Are you guilty of Wealth Envy?
By dragon54u
@dragon54u (31634)
United States
March 23, 2009 9:46am CST
There are many people right now who resent people who make a lot of money. They seem to feel that because they themselves have to struggle to make ends meet, wealthy people are somehow greedy cheats that don't deserve their riches.
This has really been aggravated by the recent corporate bonus scandals with the companies the U.S. has bailed out. People have gone and protested in front of executives' beautiful big houses and said they have no right to all that money. I feel that they have worked for it and if they have educated themselves enough so that they can get such jobs they deserve the compensation. I wish I had more money but I don't have the means to earn the big bucks. I don't resent the wealthy, though.
How about you? Do you hate or resent wealthy people and think they should share their fortunes? Do you think there should be a cap on how much a person can earn?
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19 responses
@elly_biz (65)
• Indonesia
24 Mar 09
no i don't resent wealthy people because i want to be like them. If you hate them then you will not become like them. People can become rich because of their work,spirit,idea,etc. The point is that they can "work smart" not "work hard", they know how to invest their money in a perfect place, its different with the common people who thinks just to buy their money for consumer goods.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
You are correct! Here in the U.S. there are many people who resent them and want the government to seize their riches and give it away. That is SO wrong! I would not be surprised if you do well in life. 

@zhangfzoe (432)
• China
24 Mar 09
Sometimes I am envy of the wealth. I feel too far away from the prosperity. But I have to admire some kind and generous people, they create a great business empire and contribute themselves to the world.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Wealthy people are big contributors to charity and most of them improve the world for the rest of us. I sometimes wish I had their money but I don't begrudge them their riches.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
24 Mar 09
I am not envious of the wealthy, but I could surely do with some luck, just like them. Whenever I read a biography of somebody who has made it rich (not born into wealth, mind you)…it does seem like a true fairytale really. The struggle in the beginning, then the silver linings and then the opportunity to strike and so on. The similarity with me, starts and ends with the struggle part. I have never had any luck, I have never had people just believing me and giving me any ‘out-of-this-world’ opportunity, rather I have been surrounded by competitors out for my last drop of blood. Well, if not so bad, then at least most of us know what I am talking about. Ordinary people all working so hard and living paycheck to paycheck…yet there are a handful who seem to be walking away with all the luck in this world… this is what I resent.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
25 Mar 09
Well yes, I have had opportunity staring at me and I have grabbed it, but somehow it did not work out as anticipated. I think I lack that go-getter instinct so vital to survive in this world of cut-throat competition. I am not a born loser, but I really could not make it BIG in anything...I am like OK, trudging along with the millions
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Surely there have been times when you could have grasped opportunity? I can think of several times like that in my life but I failed to hop onto the wagon of fortune. Rich people who made their own money aren't lucky, they made their own luck and chased opportunities.
It's very sad that so many are living on the edge of poverty and homelessness. But they should not resent the wealthy, they should emulate the qualities they used to accumulate their wealth.

@uath13 (8192)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I resent when huge companies ask for a gigantic handout from the taxpayers then turn around & give their executives who just laid off thousands of hard working people & are responsible for the decisions that got the company into a big mess a huge bonus for doing a "GOOD JOB". That's what I resent!
Had you or I screwed up this bad we'd have been fired in a second. They get away with it because of their buddy bonus system.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I resent that, too! But the way I understand it, the bonuses are their main compensation and they draw a relatively small salary. However, those salaries are probably much more than you or I make in five years! And if they are retention incentives, why in the world would a company want to retain someone that ran them into the ground?! There is so much corruption in big business!
If they deserved the bonuses, if they'd make the companies viable and financially secure, I wouldn't be so angry.

@benny128 (3615)
23 Mar 09
nope I look at it from the point of view would I turn down the bonus if I was in their shoes.
I defiantly wouldnt turn down the bonus's etc etc
we are all greedy in one way or another its human nature.
They only earn what they earn as they are percieved to be worth the amount that they are paid by their peers.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 Mar 09
Exactly. Although I think they didn't do a good job as they are mostly the ones that ran the companies into the ground, if their employers want to give them a bonus it's none of my business. I don't want it taken out of the bailout money, though, because that's MY money.
When government gets involved in private enterprise like it has recently, it scares me. And capping anyone's salary is even scarier.
@sikat101 (149)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
I do not resent the wealthy people. Money can't buy me happiness. We each have our own problems, rich or poor. I live in a developing country thus I appreciate what I have. I find contentment in that. There should not be cap of how much one can earn. If the person worked hard for it, then let him/her earn it. I know that there are a lucky few who are still rich without working hard. I find solace in the idea that in the end we are all human beings. It does not make us less of a person if we are less wealthy.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
You must be a very happy person with such an outlook as that. Yes, that's what we should think like but many people here in the U.S. resent the wealthy and think that the government should take their money and give it to others. That would be very, very bad.
@sikat101 (149)
• Philippines
25 Mar 09
Well, I support taxing the wealthy. I hope they pay taxes commensurate with their real earnings. I do not know how much the taxes in the US are. Although I am not wealthy, I really do not mind paying taxes especially when I see excellent government services. However, I do resent the wealthy when there someone rich who pays less taxes than me because of some accounting magic.
@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Well the way I see it, there are 2 different kinds of wealthy people in this world. There are the people who have struggled and worked their way up to the top and deserve every penny that they get. Then there are the lazy people who have done nothing but sit on their butt or hurt others just to have everything handed to them on a silver platter. THOSE people don't deserve it and that does make me a little jealous that I've struggled my whole life and never seem to get anywhere but some people are just NOT good people and still have everything handed to them! Some of them don't even know what it means to make an honest living!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Well, life isn't always fair. It used to be that people who inherited wealth were coached by their parents to be responsible stewards and give back by means of charity. These days so many rich people don't see that obligation--it's not really an obligation but truly wealthy people consider it one.
There's a reason why rich people in the old days turned up their noses at the "noveau riche" (new rich)--they didn't acknowledge the responsibilities of wealth.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
14 Apr 09
Resentment? I don't resent anybody xD
Envy? I envy people for nonmaterial things they have, not silly things like money (I HATE money if I could hate anything)...and even then, it's a light playful kind of jealousy, not hateful or malicious.
I never could live in a huge house, or drive a fancy car. I'm meant for nature and hard living, not luxury (hard earned or no) and I'm happy in that fact.
I could care less how other people live and how they got to living that way. Their lives are none of my business. I care about random strangers on the street, but I still don't feel the right to be nosy. My hero complex demands I be helpful, but it doesn't demand that I judge others or care what others might think of me.
And no, I don't think there should be a cap on how much a person can earn. I believe we need more options in this world, not less.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
14 Apr 09
It would be nice if everyone felt the way you do! There seems to be a growing segment of society that envies those with money and they don't seem to realize that they, too, could be more secure if they would only be more creative and work harder. This economy is increasing that resentment because so many have lost so much. Those who squandered their resources on things like big televisions and borrowed against their properties to take vacations and stuff are really suffering right now and lots of them won't admit it's their own fault.
The love of money is the root of all evil. We shouldn't love or hate money, it is what it is. It's what we do with it that counts.
@karbuks (270)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
i need money thats why im trying hard to earn it. I do not hate wealthy people since they have work hard to earn their wealth. although there are some who cheats, steals and do it in a very wrong way. I think they have to share also their blessing especially to the unfortunate people or to the oppress. They should think about the homeless when they have much space in their house. they should think about the hungry people when they can eat what they want. Much is expected to them because much is also given to them. Remember, sharing is loving. you can give happiness in the little amount you can share.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
You are right, we all gain when we give. I'm sure that if we saw the financial records of most rich people, we would see that they have created charitable foundations to help people, given a lot to charities, etc.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
24 Mar 09
There's two ways I can look at this. Number one - I DO resent people who have all sorts of things which they received by stomping on other people. Those executives who received government BAILOUT MONEY in BONUSES? Well that was our taxpayer money. We didn't even get a state tax refund probably partially because of crap like this. I don't see a problem if our tax money went into keeping a company afloat by them keeping all the employees and continuing to operate. That would be just fine. But to take it from us and put it in their pockets, making the rich richer and still laying off thousands and STILL being in the red? I think not.
Now if it is earned because someone went to college for 8 years and then landed themselves a good job etc, that's different. Especially if they are not getting bonuses and handouts from government people trying to 'sell' something.
I think what you're not understanding is that some of those executives do NOT deserve anything. You or I could probably do whatever it is they do, and do it BETTER and not screw people, and definitely not just take a 762 billion dollar package of bailout money and spend it on PARTIES, VACATIONS, BONUSES, etc. Hello, this money the government 'gave' to these companies doesn't even exist. They printed it and then handed it over. Gee whiz, I wish I could just turn on my money machine and print some when I needed it! Who cares if it's not 'real'? Who cares if it inflates prices because all of a sudden there's more money to go around and as a result, the prices have to go up because somewhere in there, SOMEONE (as always) decides to be just a little greedy? People laugh about it as if it's nothing and nobody should get upset. Well, compound 'a little greedy' at least 15 times. Nobody gets upset about a five dollar increase total in your bills/budget. When you get five dollars times TWENTY, you might start to raise your eyebrows a bit. When it gets more out of hand, how in the world do you justify this 'it's only five bucks'?! You can't at that point!
Now my second point. I resent people thinking that *I* am one of those people! I'm clearly not, almost everybody is struggling. There is a big difference between being comfortable and being 'wealthy'. Am I worried about losing everything, no, but I certainly am not sitting on 6 figures in the bank either thinking about going to Bermuda for a vacation.
I rather think that people really need to deserve the salaries they make. When you look at the amount of work someone actually does, the knowledge and expertise required, length of time spent in that field and how beneficial it is to the big picture - of course a doctor probably deserves to make a bundle. They probably spent 250K or more in student loans too. Do I think all pro sports people deserve to make so much? It depends on their level of talent. I think what these people make is a bit inflated. Other entertainment people also - it's inflated. Would I say the same thing if I were an actress? Probably. It would be nice but not exactly 'fair' if you see what I'm getting at. So I can go say 3 lines and walk around and be in a couple scenes...and make 4K in one day. YES, it's excellent money - but did what I did really deserve a salary like that? (I don't do this btw) This said, anybody who teaches would get a 6 figure income at LEAST lol. People who willingly did things many folks hate - like trash pickup - big salary. I think they already do pretty well.
I can definitely tell you, if the GOVERNMENT gives ANY money to a company or individual, there should be guidelines. They should ONLY be allowed to spend it on a predetermined purpose, voted on by the people, and decided in the best interest of EVERYBODY. The government should also (in my opinion) only give money to legal citizens. If this were to happen, there would not be this spending of BAILOUT money on personal agendas, waste like parties and bonuses, etc. They'd actually use that money to get out of the red like they were supposed to. As far as the legal citizen thing - the money should go to legal citizens, not illegals. The way things are now, there is not ENOUGH money or programs or services to help LEGAL citizens because the illegals are taking it all.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I agree with nearly everything you say! I certainly think that we should value a teacher more than an AIG executive, as we should firemen and policemen and other public servants who make a real difference in our lives. The fact that we pay them so little shows how screwed up our values have become.
I don't think we should have bailed out ANY businesses! Let them fail. I know it would be catastrophic but capitalism can't work if we don't allow businesses to fail or learn from their mistakes. When those fail, others will spring up to take their place. A tree falls in the forest and nourishes the soil, the animals and insects--new life springs up because of that fallen tree and nature completes its cycle. Same with capitalism. This administration and the one before it is and was destroying a good system and I really fear for the future.
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@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
24 Mar 09
i do envy them because their lives are easier and worry free for the most part. all i do is worry about who to pay first and who not to pay because we do not have enough to go around. we buy nothing unnecessary. do not use our credit cards anymore and our vehicles are old and need repairs all the time. that is all worrisome but when you have money you do not worry about such things and you actually enjoy life. we both work hard. i have more jobs than i can count. i babysit from home for a 6 month old, i am the bookkeeper for my husband's business, i do online surveys and product testing and i clean one day on the weekends. i do all this because i have to so i can be here to take care of our son and not have to have strangers raising him while i work at some thankless full time job making someone else rich. when he is older i will go back to working full time outside the home. i think it is wrong for people to go to the private homes of people and threaten their families. they should picket outside AIG not their homes. in some ways though i guess it is about time these fat cats learned that their greed has a price and they went over the line for sure.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I wish others had your determination when it comes to your child. You are going to be very, very happy for your sacrifices when he grows up to be a happy and well adjusted adult! I think if moms stayed home, we would cut crime in half within 20 years.
Yes, I'm jealous sometimes, too. But it's my own fault, I dropped out of collage and kind of sailed through life till now I'm old with nothing material to show for those years. However, I do have two wonderful sons that I stayed home to raise and they are my treasures.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I would never hate or even envy a person with more money than they know what to do with it. What I DO hate is seeing wealthy people being so very selfish with it.
I just watched a program about the newest Dubai, India resort "first". They've created... get this... a ski resort! Yes, in Dubai, India, part of that Hotel Dubai, is an astronomically expensive ski resport, complete with several megaton air compressors to keep the temp. at around 21 to 23 degrees farenheit and machines that mix just the right amount of moisture with ice crystals to create 8 inches of "fresh powder" each day for the pleasure of the guests.
THIS, to me, is not only unnecessary, but the ultimate in extreme greed, not only by the sheik funding all this, but by anyone who would spend that kind of money on themselves to ski in India, lounge on air-conditioned beaches, etc. With so much suffering in this world, these filthy-rich should be giving at least a LITTLE concern for their fellow man.
Sure, you make a lot of money, you have a right to indulge... a little. Too many of these super-rich, though, are so greedy they refuse to even SEE those who are struggling just to put food in their children's stomachs.
I know for a fact that I'll never be rich, not in a monetary sense, because I would rather help someone who is struggling than have excess money just sitting in a bank or in any kind of investments or super-vacations.

@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
It makes me angry, too, when they make those types of resorts when not too far away there are people living with no clean running water in shacks, foraging for food and dying of starvation.
On the other hand, it's their money and they have the right to do what they want with it. And we don't know if they give to charity or try to help people, all we see is their excesses. Sometimes I resent them but then I have to be glad that I don't have all that responsibility--great wealth has great demands and if they don't try to make a real difference in the world they will surely not be happy in the afterlife. They will live eternity in shame and regret, all for a few short years of indulgence.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Oh, I forgot to add that I despise sports such as baseball, football, basketball, etc. In my opinion, NO ONE should be earning more than the President of the United States... that includes CEO's and presidents of large corporations!
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@Yori88 (1465)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
I am not guilty of wealth envy because my attention is more on how to improve our own life. I and my husband is not rich but we are not poor either. We are just in an average living and life status. I know that those people who are rich worked hard to get what they wanted in life and they should deserve to have what they worked hard for. They have the right to decide how to spend their own money because that is their own. We could never say that they should give to everyone because it has a disadvantage to the poor who are not working hard. It will make them depend on the blessing given by other people, the rich ones. On the other hand, wealthy people have also the right to give as long as they only give to deserving people.
If the rich people gained their wealth on illegal or wrong means, then I condemn them. They don't deserve to be rich. I admire people who became rich because of hard work but if their attitude is not good then I condemn them. It is not bad to envy people who are wealthy but learn to envy in a good way. That is to use your envious feeling to work hard for your own success. I have always been wanting to be rich not only for myself but for my husband, my son and my family and relatives.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
That is a very good attitude! It's too bad that we can't see how much rich people give to charities, most of them do so. It would enlighten many people who envy them.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
24 Mar 09
People are not protesting against the wealthy. They are protesting against the executives who make the company bankrupt, then use the taxpayers money to pay themselves.
If the executives have make billion of dollars for the companies, nobody will deny that they have the rights to earn the big bonus.
Even if they are legally "entitled" to the bonus as per their contract, it is still not "morally" right. Imagine they are hired by some other companies and the companies bankrupt, they will not be able to claim their bonus.
So the example is not the issue of poor envy the rich.
Actually most people do not "envy" the rich in the negative sense, that's why they encourage their children to study hard and to aim for first tier universities.
Most people are against certain ways the rich get their money. And when a company is in bad shape, and thousand of jobs are lost, people do expect the top people to show some self-sacrifices.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I started this topic because I like to listen to talk radio and I hear so many people state that the wealthy should be stripped of their riches and live like everyone else. It's alarming to me to hear that. That's communism, which has never turned out well.
I don't mind bonuses but I don't want them paid with my tax dollars. If we have to bail out a company then my dollars should not reward them.
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
25 Mar 09
I bet many of the negative comments are made by people who are laid off from their company.
Sometimes they are retrenched and worried about paying the bills and then they see their management team received a big bonus, obviously they feel like a victim.
The state of the economy really affects the masses and their thinkings. If the rich and wealthy are smart, they will learn to keep quiet and quietly soak up distressed asset. Only those stupid rich will air their wealth.
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
24 Mar 09
I would not resent or hate people for the wealth they have. I only wish that the wealth was not accumulated by illgotten means. Sure a lot a of them have worked hard to get it, but at the same time it's important they recognise the right and important use of the wealth and not use it for the purpose of dominance over others.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Many of the wealthy don't realize the responsibilities that come with all that money. Even people like you and I have a responsibility to help others less fortunate than ourselves. Most charitable contributions are made by people like us, not the people who have the most money. I find that sad.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
24 Mar 09
I never did resent wealthy people.
It is the wealthy people who provided me with a job.
Without them I would have been even poorer.
What I do resent... is the way some wealthy people get wealthy.
Some wealthy people get wealthy by being smart and working hard. Those people are usually generous and very nice people.
But most wealthy people actually get wealthy by being greedy and exploiting the poor. And that is not on.
I still don't care about their wealth.
But I don't like those people's attitude... and I usually let them know about it.
Being envious is like being jealous.
It is a negative attitude which will eat the inside of you and destroy you.
You can only blame yourself or your parents for being poor.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Quite true. Look at Bernard Madoff. That is a person worth despising because he gained his wealth by stealing from others. I resent his wealth and I resent his wife and children claiming they should have a share of it because it was theft.
You and I think alike. I wish I would have taken advantage of the education offered me when I graduated high school but I was a rebel and stupid. It's my own fault. But my life has everything that matters, which has nothing to do with money. Let the wealthy enjoy, I have what's important. 

@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
24 Mar 09
No, I don't resent anyone. If someone is blessed then they are blessed. Now, I do practice Feng Shui so I take care to make sure my wealth gua is clear and fruitful, but I don't do it because I feel badly or think ill of those who have monies. I wish everyone much success and hope that they are provided for.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
You have a very healthy attitude! We are all blessed in different ways if we will just take off our blinders and see.
@lologirl2021 (5542)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I have some family members that are greedy and don't want to help others out in the family. At the moment i am unemployed and trying to pay bills by doing some work on the internet. I have also started selling Avon to help, i haven't had much luck with that, and my Aunt whom is wealthy wont even purchase anything with Avon and that kinda upsets me as i need to get some extra cash rolling in. I know how you feel that the rich are greedy. Enjoy Mylotting
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I don't think the rich are greedy. The truly wealthy do quite a bit of good with their money. The ones who don't help others are the ones I kind of resent but I have no right to--it's their money, not mine. I do think your aunt should buy some Avon from you, though, she could do some early Christmas shopping. I hope things get better for you.
@luvmysons (497)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I dont hate or resent wealthy people But I am extremely jealous of them. Here I am a hard working woman and My husband is hard working as well and we struggle and live paycheck to paycheck, No matter how hard we work. i dont think there should be a cap on how much people make, just wasnt lucky enough to find work like that.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 Mar 09
I'm rather jealous, too! But I think everyone is entitled to what they are able to make. And most wealthy people do a lot of good for others.
I wish it was easier to get by but I'm glad that I'm keeping my head above water and that you are, too!
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