My daughter goes trough cells faster than shoes!Questions from me.
By ShellyB
@ShellyB (5241)
United States
March 23, 2009 6:31am CST
Yeah, I already lost count of how many cell phones have gone to electronic heaven thanks to my daughter.
The pic of the latest victim below.
And to top it off she does not know how, but she can't longer text, read caller id or even check the time.
She can make calls and get them other than that, zero.
Now here is my argument:
Through tick and thin I have refused to buy my daughter a cell with a camera, because of things I hear in the news and stories she tells me, I do not want to be involved in having a camera on my home that somehow end up with "strange" pics from school. And considering how the cells end up at the end, it is not a mayor problem.
It seems that the life span of her cells are 3 to 5 months or even less than 3 months.
Our mayor form of communication is through texting. But her screen looks like she broke it (image only kinda funny but it is not broken)
Do I buy yet another cell and another till she turns 18 even if they are the cheapest avaible to me?
Do I wait till she can afford her own?
Do I wait till she is 18 and see if she wants to buy one?
What would you do?
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11 responses
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
23 Mar 09
The only difference between the two things is that she will wear her shoes even after they are ripped up, filthy dirty and funky looking to the point where even a charity wouldn't take them. Her phones, like all her other electronic things, just die on her. More than likely because she just doesn't care what she does with them or where they are.
I am afraid that it is time to get her another cheap phone and see if somehow it can last until June. Once she turns 18 she can buy whatever phone she wants. Maybe, just maybe, she'll take better care of it if she has to buy the silly things herself, although I have my doubts
Just be thankful that these are cheap phones, not an expensive toy like say an Iphone 

@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I totally agree, tho why anyone would buy a 17 year old a iphone is beyond me,
I do know I spoileed her but it is within my means, not I do not know, someone who thinks a 300 dollars plus cell is a ok gift for their teen daughter
I will buy her the cell but she needs to do chores tho, before and after, lol.
I am not holding my breath for anything now.

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@singing1227 (315)
• United States
24 Mar 09
In today's world, it can be important for adolescents to have cell phones. However, your daughter seems to be pretty careless with her property. I have had a phone through high school and college and just got my first new one with a trade-in deal. A phone should last her at least one year, probably closer to two. I would say make her earn the next phone. Chores, errands, etc. add up quickly. Set the rates for each task and wait until she "earns" a new phone before purchasing one. Teaching her to respect property now will go a long way in the future.
@bballpro (79)
• United States
23 Mar 09
If she keeps on breaking cell phones then that means she does not know how to take care of her stuff. You can tell her if she wants one she has to buy it with her own money, she can work around the house and earn money so she can buy it, or she can not have a cell phone period. Once she learns how to be responsible and take care of her things then she can get a cell phone. But for the camera, if she has not broken one yet, I think you should get her one. If she breaks it then there it goes, she doesn't get another one.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I totally agree with you, on the camera issue it is really something I do not want to deal with when she is sharing with me things that her friends do with a camera. And listening to the news, no I do not want to have in my home, pictures on teens that look plain awful or were fooling around and thought nothing of mooning the photographer.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
24 Mar 09
When my daughter turned 14, I bought her first cell phone. I pay the monthly bill, but if she damaged, lost or just plain broke it, she had to buy another one. I'm sorry, but I think your daughter just doesn't take care of it because she views it as a replaceble item - at your expense, not hers.
I understand about the camera phones. I was worried about the news stuff too, but if you instilled values into your daughter, voice your concerns then she has to have the responsiblity for what pics she takes. In all honestly, most cell phone companies have options that you can check online to all the text messages and pics that are associated to a cell phone under your account.
You can set up her phone that way and always be on top of her activitiy on it. If she breaks a rule, then just shut it off. Back to the questions though. Sorry, after this many cell phones, I'd say she has to buy her own. Maybe she'll take better care of it when it's money coming out of her pocket, not yours.
Also note: my cell phone company offers insurance for $5.00 extra a month. That $60 extra year pays for itself if you have to do a phone replacement.
@bdhsyear2012 (57)
• United States
23 Mar 09
thats just wrong. i have had the same one since Aug. and it doesnt have a scratch and i have every sent and incoming text and such since then. i have set forth on a goal to keep every single one till i replace it.
but no, do not buy her one. she is being spoiled and needs to learn to care for something valuable and treat it well
@crystalnicole81 (35)
• United States
24 Mar 09
For what i would do.. I would make her afford to get one and pay for it. because then she will be more careful with her phones being that she's paying for it on her own. And, the picture thing that is goin around. I know someone that was 11 years old sending picturs of herself. I was shocked, 11 years old. Luckily, it was only her parents that found out. But in all honestly, i would make her afford to get one. Because she will have to learn to take personality of her things that she buys.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I understand what you're saying.
Yes, I can see an 11 years old girl sending pics of herself thinking well it is fun and no one (parents, teachers) will find out, it is an age where she can think it is private (from cell to cell) but the thing it is if you are not sending that pic to your family and close friends, that photo is not private at all and in matter of sometimes seconds it can end up in a website.
It is a good thing her parents found out.
She is doing things around the house to so she can have her cell.
It is not an emergency now, thank God.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
23 Mar 09
That happen to one of my cousins, her kid texting one month costed her 400 dollars.
I think it is best, I can imagine how upset you were and are.
When I got my kid her cell, I was more informed of how much text by text will end up in serious money, it is easier to see that on a prepaid basis, so I got us a text bundle. It is cheaper, but I understand what you mean.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
23 Mar 09
im wondering how old she is and how long till 18. it sounds scarey that she wouldnt have access to a way of reaching anyone in an emergency, but i guess we survived. so i dont know what to tell you. i guess get a cheap one? i have a radio/walky talkie type thing. so i just beep the people i need to. for a dollar a day, pre paid. i dont even use it every day, as most people dont have one i know. i have been told in an emergency tho you can dial 911.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
23 Mar 09
She will be 18 on June 24, it does not sound like a long time but it did last night.
The thing right now is that not having a car, or a routine, she tells me what she does by texting me. We each have prepaid, minute by minute adds up to some serious money after a while, for daily use that is.
We all survived, I feel that times were more mellow tho.
I am sure crime was there, but it seems either I am paying too much attention or there is more violence among teen nowdays.
One of my friends had walkie talkie and one of my aunts does or used to, it is neat if you know at least someone important to you who does.
@MizzLadyB08 (1174)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Wow, your daughter can go through some cell phones. I have a cousin like that. For some reason she can not seem to keep her cell phone in her hand without dropping it. Well, I really can not tell you not to buy your daughter a cell phone because it is not up to me. My daughter is only 8 years old and I have not gotten her a phone yet, I am going to wait until she is much older.
@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Thanks for sharing, and it is a good idea to wait till your daughter is older than 8,
Although I heard many parents think 8 is ok, I am not sure what's it based on, maybe both parents are working and they want to hear their kids are ok and other things along the same line.
In case of emergency it can be handy.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I wouldn't worry about it I was pretty good with my first cell phone and then had a string of really bad luck or something where I went through like five or six different cell phones. One of them went through the washing machine and broke. Another one I smashed on the ground. I lost two of them in snowbanks while walking and trying to push my friend out while being stuck. The phone I have now I've had for a while and hopefully I can keep it for longer then I have the ones in the past. I know it's a hassle to keep replacing your child's cell phones but it does make her and your life a lot easier being able to call when she needs you to pick her up or something like that. Good luck.
@roxa19 (115)
• Romania
23 Mar 09
my advice is to have a seriously discussion with your daughter, explain her the value of things and see how she reacts. put her to make small things around the house like doing the shoping, take the garbage out, and gave her 1, 2 dollars, until she has enough to by from her own money a cell phone.