Abortion yes, no, why?
By alnilam
@alnilam (969)
United States
March 23, 2009 4:21am CST
I have given this some thought. Are you pro or against with other people doing it and what is the situation when it comes down to you. Why are you pro-contra it? If you do not mind can you also say which religion are you so in the end I will be able to see how much does religion effect this matter.
So I am for abortion with other people, it is my opinion that this is a personal decision and that I am in no way capable or suitable to decide if one has the right to do it or not. Everyone has its reasons some might seem stupid to me and then again some not but for others they may be of great importance.
I personally can not say if I am capable of this since the situation has yet not come. I guess it would all depend on the situation, if I would be financialy capable of sustaining the child etc, etc. What I am trying to say is that i am open to it but am unsure if I am capable of it.
Religion: Atheist
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20 responses
@luvmysons (497)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I think this could be a very touchy discussion.. I am for abortion. I think woman should be able to make there own judgement on whether to keep there baby or not without being judged. I am catholic and obviously this has nothing to do with religion. I dont think that abortion should be a way for birth control but accidents happen, things come up, mother or babies life could be in danger. I know a couple who just had one because when she got pregnant the baby had some kind of chromosome problem and was going to be extremely ill. She aborted that baby. Others may think she did the wrong thing. I just feel whats right for one person doesnt have to be right for another. Thats what makes this world go round
@alnilam (969)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Agree with you, although as we came to point in previous response it should be mutual decision. And it sure is not a way to be a birth control. I remeber one case in my country where one woman had over 8 abortions and she still refused to use any perservatives that is in my opinion just sick, there are a few people who look on this like that.
@phoenix79 (302)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I have known people who have had an abortion and none of them said they did not reget it. My family is very much agianst abortions. I believe that it is the woman's choice. It is just not one that I would make. I do not look badly on the people who do take this route. I had a friend that had an abortion to save her own life. Her only kidney was shutting down and she needed a transplanet. The pregnancy was terminated and the kidney replaced.
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@benny128 (3615)
23 Mar 09
personally it depends on your circumstances I am pro life to a certain degree,but I am also mindful that theres alot of factors to consider.
If you are in a loving relationship then thats one situation if you are in a short term one then I wouldnt have kids in that situation as its not fair on the unborn little one.
Or in the case or a attack of somekind (god forbid it ever happens to anyone), also financial constraints or health implications
I have a friend who has 3 kids but shes been advised that anymore and it could affect her health so she has basically said that she would go down the abortion route if she ever got pregnant which is a very low chance of it happenning.
So to sum it up I think it depends on the circumstance's no one can jump and criticise any woman or man as needs to be a joint decision, for making the informed decision whether to abort or proceed with a pregnancy.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
23 Mar 09
You have opened up one more question for me that I totally forgot to consider "making a joint decision". I really do hope that I never find myself in situation like this but what if partners have strong dissagrement on the matter, let's say she does not want the baby he does or opposite, things like this could be a downhill to relationships...
@benny128 (3615)
23 Mar 09
yes but it takes 2 to tango so to speak, so it has to be a joint decision, the man and female have to sit down and be adult about it.
Both feelings need to be considered and a solution worked on as both people have equal rights as they are both potential parents for the rest of their lives.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Well, as far as it being a joint decision, it could be settled like this. If he wants the baby but she doesn't, she could carry the baby to term and sign over rights and he could be a single dad. I actually have a friend who IS a single dad for this reason. His girlfriend/wife is estranged from him and he has sole custody/responsibility of his son. She agreed not to have an abortion because he promised she wouldn't have to be involved at ALL nor pay support for the baby. He is fairly young, 23. I am proud of him, he loves his son very much and does the best he can. His family is behind him and helping, even though she stepped away.
Now if SHE wants the baby and he doesn't, that is pretty easy too. HE could sign off rights and she could be a single mom.
If they both don't believe in abortion but cannot afford a baby, they could make a joint decision to an open adoption - where they could choose a suitable couple together and still receive updates from the adoptive family about the child, including perhaps still being part of the child's life.
There are so many scenarios that could happen.
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@Archie0 (5652)
23 Mar 09
OH no, never its an absolute sin. moreover sin, cant a person feel guilty to kill a creation of its own love and blood??
how can one be such a ruthless murder?? i feel pity and ashamed of such people because then they are living on the earth the same way as they could have dwelled the child which they just killed, i am seriously against such kind of act and really hate such people too. I really dont prefer to love any man to kill a life with my own hands just due to my wicked acts.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I think about this too.
If it came down to the life of the baby.... or MY life, I hate to say that we'd have to choose mine. I have a spouse and other children, it would be a much bigger disservice for me to die and leave him with (likely) a premature baby without a wife and mother. Of course I would want to do everything possible to maybe make it through the pregnancy or at least till the baby was viable maybe, but if it were an impossibility and continuing the pregnancy WOULD CERTAINLY kill me or cause me to become unable to function, then we'd have to make the decision that would be most beneficial to the family and allow us to survive.

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@Berryvegas81 (66)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I have a question for you...lets say your sister (or closest friend if you don't have a sister) was told she would be risking her life if she proceeded with the pregnancy and after the birth she would most certainly lose her life.
How would you feel towards her if she went ahead and aborted the baby??
I only ask this out of curiousity.
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@onlineraket (189)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
I am actually against it. It is as if you try to steal some other's life. That also reflect how responsible you are when you do it. The very reason why people would do it is they think of themselves before others. They have been selfish and they think that is the best solution to relieve themselves of any consequent problems.
Abortion is a product of "do before think" acts. They have tasted the pleasure of the before act and yet they are not prepared to handle the consequence of their actions.
@infinitefutures (9)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I have given the a lot of thought....I do not understand why people think that this is such a bad thing, I would rather a women have an abortion then to have the baby and then can not take of the baby and then end up hurting the baby or killing the child. It is up to her not up to us...What if a women is rapped i guess that means that she should just deal with it and have the baby. I don't think so.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
23 Mar 09
I am not a religious person. I am pro-life and I believe that life begins at conception. I think that aborted babies are the missing people of the world. There might have been a really great one that could have given us a cure for malaria. I looked into the reasons why ladies in my home country have abortions: 98% for social reasons and the remainder 2% because the baby is severely disabled or the mother's life is in danger. I think that a lady that has been raped, a lady whose life is in danger or a lady that is excepting a baby that will suffer because he or she is disabled are unusual cases. Those cases might be special and there might be a valid reason why the lady needs to have an abortion. For example a lady on a website I go on has found out her baby is very deformed and probably would live a life of severe pain. She was incredibly upset to find that out doesn't want an abortion. She doesn't want to bring a baby that suffers all the time into the world. She is heartbroken because she really wants a baby. Some ladies have an abortion then regret having one and some ladies get depressed years later. If a lady has a surprise pregnancy it is the best thing if she can set herself up to become a lovely mum. In life situations change but if a lady has an abortion she will never be able to turn the clock back. I can say what is right for me and I respect other people's decisions.
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@alnilam (969)
• United States
23 Mar 09
You have a point of the unborn potentially being the discoverer of a new cure but on the other hand it could be a second Hitler :S. You are right though clock can't be turned back and there have been cases that woman who had abortion could not have babyies later, i can't even imagine how much psyhological damage could that do.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I feel much the way you do - I am pro-choice - which does not mean PRO-ABORTION. I have to put it that way because some people still believe pro-choice means pro-abortion. It does not. It means that I believe that each person's body is their own, under their own control and affected by their own decisions. No person is owned by another nor should any person be under someone else's thumb or subjected to someone else making decisions for them against their will. Therefore, I have to support freedom and that freedom of choice. Each person has the right and responsibility to choose their own outcome, even if someone else doesn't agree with it.
Now personally, I do not think I would choose to do it. I don't think that I could. I believe that life begins at conception, plus it took me around ten years to finally have ONE baby. She is five now, I cannot imagine life without her. She was very very very wanted. Birth control is not 100%, no, but the only way around that is abstaining, who in their right mind is going to turn down their spouse lol? Either way, if we had another, it would be meant to be, since I also don't really believe in accidents. I'm not even sure I'd be capable of it if we found out there was something wrong with the baby and he or she wouldn't live. It just doesn't feel right to me... for me. I have had friends who have struggled with this decision, and some who have had abortions, some who have given babies up for adoption, and some who have raised the baby. All I have hoped for each of them in regards is peace and strength in whatever decision they ultimately made. In every case when they shared the struggle with me, I have always told them to trust their own hearts, and to make sure that whatever they choose THEY can live with. I love them no matter what, I don't judge my friends, and it isn't MY decision. It is hard to become a parent, and it is hard to decide not to. It must be awful thinking about a child you gave up too, even if you knew it meant that child gets to have a better life.
I was raised Christian and I am now an agnostic. I do not think my religion nor lack of it has anything to do with how I feel. Many decisions and struggles people face are extremely personal and extremely individual, and NOT up to others to have any say, influence, or jockeying for position. Just my two cents on the matter.
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I am pro get your nose out of a uterus that isn't yours.
I am a believer in woman's rights.
I'm a firm believer in free choice.
I believe in free will.
If you don't like abortions, then by all means, don't get one. If you ever happen to be pregnant and you don't wish to continue the pregnancy for whatever reason, then an abortion should remain a legal and viable option.
And before people start blurting out that there are people who can't have babies who would love to have that baby, what about the kids already in the system? They are evidently not worthy of having a good home with a loving parent or parents. They have committed the grave act of being too old and therefore, unadoptable There are millions of children in the social system right now looking for homes. They should be given homes before someone starts trying to defend a zygote that has no concept of anything because it has no brain.
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@kiss_me2070 (277)
23 Mar 09
I think it all depends on the circumstances and situation. Many people have their reasons for and against abortion. Everyone has diffeent views regarding this case. I have to say that I know of someone who went through with an abortion as the situation was very bad. After going through this, she said she could never go through with it again. I personally am for it, different people have their reasons.
@sagapo121845 (277)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
For me,it should be a no..C`mon,God never allows that.Why would kill a great gift?Babies are special,they're great blessing and they should not be terminated.Abortion is the same with murder.
@rosa_pearl (70)
• China
24 Mar 09
If you have satble job,and can grow up child by yourself,OK .but if you are workless, to make abortion.it is good for child.when you have baby, i should grow up them and teaching them ,sent them to school.it is duty.if you can not do it,abortion
@JayTheJedi (13)
• United States
23 Mar 09
First things first alnilam are you a practicing atheist or a non-religious person. There is a difference an atheist is someone that attends the Church of Atheism or practices separately. It is a shame how atheism contradict itself in some many ways. It is my belief that EVERYONE believe in some tiype of God. Whether you think science and rationality is God or Allah..EVERYONE believes in something. but when it comes to abortion I am definitely against it when it is a partial brith abortion but not if it is just taking out the egg before it is a fetus. Although some Christians consider that to be a baby too and abortion is murder I think if that in its early stages the baby is only cells. In that case sperm is a baby too I mean where does it end
@alnilam (969)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Well in my country things are preety simple there is no church of atheist and there is not a gazillion of "churches" formal definition of a person who is atheist in my country is simply someone who does not believe in any of the formal religions-so it would be a non-religious person. I believe there is some higher force but just not how it is described in "textbooks".
I see your point of view, it is established that the fetus is not "alive" for the first few weeks (not sure how long).
@malsun (1528)
• United States
23 Mar 09
This is a difficult one to answer. I love children but at the same time I would respect people who would have had to go through the abortion. I cannot judge the actions. People who go through it, atleast most of them, would have had a valid reason to resort to abortion.
@dorisday1971 (5657)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
It has never cropped up to my mind that I will ever have an intentional abortion in my life. I condenm those who do that. I have been longing for more children since I got married. I only have one child which came four years after getting married. I'm now 38 but still hoping to have two more. But I am not sure if I will still be given by God. I am just waiting.
@shiwangipeswani (613)
• India
23 Mar 09
Hi lotter
iam married for last 13 yrs and abortion according to me is ones personal decission and i feel it is wrong only when you do it to kill a girl intentionally ,otherwise its better to abort a child rather than giving him or her birth and then not taking care of him,see the answers varies froms situation to situstion,i had three abortions ,and the condition i was in at that time demands that.And honey religion or cast doesnt make any difference here.its all baout the situation ,this is a matter of endless discussion so its just impossible to put all my views in this site.
happy my lotting
@krlakshmi (67)
• India
23 Mar 09
i went thru it once,my first pregnancy. we decided to go for it because the situation called for it.as u said it all depends on the necessacity,and situation of the people involved.religion has nothing to do it.i am a HINDU.
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@rawilcox1 (10)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Leave that topic for the pundits to debate about. Abortion is about as decisive an issue as there is, and personally I think we have bigger problems right now.
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