Was your college years worth the time and money?

United States
March 24, 2009 4:42am CST
I believe that many of you went through college or university. Typical of 4 years time and money invested in education. But how many of you learn something from college literally? and use it after you graduate? I felt like I wasted my 4 years college, I literally learned nothing. I felt like I wasted my time and money just for a piece of diploma. I didn't get the job for what I learn. What about you?
2 responses
• India
28 Mar 09
I am just about to complete the first year of my university. So far nothing great, as its just the basics of physics, chem and maths, here in India. It would be really useful if they follow something similar to US/UK where everything is practical and they dive into your subject right from the word go.
@CMTS_87 (1339)
• Philippines
28 Mar 09
I strongly believe that it was worth the money and time! The experience was absolutely great I must say! I miss college!