Is childhood the most happy phase of life? Are kids the most happiest?

childhood is bliss! - Children are carefree and beautiful.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
March 24, 2009 4:27am CST
We often say that the children are the happiest of all and that childhood is the happiest stage of our lives. And we want to relive those happy moments. But do you really think that children know what happiness is all about when they do not know the world yet! Childhood is bliss and kids are stress free, care free and are uninhibited. True! But how does that make them the happiest! We have to know the both sides of life, both happy and sad times to actually become the happiest. Its only when we grow up and know what it takes that we realise that childhood was the most happy phase in our lives. And that's essentially a grownup's point of view!
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61 responses
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
24 Mar 09
It may seem to be the most happiest time in our lives in comparison to the present. When we are kids we found happiness in the smallest of things and mostly in the love of family. It was unconditional. Kids too go through thier periods of unhappiness with respect to everry want of thiers not being satisfied. How many times i must have cried when i was a kid. As we progress in life the responsibilities increase. Life becomes materialistic, everything does not come to us because we cry. Achieving things and struggles in life is what are focus seems to be on. Moments of happiness when there mean a lot but tend to last only for short intervals of time. Yes Mimpi, this is grown up's point of view. When i was a child i thought i would be the happiest person when i grew up to become a pilot.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Mar 09
Do you really think that a kid knows what is it to become happy! Yes they too go through there happy and sad moments and happiness is just a paper boat ot being able to play in the sun or even sucking the cheapest lollipop for them! They too have their shares of bleak moments. So how could theybe the happiest? Its something that we assume.
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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
24 Mar 09
Yes it is an assumption, and it's exactly what i am trying to say. We assume that kids were happier. It's because we are looking at it from a comparitive point of view to what we feel today and what we were when we were kids. This level of comparitiveness is not possible when you look at it from a kid's point of view. I am not saying that kids were actually happier. It's only an assumption that we do. Maybe i have not put it across too well.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Mar 09
We adults are only in a position of comparison fir we have lived it all. A child cannot delineate for he has only seen the brighter side of time. Here of course I am talking generally.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
26 Mar 09
hi mimpi,GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE!!!whenevr i think of my chilhood,i wish my childhood would come back to me!!!(with no responsibilities and care f,atleast we wont have to give exams then!!ree attitude) but my kids often say when will i grow up and brcome like mamma"i guess there are positive and negative sides in every situation!!!
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
3 Apr 09
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• Italy
26 Mar 09
There is not doubt about it. children have pure heart they dont love or make connection for some materialistic benefits. You can never ever find a pure love like a child's heart.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
3 Apr 09
Pure, innocent heart - indeed!
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
26 Mar 09
I had a very happy childhood, but if I was given the chance to live it again, I wouldn't. I have enjoyed adulthood so much more.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
3 Apr 09
That's a different point of view. I really appreciate.
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@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
24 Mar 09
i personally feel that my childhood is the happiest phase in my life. If a person has a balanced happy childhood, he/she grows up into a positive human being. I feel that adults have a duty to make their children's early life happy and memorable.I think most adults feel the same way about their childhood days..
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
26 Mar 09
That's so well said Kiran. An adult must make sure a healthy childhood for the children. The basis is so important for what we grow up to be what we are being taught and what we see as children.
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• Philippines
26 Mar 09
As for me, childhood really is the happiest phase of my life. I really wanna be carefree. I'm not yet aware of the evil then. I just have my mom who'll take care of me. And God whom I'll talk to every time.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
3 Apr 09
so true!
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@balasri (26537)
• India
24 Mar 09
I can say so by my personal experience. It sure was the care free phase of our life. What all we needed was great friends to play with, tops, marbles and stickers to collect and a regular supply of chocolates and snacks. There were no crosses to carry and no need to bleed internally trying to smile desperately to the world. We laughed when we were happy and cried when we were sad. We were able to show the right moods at least. No more masks for us then. Childhood is the happiest phase of life in all aspects.
@balasri (26537)
• India
26 Mar 09
Yes.I stress because I want them to be so.Let us our faith and willing make them the happiest and nothing less.I dare not think otherwise Mimpi.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
26 Mar 09
I agree Bala. Now when we look back we know that childhood was indeed the happiest phase. But are the children the happiest?
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
24 Mar 09
What is happiness mimpi?It is a state of mind.Now why are grownups sometimes unhappy?-becaus they have expectations or because they have some needs ,and these are not being met.They have to fend for themselves and also for their families.Itis a complicated, competitive world, where interactions bring their set of complications.As a corollary, a child is definitely happier because he/she would have less to complain about-especially, if the particular children are not poor and they are well loved. Then apart from calling it a grown up point of view you straightaway ask a child ;The reply for the question'are you happy?' would BE 'Yes'. This is because their world is smaller, their desires are simpler,and their standards of happiness would be with basics and simple needs.THey need not work, they need not worry to pay their bills;nowadays, many children themselves would not say they are happy because they have to work very hard in their school and also out of this and fulfill many expectations of their parents.I am sure our lives were even simpler and happier than the present day children's. Children, when allowed to be happy, would definitely call their childhood happy even at that point of time. THey would not even knowthe real significance but simply ask the question they would give uninhibited smiles and say they are happy.That is why we say that'ignorance is bliss!'.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
27 Mar 09
It's so refreshing to go through your response. When most here didn't quite get what I meant, you picked the right thread. Thanks dear. I agree to you as to the relevance of happiness in different phases in life. We perceive happiness differently at different point in time. Happiness for a 10 year old different from that of a 20 year old or a 40 year old and so on. Children are happier in that regard since they are less infected with the hurdles and improprieties. And when you say, 'ignorance is bliss' - certainly it is! Loved your thoughts.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
27 Mar 09
Yeah!That is precisely what I meant;on the other hand,mimpi,you ask a child who has undergone poverty and terrible hardships in childhood, he/she/ would be able to recall that miserable feeling.The events may not be in full recall, but it is the feeling that counts.People who have had a good fortunate upbringing, would recall the good feeling , the feeling of being protected and cherished [if you see what I mean];to them their homework torture or the discipline in school would not have as much a negative after impact[though it would have been hateful at that point of time , only to vanish quickly -the loving environment plays the most important part and that is why research has proven that the most loved and cherished children turn out to be brilliant adults[I read this in the papers some time back and I also wrote an article about why children need love and protection in childhood.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
24 Mar 09
I think what it all comes down to is what you've already shared. As a child, we are generally free from the worries and woes that we face in our adult lives. Our level of personal responsibility is at a minimum, we are fed and clothed and relatively unjaded by the nuances of life that our Parents have to face daily. Then of course the realities of the world kick in the older we get and we become yet another cog in the machine of humanity! It's a shame that we lose a lot of the wonderment and innocence, but we have to in order to secure our place really. The saddest thing here is that many children in this world don't even get to experience the blissful ignorance aspect of childhood and are placed in situations that cause them to grow up way before their time.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Mar 09
That's indeed sad James. What life they get to live at that tender age and we do not miss to blame them when they go into the bleak things in life later on! Here however, I was pondering over the fact that are children really the happiest! Do they know the intricacies in life to actually feel that way? It would have been interesting to have a kid's opinion here. I think, we grownups have all this kinda conjectures which may or may not be true. Now that we know the other side of it we crave for the childhood days, isn't it?
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• United States
20 Apr 09
Why do I need to know what the world is all about Before I know what happiness is all about? I am pasted 330 and I Still don't know what the world is all about but i Do know what happiness is.So why can't children know real happiness? The happiest time of your life depends on the person.Some of us had a wonderful childhood. We had both parents in our life and we got to do everything a child would want to do. But therer are others who Never had a happy moment in their childhood.There was abuse and other the words " happy childhood" are foreign to them.So it all depends. all I can wish for is that Everyone has a happy period in their lives, if not in childhood, then later in life.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 Apr 09
you have put it so well sara.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
23 Apr 09
You are welcome Sara.
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• United States
22 Apr 09
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
24 Mar 09
A man does not feel satisfied at any stage, we always feel that the grass is greener on the other side. When we were a child, we would think that our younger years would be better, when we were unmarried, we thought that life would be bed of roses after marriage and so on an so forth. But happiness is just a state of mind, which can only be felt and realised in our heart and mind. When we get married and are burdened with responsibilities, we start having a feeling that we were happy as a child, because at that time we were free to do whatever we felt like and there was no burden on our shoulders. I believe that our phase, when we were child was the best one, when we were pampered and loved by our elders and were showered with all sorts of goodies. How sad! We cannot go back to that stage now. When we see our kids growing up, we feel in our heart of heart, how lucky they are as they are blissfully enjoying their childhood, without any worries. An excellent Post!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Mar 09
True deepak! But that's totally an adult's point of view! As a child did we feel that we were the happiest? Did we feel that we are much privileged than the grownups? y query is largely this. Now that we have seen both sides of the life we yearn for the carefreeness of the childhood days when we could say, do whatever we wanted to. But Do the kids really think that they are happier than his father or mother or uncle?
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
24 Mar 09
When we were child, we would feel happier in small things, smaller events or even smaller favours. The definition of happiness, when we were kids, was diffirent for us, at that time. A bar of chocolate or some toffees would have made us happier at that time. As of now, kids always feel that their parents are bossing them, ordering them and commanding them, therefore, from that angle, they do not feel happier with their parents.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Mar 09
Childhood has gone through metamorphosis over a period of time. I really feel sad when I see bogged down with tasks and projects which they do not love. We feel that they are happy but they might not be so.
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@derek_a (10874)
24 Mar 09
I don't know whether childhood is the happiest stage of life, but I think it is the most secure time. I can remember getting stressed out because I wanted to stay up later at night, wanted more money that I had and wanted to be answerable to nobody. And wanted to get out of going to school every day.. Yet come to think of it, I would love to go back there with the innocence and fascination I had with the world at the time. - Derek
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
24 Mar 09
That's so true Derek. We are a privileged lot who have been pampered and enjoyed the bliss of childhood days. However, I was wondering as children did we know that we were the the happiest or most secure? Children only see one little aspect which is generally happy. So on that basis do they really enjoy the happiness. We only get to know the true taste of happiness when we live the hurdles and the we assume that those were the happiest time. But a kid really do not know. Isn't it!
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
25 Mar 09
Yes, may be, safety and security are the right words. As we grow up we get to feel how happy we were in our childhood days but the children do not know what's happiness is all about! Thanks Derek.
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@derek_a (10874)
24 Mar 09
Maybe happiness is the wrong word here. Perhaps it should be safe and secure. We can only see that in retrospect as we look back, I am sure I never saw it at the time I was growing up. - Derek
• India
2 Nov 09
I guess it can be called as the happiest phase of our life. One of the reason is that as a child we have less responsibilities. So we worry less. As children we are also a bit carefree. Besides we get a lot of play time.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
9 Dec 09
How can i deny!
@SouravRC (247)
• India
2 Nov 09
In the childhood, life remains very simple. There's no complications in the heart. When life becomes so simple, every small thing can give you the happiness.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
9 Dec 09
So true!
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
2 Apr 09
Hello mimpi1911, Yes, I think childhood is the happiest phase of life and you will only realize it when you have grown up and experienced the ups and downs in life. Of course those kids don't know what happy means to them as they have yet to experience what the real life can offer them.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
3 Apr 09
This is what exactly my point is! Thanks for understanding.
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• Australia
5 Apr 09
Children are often naieve and innocent, meaning they don't have any idea what the world is really about. Because of that, they don't stress like adults do, and seem to live more happily. Adults can learn much from children. By ignoring the bad things they see and hear on the news etc, they can create an illusion of a harmonious world, and live more happily. That's not to say they should forget that the rest of the world and all its problems exist though, because it still does. Instead, by not stressing about the things they can't control or the unhappy things, they can be happier.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 Apr 09
I agree. Changing our outlook towards life could change the way live. We can actually make living so much better by thinking well, by letting go and by being little carefree.
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• Philippines
27 Mar 09
hi! I think being a kid is really the happy phase in our life. as you mentioned, stress free and care free. They just do what they want as long as it is with regards to the rules set by their parents. They have no problems to think, and they have no Fear to try out different things. take care
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
3 Apr 09
So true Red! Childhood is a bliss and I want to relive it.
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• Norway
3 Apr 09
Being a kid is fun. As a kid u cry for help and it comes with all pleasure. Get to be on the recieving end all the time, everybody loves you...... yeah, childhood is the most happy phase.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 Apr 09
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@John4Christ (1597)
• India
21 Apr 09
I agree with you mimpi1911, Childhood is a stage where you get everything that you want, you dont have any worries or tensions as to what you want to be in future...there are people to take care of you....and the best thing is you have a pure soul....which offcourse turns devilish as we grow old....but at the same time as a kid i always used to think when will i grow up....and when will i get an opportunity to do things which adults are permitted to do.....but now i know that being a kid was the best phase of my life...and probably it will never come back.....
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 Apr 09
So, as a grown up you understand that childhood was most blissful. But as a child we used to yearn for other things that we did not get at that time.
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• India
20 Oct 09
hi8 there, childhood is a carefree time, You're Right; it's better when we are mature enough to accept the bad things in life as 'foundations for the good things in life,' but it takes more effort when you have to 'think about it' than when you're young and you don't care.There were things in childhood that I thoroughly enjoyed, like climbing trees.I think childhood is the happiest phase of life and you will only realize it when you have grown up and experienced the ups and downs in life and u r too young to fall in love and get hurt.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
2 Nov 09
That is what i tried to say. As grownups we realise how happy we had been as children but do the children really understand the difference?!