Will you do part-time job after 8 working hours?

March 24, 2009 2:57am CST
Yesterday I read an article about part-time.It said that many people made money through part-time after 8 hours,including many famous people like Yangzhiyuan, founder of Yahoo.So will you do part-time job after 8 working hours to make money?
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6 responses
@GAUCI123 (1042)
• Malta
24 Mar 09
Well if I really need to work part time I will do it, however I prefere enjoying my child after a whole day work.
• China
25 Mar 09
Have a good time with your child! :)
@scheng1 (24649)
• Singapore
24 Mar 09
If the work doesn't have much overtime, then it is a good idea to find a part time job or take up a night course. For those married people with young kids, then working part time is not advisable. Need to spend time with spouse and kids. Actually working part time is a good way to earn more money and to save money. Some people love to shop after working hours, so working part time after work prevents them from spending. I prefer a company that pays overtime, the overtime payment at 1.5 times is much more money than any part time job at night.
• China
25 Mar 09
Yes,you are right.I also think company should pay overtime.
@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
Now that I have my daughter, I wouldn't do this. Every little time I can spend with my daughter is very special. I do some work at times for wedding coordinations but not as often. It helps augment my income a bit and I get to do what I like.
• China
25 Mar 09
oh,your daughter must be cute and beautiful!Yes,it is more important to spend with child.Thanks for reply!
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
I'm used to doing part-time, I like multi-tasking and the extra bucks is a great help too. Like now, I am working full-time, 8 hours a day though I work at home, but I also accept writing assignments to add up to my earning. This is on top of my responsibilities to my 3-month old son since I am a single Mom. Yes, life is very difficult and I welcome any job that I can get my hands on as long as it won't hinder me from doing my responsibilities to my son. As I said, I badly needed the extra income, it's my son's future we are talking about here.
• China
25 Mar 09
Well done!Wish you have a happy part-time!
@lazeebee (5461)
• Malaysia
24 Mar 09
When I was younger, I had a number of evening jobs. I did part-time tutoring, consumer research and transcription. During those days, my full-time jobs were simpler with less responsibilities, and maybe because I was young, so had a lot of energy even after 8 hours at work.
• China
25 Mar 09
Yes,yong people could do mmany things and they don't feel tired.Thanks for reply!
@la_chique (1498)
26 Mar 09
It kind of depends on your set up. If you've got kids, then some part-time jobs are really ideal as it gets parents out of the house, makes a bit of money, sets morale for the kids and means that there's still time for family life when the kids are at home from school or whatever. Personally, I need all the money I can get at the moment. I dont have kids yet, and I know that realistically my chances of getting a part time job that pays as much as a full time job are almost non-existant.