How do you fitting yourself in the new environment?

@rirbry (353)
March 23, 2009 11:04pm CST
Im fitting myself with a new working environment, it been 3 month i work here and im still kindda shy =)
3 responses
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
How is it going? I hope you are doing fine. It is expected that you will need time to feel comfortable about the workplace. All of us experience that. I advise that you just be very sensitive with your new environment. It pays off to be very observant to know what are the inclinations of the people. From there you can start developing relationships with people around you.
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
Hi rirbry! I can relate.. :) It takes some time for me to adopt a new environment,and new people around me, kind of difficult to adjust, how to deal with different people in a different environment... :( Only I can say, is take one step at a time, and you'll be ok :) Maybe it would be ok if you start being friendly and extend some help and offer things that you can give to them :) You'll be fine Happy mylotting!
@kprabhu (439)
• India
24 Mar 09
yeah some times it would took lot of time to adopt in a new working evvironment, its purely depends upon the people if you are shy then you would be calm in nature it varies people to people!