The Big Debate: ONE True Religion. Share your views and opinions.
By inkyuboz
@inkyuboz (1392)
Mandaluyong City, Philippines
March 23, 2009 7:55am CST
I know I have opened Pandora's Box because I think this is a very controversial topic. I just want to hear everyone's opinions about this. The ongoing religious wars around the world are starting to worsen and I feel that in the end, it will be devastating. What do you think of unifying all religions in the world into one religion? I know it's impossible, but do you think it would help anybody?
I want to hear the opinions of different people. Violent reactions and comments are welcome too.
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27 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
23 Mar 09
What do you think of unifying all religions in the world into one religion?
Like you said it would be impossible to do....not only that though but I think it would cause more troubles on a more individual level for pretty much everyone...i know that though I'm NOT religious, my SPIRITUAL path is a part of everything I think, see, do and so on..its in every aspect of my life and I couldnt imagine what it would be like to NOT have it as it is if that makes sense...
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
23 Mar 09
yeah like thats ever going to happen! LOL
it would be great if it could happen though
all paths lead to the same destination
so why do people fight over which path is the right when when they are ALL right?
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
23 Mar 09
you wouldnt know Paganism if it bit you in the butt
go away troll!
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
23 Mar 09
just stating facts
I thought you were a TRUEChristian anyway
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@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
23 Mar 09
^_^ Howdy inkyuboz!....
It will never happened in the name of religions of this world.
But we can unite and live in perfect harmony through the meaning of true wisdom of spirituality of God. We been live and united from the past through spirituality. It was shattered because of our love of this world and the seeds or cultures as being a god self or positioning as a god or egocentric.
^_^ God Bless Us. Peace. Thanks and Enjoy!.... myLot!....
@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
23 Mar 09
just for clarification...
are you saying the only way we could all live in peace and harmony is if we all believe in GOD?
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@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
It is like we are heading on that same destination. Example a very, very high mountain (like the Mt. Everest) but we take different paths or ways. Different paths will have always different views or perspectives of the mountain. A different paths will always have different experiences. And we will still meet on the top of that same mountain.
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I both agree and disagree with that
I see your God as the same divine energy as my deity
they are the same just called by a different name
and even though you and I are probably on two very different paths we are headed to the same destination to rest in the hands of the same divine energy (whatever we may call it)
thats where I agree!
if you were to tell me that they are different and that i am wrong because I dont believe in your version of God then I would politely disagree
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
23 Mar 09
That person is now gone
they have been banned AGAIN!
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@wonttakelong (3555)
• United States
23 Mar 09
when will you ever learn?
how many times does admin have to ban you and block your IP before you get the hint?
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
23 Mar 09
Religion is a set of dogmatic practices and rituals, Religion itself is not a means to an end because you can not unite religions. You can only unite people. Religions flaw is that they are lead by people, when people get authority over another it is not long until they begin to exploit them. Religion and its plans of salvation and denying oneself to the authority of the clergy and (as we are thought) to an angry God that we must appease and go by all "His laws" can never be the way to true enlightenment and spiritual growth. We must first find our sight again because we have been made blind and put into an altered state by religion. Ones the blinders have been removed and we see each other not as Christians, Muslims or Hindus, et al, but interconnected beings with the divine spark in all of us can we ever hope to unify mankind. This is not to say that religions are all wrong, they have many truths, but they have been drowned out by traditions and dogma. The truest tenets of all the worlds religions are over looked as not being important or "out of date".
It is a shame that so many people in spiritual authority have used their pulpits to preach hate, division and for personal financial gain at the expense of the poorest among the world.
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@ulalume (713)
• United States
23 Mar 09
That destroys the basic premise of...most...religious makeups. If you want honesty, most religions are about separation (even within themselves). Look at how Christians tend to segregate themselves. The ones I am around usually, are primarily friends with other Christians. This extends even farther, sometimes, unfortunately as well. How many "sub-classes" of Christianity are there? Lutherans, Baptists, Catholics, Non-Denominational (among so many others). This basically goes for any religion, really. They are fundamentally about alienating people and only accepting those who believe the same things. The only exceptions I could think of would be Hinduism, Buddhism (both of these to some extent), and Shamanism. I don't think we need to push everyone together to believe the same thing, but people just need to stop being so ridiculous about their beliefs. People believe in them so much that they separate themselves from reality, where other people exist with other beliefs. True peace would be the general acceptance of others instead of hatred (especially, hate backed with violence). I mean, I am in general a Satanist and am fairly anti-religion (though, I try to be nice); but through my music I tend to lean towards black metal and what it speaks about. I do have a sense of "hate" towards religion and what the religious have done throughout the years (just looking back on the countless slaughtered people in the name of god makes me ask if religion is worth any more than my hate).
There are a lot of perspectives that could go into this. It is not an easy topic, honestly.
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@inkyuboz (1392)
• Mandaluyong City, Philippines
1 Apr 09
I would actually like to hear from you more... Even if you're in a completely different religion, you have such great insight (better than most people here) about religion and I think it will be helfpul for this discussion. I am a pretty open-minded Catholic and I do know when a person is making enough sense to contribute new things to an open forum.
Don't be afraid to speak up ulalume.
Thanks a lot for responding!

@starangel (414)
• United States
24 Mar 09
There are too many personal beliefs to unite into one huge religion. The world may try to unite, but they won't succeed. There's always going to be someone that disagrees. For example, I believe in going by the bible and the bible alone. I respect others beliefs, but for myself, if it can't be backed up by the bible then I don't go for it. I believe in one truth, but also realize that not everyone does. I wouldn't want to force my beliefs on someone else and I don't want them to force their beliefs on me. I'm completely open to a healthy debate or conversation about what a person believes as long as they also respect how i believe. If we know our history, we already know that forcing a one world religion ends very badly. in order to unify, there will have to be alot of compromises and alot of those compromises will go against the bible. So, for me, it just won't work. also, there are many atheists, agnostics, paganists, etc. How can you unite them with a one world religion? Protestants protest against the catholic church. You can't unite them because then it would completely go against what the protestants stood for. Not many people are aware of what's going on, but there are people who are trying very hard to make this one world religion thing work. It's scary to think how many are already united only because if they start forcing(which may happen) people to unite, people who refuse are going to end up paying for it.
my opinion....enough said. lol. Don't throw stones! LOL
@earthsong (589)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I think the only people it would help are the people who already believe whatever religion was chosen to be the only one. You're right, it would never happen. There are too many religions, belief systems, personal feelings and variations of each religion for that to actually happen. I, personally, wouldn't follow a religion because it was the only one available. I think the choosing of a single religion would cause more problems then it would help, everyone would be vying for their religion to be the One, and I don't think there would be a way to satisfy those whose religions weren't chosen.
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@thorgrym (675)
• United States
24 Mar 09
The reason that it would be impossible to unite everyone into one religion is that every religion is trying to do that very thing! I wouldn't say that all of our world problems stem from differences in religions, but certainly a lot of wars are a result of this. Some religions have the 'convert them' mindset, while others have the 'kill them' mindset when it comes to those not of a particular belief.
Hypothetically speaking, sure, if the world were entirely on the same page then a lot of strife would be avoided. Getting to that point is utterly impossible though.
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@rckayla09 (113)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Nope I do not agree with ONE religion for all. However I do think (and pray) that one day we will all RESPECT one another's different religions and different religious beliefs rather than fighting over our differences.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
25 Mar 09
It's only natural that anyone who has a religious belief would think that what they believe is the "true" religion. I'm no different. What you have to look at is the track record of all religions. If there are things that can be proven from the secular world, how does a particular religion measure up? I'm convinced that Christianity is the true religion and that no one comes to God except through Jesus Christ.
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@rckayla09 (113)
• United States
26 Mar 09
But that's only YOUR OPINION because you are obviously a Christian. Although I'm a Christian too, I respect the fact that you feel this way but people of other religions may differ with your view about Christianity being the only "true" religion and the only way one comes to God through Jesus Christ.
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@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
26 Mar 09
That's why I said you have to look at the religion's track record. If the religion makes a particular claim which can be proved or disproved, which one is telling the truth?
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Who's going to decide which religion and then which denomination?
@jhayat (20)
• Pakistan
24 Mar 09
It's an impossibility.All religions have a greater or lesser degree of spirituality, and religion is about spirituality. How I worship, or how another person worships, is not something I can comment on. But what I do comment on is if this or that religion leads to satanic worship.
We have seen many movements of uniting different religions, but we can't. The only thing we can do is find some common factors, tolerance would be on the top of the agenda. We cannot unite, but we can be tolerant.
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@smelz23 (190)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
We would like to unify all the religions in the world into one. If and only if all of our religion elders and us of course to be open minded to accept the beliefs and traditions of the other community. Let say respect the others. And most of all if we learn to love our neighbors... and the other things will come..
@dexterous21 (1180)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
What do you think of unifying all religions in the world into one religion?
Mystery if it will happen. But I think it will never happen. The concept of FREE WILL will no longer exist if that will happen. Since we already unified then harmony will take place, I guess, no more evil, no more wars and that's the end. Maybe it will be the second coming. Unity is a key for peace.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
23 Mar 09
I believe that there is only one true religion but religion is a science, meaning that it is very precise. As we dicover errors and untruths, these must be discarded. Eventually the truth will triumph and there will be only one true religion. And we will all live happily and in peace ever after.
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@katran (585)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I was to know what "ongoing religious wars" are "starting to worsen"? It seems like it has been a long, long, long time (like hundreds and hundreds of wars) since a massive religious war existed. Some people argue that the fighting between Israel and Palestine is religiously based, but that is only one part of the story (and not the largest part if you ask me). The only religion I know of that still uses violence to further their religion is Islam, and it seems people turn a blind eye to that more than anything else. So where are these religious wars that you are talking about?
Also, supposing that their ARE religious wars....there are also wars about money, but no one is saying money should be done away with. Their are wars for political reasons, but no one is saying anarchy is the best option. Their are wars about land and resources, but no one is saying we should live in one big Communist world where everyone owns everything communily and their is no such thing as property or possessions. Because it is impossible and just silly to say. Wars happen. It sucks. It's terrible. In a perfect world their would be no violence, but there is no such THING as a perfect world, and people are always going to be corrupt, no matter what. Religion is not the problem. Human nature is the problem.
I don't think we should have one world religion. I just think we should learn to live peacefully with all religions. There should be no tolerance for religious violence. The whole world should be outraged at the concept of jihad or any other religion that justifies violence as a means of spreading religion. We can all live side by side. Just look at America. We have all shapes, sizes, colors, and religions of people living here, and you never have atheists declaring war on Christians or Catholics declaring war on Protestants.
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@bluangel628 (383)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
When we talk of religion, is a never ending discussion. We can talk hours about it but never stops because it is our faith that is in the line. Its the belief that is being discussed and of course our human nature is to defend what we believe and what we value. As per my opinion on what is the one true religion, the answer is everybody's religion. Why? Because each of us considers our religion as the real and true one. It is our faith to it that made it true and real. No religion is greater than the other because all of the religions around the world has one Superior Being to whom we believed. Everyone has his own Yahweh, Buddha, or Allah to have faith with and it is through faith that a man is saved.
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@Archie0 (5652)
24 Mar 09
Well in my view, for me there is no religion at all.I have only one religion and that is humantiy, love, and smile.This all you can do being a human.I wont ever believe any religion because i havent made them, never felt them or never seen yet.I have never seen different people categrised with different religions, so why the hell shoudl i bother what this religious funda is. One thing i know that people who are fighting, disturbing the global peace and wars all over are the dumbest animals created by god.They have no other material work to be done thats why they fight.But then when one fights for matter of humanity, matter of poverty, or for love and peace i am with them.It is written in bhagvat gita, that " if you are a warrior dont hesitate to fight back bad people.You are no one to kill them, but you are just the reason to make an end to this untruthfull line of people'.
@Aquilis (175)
24 Mar 09
When most religious books claim that they are the one true religion, with the notable exception of the seeks, who as far as I'm aware accept all paths to truth, this does create quite the mess.
Personally though, as the only book with a creation story, states that it is inspired by God himself, and features accurate prophasy and time lines, the Bible rings most true for me, and it does state that there is only one way to gain salvation. However it also states that those who are seeking truth will find it, no matter where they are or what their cirumstances may be.
Unity between what people call false religion, and their own religion is impossible. At best we can hope that peace is maintianed and tollerance (as also taught by these relgions but mostly not practiced) rules over all.
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