided to learn how to cook fish and pork.
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• United States
23 Mar 09
good luck with learning how to cook those! and thanks for the response.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
22 Mar 09
Prepared food, and instant foods are usually the most unhealthy food you can buy. There is almost no one who does not know the epidemic of obesity that is challenging the Western Countries today is caused indirectly by Fast foods, and ready to eat processed foods. When women left the kitchen to go out to work 30 years ago this scourge began to slowly creep across the developed countries. I would not stop at any Fast food outlet. I would plan my meals ahead so I was never left without a meal to put on the table. (But what do I know, I'm 75 and still working?)
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• United States
22 Mar 09
, umm ok, yes I do know that the fast food industry is a big cause of the obesity that we deal with today as a society but it is also a $16 billion dollar industry as well and there are now also healthier choices on the menus such as grilled chicken and salads and wraps that are not the worst you can do since you can actually make foods at home in grease that are much more fattening as well. that is great that you always have food available ahead of time and alot of moms do prepare that way...but there are just some days when you may just want something else... thanks for the response.
• United States
22 Mar 09
It doesn't happen to me too often. sometimes I will stop at quick chek and get subs cause they are cheap and not too awful as they are made to order. If I really don't want to cook, I will order a pizza but it depends how many people are home for dinner. sometimes it is easier to just find energy and cook up something. i think it is more the cleaning up that gets to me, not the cooking. you could always boil up some pasta and throw some kind of sauce or vegies in it. i really don't like fast food. sonic looks so good on tv but there isn't one by us. good thing probably!
• United States
23 Mar 09
yes, those sonics commericals always show things that look so good and we finally got one in our area...LOL true, it is more the clean up to have to deal with that is a pain!! LOL thanks for the response.
@mimibt (52)
• Philippines
23 Mar 09
On busy days where I forget to keep track of time and need to come up with food to feed the family, I always go for McDonalds. Although right beside McDonalds are four more different fast food restaurants, as a treat to my kids I choose McDonalds because its their favorite.
• United States
23 Mar 09
It is the same here, on the same street you will have a bunch to choose from and I think many people will stick with the same ones because of either habit or the choice of food... thanks for the response.
@cieldz (709)
• Indonesia
23 Mar 09
i prefer not to stop anywhere....i prefer to eat at my home.... remember that fast food aren't good for our health... =)
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• United States
23 Mar 09
no, they arent but they do have healthier options now... like salads and grilled chicken --depending on where you go as well..but we also need to make that healthier choice... thanks for the response.
• India
23 Mar 09
We have this small Chinese eatery which does home delivery too. So on days as you mention, I would come home and not mention dinner at all (hubby dear is quite ‘allergic’ to any outside food) and will wait till the last and then I’ll start acting like I’m not really feeling well or maybe there’s some money I’ve saved from last month and so on and then without waiting for any suggestions, I would just ring up these guys and get hot Chinese food at home! Yummmmmmmm Even that does become expensive sometimes, so I’ll just prod my hubby to go to another eatery where they serve bread and a kind of curry which is very tasty when hot and had with onions and chillies. Its cheaper and yummm too!
• United States
23 Mar 09
HAHAHAHA....very smart!! I like it!! thanks for the response.
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I try not to do it that often, I always make sure I'm able to get something cooked, even if I don't feel like it. Sometimes tho, I'll stop at the store and pick up some deli meat, and we'll have grilled ham and cheese sandwiches or roast beef or whatever I get, its fast and its good, my husbands not a picky eater, he says he doesn't care what I feed him as long as he gets to eat something..lol. He don't like fast food tho, whenever we eat out, its always at a restaurant or cafe, he don't like eating at most fast-food places.
@sassy28 (834)
• United States
23 Mar 09
If it is just for my boys, they like either McDonalds or Wendys. If I have to get hubby something to eat, then it is usually Pizza Hut. Either way I normally do not eat until I get home. I will just eat cereal if I have to get them something. I guess I am getting old because I can not handle all the grease or spices.