Octuplets Mum FIRES the free nurses provided to her????
By James72
@James72 (26790)
March 24, 2009 2:29am CST
I have been reading the occasional news story related to Nadya Suleman, the Mother of these octuplets; and have basically kept my opinions to myself so far. I have always found the whole situation to be bizarre at best and now I've just read that she's FIRED a group of free nurses that were provided to her! Why? Because she felt they were spying on her and sharing information with Child Protection authorities! Here's a link to the article:
So not only has she had 8 new children (She had 6 already); not only did she expect to be raising all these children in her Parents small house; not only is she obviously lacking in the ability for sensible reasoning; she's now rejecting free assistance?? Surely if she was not concerned about the environment she lived in or about her ability to be a good Mother, she would have no issues with people observing her and her children and then reporting back to the authorities??
The more I read on this woman, the more I start to feel that she really doesn't deserve to be in custody of all these kids. And only 4 of the octuplets are home so far!
Any opinions?
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55 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Mar 09
I see no reason for Suleman to fire the non-profit group nurses except for what you have to say there. I think, bringing up 14 children all alone is not feasible and anyone who wants to do it either suffers from paranoia or have real issuses with proper parenting. Obviously she is not sure of her ability, (I agree no one can bring up 14 children all by herself) and her dealing with the support group goes to show that the children would going to have a tough time.
I wish the octuplets and the 4 other children a good life.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Mar 09
It's SIX other children mimpi!
This woman has 14 in total now! It's unbelievable. There are so many questions surrounding not just her ability to raise these kids appropriately, but also surrounding how she was able to have 8 kids through artificial insemination in the first place! I wish all these children the best possible life also; and I'm seriously starting to question this woman's ability to be the one to provide this for them.
Thanks for your comments.

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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Mar 09
That's another valid point! Why was she allowed to do that in the first place! Why didn’t they speculate the cons and cons then! I think we are basically ‘do-before-think’ kind and never leave a chance to be critical with harsh censures.
What ever it may be, the innocents are put into risk. That’s the saddest part.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Mar 09
Yes, it does seem to be the ones that are in the weakest position to speak for themselves that suffer in situations like this.
From what I understand, the Doctor that performed the insemination did come under scrutiny for fertilizing so many eggs at one go, but I'm not sure what came of it? I need to try and get up to speed on that aspect. From other articles I HAVE read, fertilizing as many eggs as he did is definitely not a common practice.

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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
24 Mar 09
The first thing which had come to my mid on hearing the story of these Octuplets, was how were these children going to be brought up ? .The mother was being quite adamant right from the beginning. Even her own mother was against her. She most definitely needs all the assistance she can get to ensuer the children get the right kind of care.
After reading this article and her attitude firing the nurses, i tend to most certainly agree with you on the reaosning part. She clearly seems to be lacking on this front.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Mar 09
Oh, but she "loves kids"!
I must admit that I haven't been following her story avidly and have just picked up on the occasional news story here and there; but the more I look into things, the more horrified I become. This woman is not quite right in her attitude or way of explaining things and as much as it's not the desire of anyone to remove children from their Parent or Parents, I'm seriously thinking that this may be the best option in her case. It has now gotten to the point where she's not only created a situation that's practically unsustainable given her personal circumstances and socio-economic status, she's now rejecting assistance because people dare to question her abilities and environment??? It's all very sad and there are 14 children's lives to consider here. Thanks for the response Alok.

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Mar 09
littletinker..... gotogogirl has summed things up very well here and so have many others with their responses. No, it ISN'T any of our business in the overall scheme of things, but this woman has been thrust into the limelight because she MADE it this way. She is exploiting her circumstances for financial gain and making irrational decisions when it comes to the true welfare of her babies. Many, many references have been made throughout this discussion that attest to her disgusting ways. From plastic surgery procedures while on food stamps, to one reporter stating that the ONLY time Nadya would pick up any of her children was when the cameras were on her! If it wasn't for her poor downtrodden Parents, Nadya's kids would have been removed from her a long time ago. ALL of these things upset me because there are people in this world that are deserving and perfectly rational, but go without a majority of the things Nadya has been handed. She is not worthy of having these beuatiful children.
Thank you both for your comments.

@littletinker (273)
25 Mar 09
What is it that upsets you about this situation so much?
Is she cruel to her children? Are they beaten? Are the left unattended for hours at a time? Or Starved even? Does she neglect them in any way?
What is it that she 'doesnt do right' as a Mother? She doesnt have the same thought process as you? Well, most people think a little differently than others and we all get on fine enough.
What seems to be the problem here is that this woman and her way of thinking is coming into question simply because she has been thrust into the public eye. There are thousands of women just like her who bring up children perfectly well. Ok, they might not have the best clothes or go on fancy holidays but they are brought up well enough.
She may have contravertial ideas about certain things.....but thats noone elses business other than her own and so long as her children are not being harmed in any way, I cant see what there is to be so upset about.

@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
24 Mar 09
This story is just getting more bizarre by the minute. Taking care of so many babies is hard, it's undoable without any help. I can imagine the mother would feel lonely and scared that she might not be able to take care of everything and affraid people will judge her as a bad mother; but sending away help doesn't make it any better. If the nurses were actually passing on information then she has just given them another reason to believe there observations and conclusions are valid as she has kicked them out the door.
Why would they even provide insemination to someone who has 6 children allready?
Be thankfull and don't take the risk I would personally say... that might sound harsh, but come on, they allready had six children? HELLO? Did you expect a seventh would have made it lighter? And there is enough information about the possibilities of multiple births through this system. I don't know about this, it makes me feel a bit weird inside.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Mar 09
I've kept relatively quiet about this woman up until this point, but her firing the Nurses that were supplied to her just was too much for me in the end. Lonely and scared? You should see this woman when she's interviewed! She's cocky, defensive and downright arrogant at times if you ask me. Concerned with people judging her as a bad Mother? She became one of those the SECOND she made a decision to impregnate herself again, seeing as she already had 6 kids, no job and lived with her Mum and Dad in a tiny house.
And yes, the Doctor who did the procedure and fertilized 8 eggs is also an idiot. By the way, "THEY" didn't already have 6 children, SHE did! I'm not knocking single Mother's by any means, but come on??? It's now got to the point that this selfish and unstable woman is probably going to lose all 14 of her kids and they will be separated..... All because no one regulated the Doctor, her own state of mind or her means to handle such a situation. It's disgusting. Thanks for the comments cyberfluf.

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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
24 Mar 09
Wow, that's a whole lot of new information for me, James.
I haven't seen this mother or her babies in any interview, I have read little things about them but I had no clue about possible cocky or arrogant behaviour. The other things you state are new for me aswell. That is awfull!
I try to be very understanding of parents, especially in my position in becoming a professional, but concidering all the new info you just provided I can only hope that the professionals about this family will take valid actions in the childrens best interest. It's just bizarre, I have no other words for it 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Mar 09
It's arguably BEYOND bizarre!
I too hope that professionals move to do what's right here. Of course the ideal scenario is to keep children with their Parent or Parents, but ONLY if the environment is a positive one. The way the situation currently stands, I just can't see any optimistic outcome for these kids if they stay with this woman and that's so sad. If you get the chance, check online for more articles about her and you'll be amazed at some of the events to date and you may find it all quite interesting. Especially given it's relevance to the career you're pursuing! If you hadn't already picked up on her name mentioned in this discussion, it's "Nadya Suleman".

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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
24 Mar 09
All thought we might not agree with her having so many children, we do not live in a socialist country (yet) so there is no way we can tell her how many children she may or may not have. And to go along with that, just because it is "free" nurses, doesn't mean she has to accept and/or keep them. In fact, the story that I read about it, stated that she actually fired the company that is training the nannies (Angels in waiting) and the nannies/nurses will be trained by another company instead. Please be careful of what you read and how it is put, especially just skimming headlines because the media can be deceiving. NOT saying that I agree with her actions at all, but give her a break. I really think that if everyone just minded their own business and maybe even just left her alone, this would all blow over and she quite possibly could get the help she needed and could live a normal life with her children.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Mar 09
All due respect shannon, but there is absolutely no reasoning whatsoever that will convince me that this woman should be given a break. We can't tell her how many children she can or can't have? No, we cannot; but we sure as heck can regulate the processes required for her to get to the point she's arrived at! Under 30, 6 children already, unemployed, living at home with her Parents in a tiny house..... At what stage does common sense take a pivotal role here? And don't even get me started on the idiot Doctor that fertilized the 8 eggs!
And I have re-read through the article I provided again and yes, the TRAINING COMPANY has been fired, so point taken. For the record, I'm not a headline skimmer of articles I take the time to start discussions about and have just misread the statements, so thank you for setting the record straight on that angle. I'd still like to point out though, they were providing their services at no cost to her and they are leaders in their field. She has chosen to snub her nose at a non-material offering while openly embracing all things financially related. Does this not speak volumes? And as for leaving her alone? NO-ONE should be leaving that woman alone until such time as these 14 children are secure. I am not sure of your experiences with the "system", but without the media attention, this whole situation is likely to get lost in it. I appreciate your viewpoints on all of this shannon and thanks for sharing them.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
24 Mar 09
This is a quote from the article that you posted:
"Suleman's lawyer Jeff Czech said the relationship started badly between Suleman and Angels in Waiting, which has been training nannies paid by Suleman at the family's La Habra home." So again, you are stating something wrong which further proves my point. The title of the article states free nurses which in fact they are none of that. And how do you know they are leaders in their field? Do you know them personally and the company personally? I don't know either way so I can't credit them or discredit them. a
PAID by Suleman. So, not free, not donated but PAID for by Ms Suleman. And to get further into that, it's actually her insurance company. So you're telling me, if someone said they would watch my child for free, I should feel obligated to keep them EVEN if I did not like the way they were taking care of my child? Um not only no, but H E double L no. We all might think (think being the keyword) she is crazy, but until we can prove otherwise, we have to mind our business.
Are there any reports of child abuse? Neglect? Are her children not being cared for? Is she hitting them? Has anyone talked to her other children to see if they are abused as well? I am guessing no one can answer any of these questions because as far as I know, the answer is NO to all of the above. There is no proof of any abuse or neglect so until there is, there is nothing to do about her and her situation. As long as the children are taken care of, as long as she is not doing any harm to the children and she is a fit mother, then there is nothing anyone can do about it. If I had that many people at my house on a constant basis, I would probably look like a lunatic too! That would make anyone go crazy! Her house is like a zoo with all of those reporters and TV crews and just plain stupid people getting into her business. Tell me what kind of parent you would be if you had a mob of crazies on your lawn every day and night telling you how horrible you are and you are a bad parent and your children should be taken away? I am not saying they should be praising her but they for sure aren't offering any healthy solutions to her.
I want to make clear that my own personal feelings about that woman are not reflected at all. I am going off of mostly what I read which by reading many many articles and documents and such, I believe to be fact. And that my friend is something you need to understand. Personal feeling and fact need to be kept apart when dealing with cases like this. We might not like what she did, we might not like that she has a total of 14 kids now, and we might not even understand her reasons or care to understand. But the fact does not change that those kids are what are important. Their well being, their welfare, their health. It doesn't matter how they came about, it matters that they are here and that is what people need to be focusing on. Maybe if we got the attention off the mom and on to the kids, we could help that family instead of hurting. There is no way to undo a child being born.
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
6 Apr 09
Thanks for the best response - I didn't even realize you had responded again, sorry about that.
I can agree with you that her attitude in general is very irking. She is completely a media hog and again, she has made decisions that I can just not agree with. But, again, we do not know how she is when the cameras are off. We do not know how she is with the babies when no one is around. I don't think it is fair for anyone to judge her soley on what the media is reporting about her. I really don't think she has been given the benefit of the doubt. I think everyone just wants to jump to conclusions that she is a horrible mom and a horrible person. I am guilty of making unfair assumptions of her. But I am done doing that until she proves me wrong. What happen to innocent until proven guilty?
As for the other 4 remaining in the hospital, that is pretty normal for anyone with a newborn to have to meet certain criteria in order to have the baby released to the parents. My child was in NICU for 4 days when he was born and my husband and I had to complete videos, take an infant CPR class, and they made certain we had an infant car sear properly fastened in our car before he was released from the hospital. You should see the list of things premature babies have (the list the parents have to adhere to). But, I am certain any parent would do that and more to make sure that their child has everything it needs. Yeah the videos we had to watch were dumb and it really was annoying just having surgery (had a c-section) and having to go do a CPR class and all, BUT it was very useful and I am glad they required us to do it because it could some day help me save my child or someone elses life.
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@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
24 Mar 09
I think this entire situation is disgusting. From what I have seen this woman had these babies for money, pure and simple. There was no way she should ever have qualified for or been given the treatments to conceive the octuplets in the first place when she was unemployed, living with her parents and already had SIX children (at least two of which have special needs). It's crap like 'John & Kate' that make wing nuts like her think that bringing lives into the world for their own personal gain in OK and it's absolutely sick. I read a term on a blog a little while ago that sums her and the ones before he up perfectly - 'breed for greed'. It's terrible and if she is refusing the FREE child care then maybe child protection does need to step in as she obviously cannot care for 14 children - some with special needs and EIGHT of them being premature babies - on her own.
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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
24 Mar 09
I think you've nailed it with the term 'breed for greed', Jesssp.
Even though I wish we would never have to use the word, it is perhaps the most suitable for the whole situation.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Mar 09
"Disgusting" is an appropriate word to describe this woman and the situation as a whole and I agree with you that she's selfishly seeking materialistic gains from all of this.
You have echoed many of my own sentiments in regards to the fact that she should NOT have been allowed to get impregnated in the first place and "Breed for Greed" fits in perfectly with this. The whole scenario is beyond understanding and these poor children will become the ultimate victims here. Firing the free Nurses speaks volumes. You can't spend Nurses now can you! And one of the saddest things about all of this is that there are coutless people in this world that would love to have kids and deserve to have kids, but they can't. Thanks for the comments jess.

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@renemouche (843)
• United States
24 Mar 09
She has just lost any good will she has with the public. I watched the Dr. Phil specials he did with her and that group that was going to provide help to her 24 hours a day is just what she needed. They were going to provide her with nurses that have experience with premi babys.
I think that if she doesnt start to snap into reality her kids could and should be taken from her. I remember reading that the hospital wasnt going to release all the babies to her until they were for sure she had adequate care provided for them.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Mar 09
I agree with you that it's only a matter of time now before those kids are taken from her. She's obviously far from grounded in any sense, shape or form and as much as I hate seeing children separated like this, it may be the only chance they have of a well rounded life.
Surely a person can learn to be tolerant with people if it means that their presence will better their and their children's lives? This woman is selfish. If what you are saying about the hospital's release refusals is true, then I couldn't agree with them more. Thanks for the reposne renemouche. 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Mar 09
Thanks for the further updates on this rene.
She certainly does seem to be oblivious then to what she's actually in for! All the more reason for her to have as much help around her as possible. If she can't face the realities of this need, she's going to lose ALL of her children you'd think; and as much as I silike saying it, so she should. Her attitude and complete lack of common sense here is a testament to how messed up this whole situation is. How the heck did she end up being able to have 8 eggs fertilized in the first place??? There are so many people to blame here it's not funny. And who suffers most? The kids. It's so disheartening.
I admire the hospital for the stance they're taking too.

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@renemouche (843)
• United States
24 Mar 09
On the Dr. Phil show Nadia stated that the hospital sent her paperwork stating that because of the babies condition they would not release them until she had proper housing and care. I read Friday (I think it was Friday) that one of the babies has been released since she does have a new home, but since she has just fired this help who knows when or if they will release the rest of them(they did say that not all of them are ready to go home)
She also stated on the show that the reason why she did not want to take the help in the first place is because she didn't want people in her private life and telling her how to raise and take care of her children. I think the group is called Angels in waiting, said that they would only be there to help give her the correct care for the babies premi babies require different things than full term babies. Nadia seems to be unaware or just doesnt care that these children(all of them) need real help.
My sister was a born premature she had to stay in the hospital for 3 months . My grandma and aunt had to stay with us to help my mom and dad out and that is just with ONE premi baby.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I have been following all the actions of the Octomom. After watching all her interviews and interviews with her family on TV I am firmly convinced she is not mentally stable. She is completely unrealistic in her role as a mother. We already know she is an Angelina Jolie wannabe and has had very expensive plastic surgery to achieve her look, which BTW I find her to be downright ugly. Photos of her from high school and now were shown on the Dr. Phil show and proved that she has has surgery on her eyes, lips and nose...all this while receiving food stamps!! She is a publicity hog and has appeared on as many TV shows she can possibly find. I believe she will be featured on the Dr. Phil Show again this week and I shall be very interested to hear what he has to say about this recent fiasco as he was the one who was instrumental in setting up her free child care services.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Just a couple of minutes ago there was an interview with the lawyer for the nanny services and there is a lot more trouble ahead for the Octomom. She is crazy! So far it has been reported to the authorities, by the nannies, that she is only with the children when she is on camera and has never even fed the new babies herself!!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Mar 09
Surprise, surprise! I have just been reading an article about her obsession with Angelina Jolie and how she even copies some of Angelina's quotes in interviews. This woman is definitely a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Her only pandering to her kids when on camera is disgusting. 

@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Mar 09
This Angelina Jolie wannabe angle is a new one for me!
I unfortunately get very delayed telecasts of Dr Phil here in Cairo, so it may be some 6 months or so before I get a chance to see any of the episodes centred around her. All I've seen to date are snippets of his time with her and even then she comes across as irrational. Plastic Surgery while on welfare is yet another validation of her reduced mental capacity. So, how many examples do there need to be before they do what's best for these kids and remove them form this woman??? Thanks for filling me in on these aspects whiteheather. 

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@alindahaw (1219)
• Philippines
25 Mar 09
This woman is clearly disturbed. Who in her right mind would reject any help in raising her 14 kids? Besides, what made her think that the nurses were spying on her anyway? Her imagination is running wild. I hope that this woman will get the kind of help that she needs. She cannot raise her kids in a mental state that she is in right now.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I agree that she is not in her right mind. I think her mental capacity should be examined before she get custody of caring for all these children.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Mar 09
I couldn't agree more that she's irrational and disturbed. Even interviews I've seen with her show her to be erratic and totally off the wall with her reasoning. I hope she gets the help she needs too because she'll end up losing her kids forever if she doesn't. Thanks for the response alinda. 

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@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
25 Mar 09
From the way she is presenting herself and conducting her affairs I think she is unbalanced and feels that she is now a full blown celebrity (which I guess she is). She's seen out constantly getting manicures, make up shopping and going on Starbucks runs just like any other Hollywood starlet and it looks like she's developed the paranoia of being sold out too. She is obviously disturbed so even though she wanted all this she didn't really consider that she can't have total control over it and just reap the benefits with none of that pesky reality. If she was worried about the nannies or the training company selling her out all she had to do was have them sign a confidentiality agreement. I just hope that the crazy gets curbed before one or more of the children ends up paying the price.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Actually as a single mom of 4, your thinking has been mine from the day this story hit the news. Not only did I have my own 4 children, I did daycare at one point. In my care on a daily basis were at least 9 children. I loved it and them but I gave it up. Why? It is simply too much for one person!! As wonderful as the kids were, I simply could not stretch myself to be fair to them and to my own children or even to myself. I am a really laid back person and there is just no way that you can care for that many kids and still maintain your sense of humor and patience level. I don't believe that even the most level headed parent alive could properly care for 14 children on their own. The fact that she chose to have these babies without a partner and to burden her parents even further shows just how little compassion this woman has. She seems to be a bit paranoid and usually there is a reason for that...either she is crazy or she has good cause to fear being scrutinized. Actually, I hope she is being watched closely. 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Mar 09
I can imagine what a challenge it would have been handling 9 children during the day plus your own 4 at home! Now picture what that would be like with 14 kids for 24/7???
I agree with you totally that there is little chance of this woman being able to care properly for this many kids by herself, yet she's truning away external trainers??? Her own Parents are intriguing people too. They arethere for these kids every step of the way and you have to commend them for that! I wonder how they REALLY feel about it all though? I think she's not rational myself and the longer they keep their eyes on her the better. If she doesn't change her ways, the best option will be to remove the kids from her unfortunately. Thanks for the response sid. 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Mar 09
I believe there IS a Grandfather, yes. I remember seeing an interview with Nadya and her Parents a while back and I'm pretty sure it was her Mother AND Father there with her. I was not fully aware of her Mother's outbursts about all of this though! This is fully understandable and it says a lot about the Grandmother in that she feels so angry about it all, yet she still hangs in there for the sake of the children. What a shame Nadya doesn't have even close to the same values.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I agree with you in that she is not rational at all. As for her parents, her mother spoke out back when the babies were first born. She was very angry and was not going to be helping her out. She said that her daughter needed help and that she was all done. She said that someone had to stop this madness. I felt bad for her because I know how that sort of thing works....bottom line...it is still her daughter & grandchildren and you could almost predict that she'd end up helping out. It is as if it got dumped in her lap. I haven't heard one word about the grandfather....is there one?
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
26 Mar 09
My opinion is that this is none of our business. The reason I say this is if someone were to have 14 kids not all at once but just fourteen no one would want to hear about it, but since she had six kids and then had 8 more and there is no father and she seems a little off every one is all over this and what not. I think that if she fired them because she felt that they were making allegations to CPS then she was within her right to fire them. Remeber she is currently overwhelmed and needs help. She has nannies other than the angels in waiting. So if there are issues and she does need reported to CPS it will happen but right now what she needs is support from friends and family. Her hormaones need time to calm down amd then we go from there. I don't think that we should judge anyone .. We are not there and we just hear hearsay and don't know what is valid or not and unless your are ready to put yourself in her shoes I think we should just remove our self from this .. I want to make this perfectly clear I'm not siding with one or the other just saying you don't know everything there are always three sides to the story and if the relationship with her and Angels in waiting was strained to begin with it was only making a bad situation worse. Let me ask you this. Say you have octuplets and you know that you have down nothing wrong and someone is in your face every day with a video camera or wanting you to go on their show or this and that .. You'd be stressed out from the attention alone not to mentioned overwhelmed by the special needs that you're babies might have coming home. You have hired nannies to help but an agency wants to help but you don't feel right since all the publicity you have been recieving and you are suspicious of them .. How woud you feel? like I said I'm not for or against her. I'm just trying to show the other side of the coin and what that might be like.
I think we have to let CPS look into allegations if there are any and if there are not then she should be left alone.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Mar 09
Ultimately it's NOT our business, no! But she's a publicity hog and has created this mass atttraction to her situation by seeking many different money making angles for her own personal gain. I'm not generally a judegmental person at all and have stayed relatively quiet on the past about her, but this latest news tory finally drew out an opinion from me. Based on subsequent "research" I have been doing and multiple comments by other members here about all the different things she does and says, it just gets clearer and clearer that this woman is not quite mentally stable. Sure, hearsay and sensationalism will play a significant role, but even if only a fraction of what is being said is true, then these kids are in for one heck of a troubled existence with this woman.
Yes, it's her decision who just does and doesn't wish to have have assist her, but so many of her decisions and actions to date have been irrational and borderline paranoid! I do appreciate the other side of all of this and I do agree with these comments for the most part; I just hope that they continue to watch these kids like a hwak because Suleman in my opinion is not worthy to be their sole caregiver. Not even close! As much as I hate the thought of a family unit being separated, in this case, it may be the most positive option for those kids. Thanks for the response bella. 

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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
31 Mar 09
I agree totally with what you put forward and she should be constantly monitored for sure. Not just the kids aspect, but personally as well. Many people may argue that she should be left alone, but the more eyes that are on her, the better the chance of those kids best interests always being the priority. At this moment in time, she's far from adequate when it comes to providing an optimal environment or from portraying herself as a positive role model, so I hope the pressure stays on her for a quite some time yet.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
31 Mar 09
Thanks James72,
I have to say that I really do think that she needs some pysch help. But all in all she does have nurses in the home helping with the kids and they are required by law to report anything that is abuse or neglet to CPS .. that is why I said if there are allegations we have to let CPS do their job. With all those people in her home she won't be able to hide neglect or abuse. But I do think that she should have a family consulor that comes to the house and consuls everyone so that they can better cope with the changes in their life and that she should have one on one therapy for the stress that she has to be under.. all in all the kids will be taken care of becuase like I have said the nurses are bound by law to report abuse and neglect and child endangerment.
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@cinderella2007 (2662)
25 Mar 09
I'm sure I read at one point that she might be having some of the children taken away from her. I think she is mad to be denying help especially for 8 babies, that is more for her and her parents to cope with regardless of the previous 6 other children.
She will always be the public eye slightly and I'm sure people are just waiting for her to do or say something wrong so they can publish a story. I hope she is able to settle down with all her children and use the free help that is available to her, she will need it.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Mar 09
As much as I support keeping families together as much as is possible, I honestly feel that having these kids taken from her is the most productive thing to do. At least until such time as she can prove herself to be mentally stable and economically capable of raising these kids. She did all of this while living at home with her Parents, being unemployed and on welfare already! This speaks volumes about her state of mind. Thanks for the comments cinderella. 

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@trillan_20 (183)
• Canada
25 Mar 09
It is not physically possible to take proper care of 14 children, including the three disabled children, by yourself. Superwoman couldnt even do it alone. She has a lot of nerve to turn away the help that is being offered to her. People have gone out on a limb by helping her, including her family and her community, but she is burning her bridges by making poor decisions like this. There is only so much people will put up with before they throw their hands up and give up on her. I mean everyone cares about those 14 angels, but there is only so much other people can do, because ultimately everything that happens with those babies is her choice, and at the end of the day, they are still HER babies and nobody elses. I truly wish them all the best.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Mar 09
She's not just burning her bridges here, she's sending the entire bridge crashing into the river if you ask me! Time after time she shows herself to be a person with little or no ability to think or act rationally and this is certainly not in the best interests of 14 kids! Yes, they ARE her babies and everything is her choice to a point, but thankfully authorities may also over-ride her decisions if they are deemed to be not in the best interests of her kids. If this woman continues to act in the way she has been to date, then they really do need to look at removing these kids from her. Thanks for the response trillan. 

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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
26 Mar 09
This woman needs to walk out in the back yard and light herself on fire. She needs to find homes for all the kids and then go kill hersel for being a money hungry welfare wh0re. I'm sick and tired of everything being octomom mania. The woman is a welfare wh0re and is a greedy woman. The world is playing into everything that is wrong with this country.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Mar 09
Ouch! I do agree she's a "welfare wh0re" as you've so succintly put it and she has a LOT to answer for, no question. I hope she's fully exposed for what she is in time and seeks help to change. If she doesn't and continues on with the same behaviours and mindsets, then those children should not be left with her in my opinion. They deserve better and this woman is just not right in the head. Thanks for the comments MysticTomatoes.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Mar 09
Really? Personally I find this woman and her acts to be irresponsible, nonsensical and grossly selfish. She now has 14 children that are far better off away from her! They are likely to be separated too. She has also now become completely reliant on hand-outs just to handle them as it is. She's still got 4 more babies to come home too. Why would anyone have this many children at once when they can't even support them? I appreciate you taking the time to respond iridium, but for the life of me I can't understand why someone would wish to do things this way??? 

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@iridium (431)
24 Mar 09
i don't get why anyone ever wants to have children. but if you have to have them you might as well have them in as a few pregnancies as possible and make their cost back in milking the publicity. besides i like the idea of being a medical marvel. would be better if they were conjoined, i find abnormal fetal anatomy fascinating, but still you can't have everything.
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• United States
25 Mar 09
i think this is one crazy woman period. all she wants is attention. those poor children is all i'm going to say.
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
25 Mar 09
unbelievable. how could she produce so many children. and how on earth will she be able to care for them all without the aid of other people or agencies of government for it. she is really lucky to be given such help. cause here there is no agencies or any program from the government who is going to help those people. not unless there are private companies who will be willing enough to provide.
and each kids need special attention. i thin that she would surely neglect these kids along the way cause it is hard to find time for them all at the same time.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Mar 09
She IS very lucky to have been offered all this assistance, yes! People from all over are putting the kids first and doing all they can to help. Yet this woman is being quite selfish with some of her decisions? Being able to care for each and every child with her full attention will be next to impossible on her own so I agree with your point on that front. Time will tell whether or not she shapes up and deserves to have all her kids with her, but if she doesn't shape up, then the best choice is to remove them from her in my opinion. Thanks for the comments hotsummer. 

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@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I know a lot of mothers with a lot less children that would welcome the free assistance to help with the kids, especially when they are babies.
I'd like to say that maybe she is able to handle it on her own, but I highly doubt that. I wonder if she realizes that an judge would find it difficult to believe that she has their best interst in mind when she turns away much needed help. I wonder if she has hired other people on her own, which would still be crazy when help was offered for nothing.
Frankly, I wish the media would just stop with her story already. I am sure that we will all be seing in it bboks and in a movie before too long anyway. She'll have to pay the bills somehow!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Mar 09
It appears she couldn't even handle FOUR kids on her own, let alone 14! She's been living with her Parents for some time as it is. Time will tell what future these babies have and if it's decided to be in the best interests to remove them from this woman, then so be it. Personally I feel she's not worthy of being their sole carer. And I hope to God they don't make a movie out of it! lol. Thanks for the response lynn. 

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@sassymama1974 (178)
• United States
25 Mar 09
:) I say make phyco mom get a hysterectamie to stop her from breeding more and as for 14 kids?????? when i had my son i had post pardon depression but can you imagine having 14 kids with it? theres no way anyone single mother can do this sane or insane on her own let the state step in
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Mar 09
She definitely needs to stop having kids, that's for sure! The sad part is that it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if she DID end up having more kids in the future.
She has one heck of a challenge on her hands and unfortunately seems to be far from capable on so many levels. Thanks for the comments sassymama. 

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@theluckyclover101 (70)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Yikes! What is she thinking?!? At this point she needs all the help she can get. She should be grateful of the help being extended to her by the government. Since this issue was very much subjected to public scrutiny, that's why maybe she has gotten paranoid over certain things. But now is not the time to think about herself. She must put the condition of her siblings before anythign else.
I wish the children a good life.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
25 Mar 09
I don't think anyone will ever understand what the heck goes through that woman's mind! I wish the children every blessing imaginable and I hope that every move possible is mad to act in their best interests. As it stands today, this woman is not worthy to have them all with her in my opinion. Thanks for the response theluckyclover. 

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@Emperor1 (36)
• China
25 Mar 09
I see no reason for Suleman to fire the non-profit gruop nurses except for what you have to say there. I think,not only did see expect to be raising all these Children in her Parents small house.Here you are the best blessings, my friend!~