Is bare-butt spanking actually considered odd now?
@barefoot48066 (58)
March 23, 2009 12:02am CST
Just curious what responses would be from people on this forum. I'm not looking for an anti-spanking lecture, as I've heard it all before. I am just curious whether I'm the only one left in the world who thinks a bare-butt spanking is normal. It was as normal in my childhood as milk and cookies, but lately I've met people who look at me as though I'm from Neptune when I mention it. So: if you were spanked, was it on the bare butt? If you spank your kids, is that how you do it? I was, and I do.
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19 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I am just curious whether I'm the only one left in the world who thinks a bare-butt spanking is normal
No you are not alone...I'm all for spanking (with in reason of course) and I spanked both my kids when needed and they are just fine from it..this nonsense that it will damage a child and so on is IMO just a full blown crock of crap....
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@krissy32 (205)
• United States
18 Apr 09
No, I don't think its weird at all. Some infractions require a stronger hand especially when its the same wrong done multiple times. Nothing wrong with it. Red pens damaging a child's self esteem, oh please give a toilet to puke in if I hear it again. Whatever happened to learning from your mistakes and sucking it up? Out the window in today's so called modern society, let's face it, some kids are out of control brats who need to be reined in before they do something to harm themselves or others.
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I think spanking in general, has decreased and probably more so for bare but spanking.
I think I was spanked that way once, and that's all it took! I was a pretty timid child after that. I'm not sure that's necessarily a good thing.
I would never say that I was an abused child, but I did grow up scared of my dad, and I do think there is a huge difference between respect and fear.
What I felt wasn't respect. It was fear.
I have spanked my own children. I can't remember if I ever did bare but spanking. If I did, it wasn't effective with my own kids the way it was with me.
I think by nature, my kids are a lot more defiant than I ever was.
Possibly the way I chose to raise them, may have added to their defiance, I won't rule that out completely, but I think a strong part of how kids turn out is just their nature.
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@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I can say that I spanked my children when they were younger so I didn't have to do it when they were older. I get tired of peoples eyes getting as big as plates because I did too. NOTE: 10 years later their children talk back to them and are the most disrespectful monkeys I've ever met.
I'm not saying that spanking a child is a better form of disciple than not, but it worked for me when I was growing up and worked for my children too.
As for the bare butt, I can say I never received that nor did my children. I think it's how people view it really, but, to me, there is a certain factor to privacy and being ones own. I think there has to be a certain amount of modesty there and I do spank, but never pulled anyones pants down to do it. Just differences in how people do things.
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@Toofancy (548)
• United States
24 Mar 09
We did not get bare butt spankings when I was growing up, and I never gave them to my kids when they were still "spankable". My mother would switch our legs with a switch that she would make us pick off of a certain bush in our yard. This switch would cause quite a sting! And I would run around and around the dining room table with her chasing me with that switch. I always got caught, though, and suffered through it. She would then put the switch on top of the refrigerator. As soon as she was not looking, I would get the switch and break it into tiny pieces and throw it away. I never really spanked my kids very much, but my husband always threatened the belt to them. Whenever they did get the whipping, it would be to the legs, just like I got when I was growing up. I am not against spankings at all, and think that within reason, it is a good form of punishment. However, I think that children are not spanked very much any more, and so much of that is because of child abuse. People are afraid of being accused of child abuse, either by the child, or by someone else. Also, in some cases, some parents just don't care any more what their children are doing. Discipline has changed drastically from when I was a kid. I bet most kids don't even know what a trip to the woodshed means.
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@Aquilis (175)
24 Mar 09
I think spanking of any kind when disiplining children is outdated and violent. We cannot teach our children peach and tollerance, when some parents first line of correction is to effectivly hit their child. I think it should be made illigal as it is completely not needed. If it gets to the point that you can only control your child by hitting them, then something has gone very wrong indeed.
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@barefoot48066 (58)
24 Mar 09
Actually Julian it is not yet illegal in families in the UK, despite the best efforts of the anti-parent lobbyists. You can go to any anti-spanking site and find out for yourself.
@canadiandreamsbig (173)
• Canada
25 Mar 09
You bet I spanked my kids when they were younger. Bare bottom spanking happened if they were acting up with a bare butt. Nothing would get their attention faster than a smack on the behind! I seldom needed to turn one of my children over my knee as generally a quick swat was enough to get them to stop. I used other methods of discipline as well. My kids were always told why they were getting spanked, when it was necessary.It was also done lovingly and once the spanking was over, nothing more would be said about the transgression that led to the child getting the spanking.I stopped spanking as they got older, because it wasn't necessary to spank anymore. Also, I don't think it's appropriate to spank a child past the age of 10. Other methods work better such as loss of computer or tv time or grounding.
The kids used to get a swat in public if necessary, too. It didn't embarrass me at all! I never had a child wander off and get lost because they knew where the boundaries were and they were never demanding or rude, either.
Growing up, I got spanked if I did something wrong and it didn't do me any harm at all. There are some kids now who have no manners and can be really nasty. I'd bet they weren't spanked!
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I personally would never bare butt spank any of my kids. Don't get me wrong, I did spank them a couple of times when they were little, but not on their bare bottoms. This would be considered child abuse. If you took your child to the doctor and there was a handprint on his butt, you would be turned in~ so just be careful of bare bottom spanks.
I was never spanked as a child~ not once. When I did spank my boys, it was one smack on the bottom. I didn't result to this unless nothing else worked. Time out actually worked pretty will with my kids.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
23 Mar 09
If you took your child to the doctor and there was a handprint on his butt, you would be turned in
If you spanked your child to the point of leaving a mark hours after the fact then yes there is an issue...and something should be done about it...
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I don't see why it would be essential to bare butt spank. To me this would leave some type of mark~ maybe not permanent, but if you are marking your child with a spank, there is something wrong.
@barefoot48066 (58)
24 Mar 09
I was always bare butt spanked and rarely if ever experienced more than temporary redness that faded. That may not hold true for every child. But it is not the case that if you bare-butt spank your child you are going to bruise them. A red bottom that fades quickly is not deemed an injury.
@Buttercup11 (274)
• Canada
24 Mar 09
Actually, I want to say, too, to anybody reading this who was not just spanked but physically abused, that you have my sincerest sympathy. Spanking is NOT an excuse to damage your children. The way you were treated wasn't right, and none of us who spank our children are saying that it was, or would be.
@Buttercup11 (274)
• Canada
24 Mar 09
Firstly, I was spanked as a child, and on occasion on my bare butt, but not often. I think that spanking is a very individualized thing between parents, and that a united front from both parents (even in split situations) is really key. So much depends on the child, too. It's true that some kids just don't respect anything else. In my home, we start with a time out, then move on to a loss of priveledge before spanking, except when our daughter goes BEYOND disrespectful - like yelling at us. Pretty much, spanking is a last resort, and we never spank hard - just enough to sting. There was a time, though, for about a year when we didn't spank at all. When my oldest was 3, spanking didn't deterr her - it made her angry! Then she acted up even more, which made me more angry and then I spanked her again which made her even more angry... you get the idea. The cycle was extremely unhealthy for BOTH of us, so we moved out of spanking for a loooong time.
As a general statement, if spanking appears to be damaging your child emotionally - no matter how light you spank - you should STOP. If you can't spank without being angry, you should STOP. If it's done right, it works. If it's not working, don't just keep trying - try something else!
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I remember when I was younger and I am only grandma would go out and get a branch to spank me with. My mom would smack me across the mouth if i cussed or talked back. I am fine, never got in trouble with the law for being "wild" or anything like that. I have my own child now and I will spank him, not bare-butt but I do spank. I don't want my son growing up like these other kids running the streets, running over their parents, and think they "know-it-all" and getting in trouble. These children need more than a spanking and i don't think it is wrong to scold or DISCIPLINE your child.
I use time-outs but most of the time with my hyper, energetic, non-stop don't always work, then I go to taking things away, then spanking. Being consistent is always the biggest rule.
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@benny128 (3615)
23 Mar 09
I was smacked as a kid it didnt do me any harm,
but now you have to move with the times the worlds alot different to when I was a child, I am a single dad and I can honestly say I have never spanked my kids and never will.
I also notice when am out the looks some parents get if they spank they kid in public as here in uk its illegal you can get a criminal record for spanking your child.
So in summary nope I wouldn't spank my kids and yes I was spanked as a kid, but right or wrong the law says its wrong so I abide by that.
@barefoot48066 (58)
23 Mar 09
It simply isn't true that all spanking is illegal in the UK. You need to talk to actual police or attorneys and not just get all your information from the gutter media.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
24 Mar 09
It is not considered normal, socially anymore. But to be honest, that would have been preferable to the wooden spoons I used to get across my rear. Spanking has it's place and so long as it isn't taken too far.
@darsa123 (36)
• United States
23 Mar 09
i got my a** beat as a child lol, with belts, so i dont spank my kids like i was spanked i think i was spanked excessively. i do spank my kids with my hand and no not bare. i have 3 girls and i think that spanking their bare butts would be embarrassing and mean. i dont want to humiliate them. just get them to listen. most of the time i do groundings or time outs.. spanking your kids just makes them think about how mad they are at you, not themselves. when they sit alone they have no one to be angry with but themselves.
@krissy32 (205)
• United States
18 Apr 09
I hear you there. I got the belt quite a few times and man, when my dad wielded that thing, it hurt like heck for good while. My mom though, would never use a belt but yeah, I got yelled at or spanked but never on bare behind. I only got spanked when I did something wrong over and over again, not just because. I follow my mother's discipline style and employ talking over spanking anyday of the week.
@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Bare butt spanking shouldn't be allowed anyway no matter how badly a child is misbehaving... A child that is wear a pair of sweats or pants sure I can see a swat on the behind.. I was spanked as a child actually got more than spankings.. Do I hit my? NO I do not and I won't either... I know how it feels to be spanked.. How ever I do take away toys and give him a time out.. Yes they do help but I'm not saying all the time.. There are many other ways to discipline a child.. Yesterday I was watching something on yahoo news and the guy had said yes spanking is fine but it only makes a certain point to much spanking isn't good either.. I think only the parent can make that choice about spanking but than again some parents get out of control and end up hurting a child..
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
23 Mar 09
I'm a 75 yr old Grandfather who helped to successfully raise 4 good boys. I'm sad to say I did, on occasion use corporal punishment. I have since learned better. This is what I've learned. Children are small adults, and always know more about life than their Parents suspect. If you want their respect, you have to give them yours. Could you respect someone (with Power over you) if they took your pants down and spanked your a$$? We parents must remember that our Children are the people who will be choosing our Old Age Home in the future. Children will respond to Parents who treat them like small adults. A little Psychology will go a long ways to improving your relationship with your children.
@maidangela7349 (1191)
24 Mar 09
I don't know if bare-but spanking is normal to most people or only a few as you imply. I know you said you did not want an anti-spanking lecture but what else would you expect from such a question. I don't recall ever being spanked as a child and we certainly did not spank any of our 4 kids. As to anti-spanking of children all I would say is if you have to resort to using violence on children then it is your failure not the childs. Lets us all hope that you have not done too much damage to your kids.
As to the spanking of adults that is a whole different ball game.
@luvmysons (497)
• United States
23 Mar 09
The world is a very different place than when I grew up. Hitting your child was ok then. Now forget you get looks from people if your yelling at your child in public forget it if you laid your hands on them. I dont personally bare-butt spank my children but I will slap there hand or slap there butt with clothes on but never hard. I think some children need spankings. I think now adays with the timeouts, which is a great idea but if it doesnt work for your child then what. Just my opinion