You know what, you "poor" people?
By ParaTed2k
@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
25 responses
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Mar 09
Exactly! You have the right to decide what to do with your money... So why shouldn't "the rich" have the same rights to do as they please with their money?
I'm not accusing you of anything personally, I just posted this to make the general point.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Mar 09
Arkie, and a lot of poor people are just as ready, willing and able to cheat someone.
Class does not equal class.
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@starangel (414)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Bitter, much? lol
Not every poor family has those things or does those things. And people who have HDTVs may have gotten them with their tax money or had money, and then had some bad luck. it happens, especially right now w/ the economy. I have a cellphone, but it's the only phone i have. I don't have a landline, cuz it's actually cheaper. I have a decent car, but it's no luxury. Don't worry about what others are doing with their money. it's not your concern.
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@starangel (414)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I see. I don't care how the rich spend their money. They earned their funds, they can do whatever they want with it. Why should they feel guilty for having the ability to buy something nice just because someone else can't? If they want to have a big house, they can. People who hate them are just jealous. It's stupid really to care so much about what people are doing with their money, rich or poor. I get what you're saying and i'm right there with ya.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Mar 09
True, people are going to be themselves, no matter their income level. Class warfare is just a socially acceptable form of bigotry.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Mar 09
"Don't worry about what others are doing with their money. it's not your concern."
Exactly my point! It seems that if "the poor" spend their money on a few extras, people defend them saying, "they're entitled to a few luxuries", but apparently "the Rich" aren't granted the same rights.
I'm not accusing you of anything personally, I wrote this to make the general point.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
24 Mar 09
From reading your responses to those who have already responded, yes, I get your point. There is a double standard in this country right now when it comes to the rich and the poor.
The rich are evil...and look at all the stuff they have! My extremely wealthy brother-in-law, who is a land developer and builder here in Florida, has actually been beaten up numerous times in print about his wealth because he's trying to change existing zoning laws so that he can build affordable houses for people with less income. In order to accomplish this the lots have to be smaller than the current requirements. Residents living in nearby luxury communities (which he also built) with very large lots are opposed to having "those people" living close to them and, since they have no logical arguments, they attack Joe personally. He can't possibly *care* because he's rich. And, if he does *care*, why doesn't he just move them into one of the homes he already owns? Why doesn't he sell his Hummer or one of the expensive cars he owns and buy them a condo? Apparently, it's not okay for him to have "stuff", even though he's worked for years to earn every dime he's ever made.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Mar 09
Yup Spalladino, sadly, institutional bigotry is still alive and well in our society.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
24 Mar 09
A lot of people want the "rich" lifestyle they see glamorized, and then damn the rich for leading lives that cannot rightfully be handed to them on a silver platter.
Crooks who've robbed people should be punished. People who do well and earn a lot of money are entitled to keep it and do with it as they please. No one has a right to tell other people how to spend their money. As long as that person's earning their money legally and morally, it's their business how it's spent.
I understand the point you're making. It's a point that, at least to me, everyone should understand. Moreover, the real people to "blame" - if any at all - are the people who want to take money that isn't theirs.
Punishing a model that creates success is to punish yourself. When the shoe's on the other foot, suddenly the "wealth redistribution" idea isn't a good one after all.
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@MissAmie (717)
• United States
24 Mar 09
This isn't even a question, it's a rant. Money is made to spend and enjoy. Yeah, I drive a nice car. It wasn't very expensive, but I wanted a safe car for my kids to ride in. I don't drink, so you can forget the mad dog, nor do I gamble. Occasionally if I have some extra cash I will buy a scratch off lottery ticket or two because the money from lottery sales goes to help our schools.
I certainly do not live in the projects, but I do have a nice 42" HDTV. I am lucky enough to have a husband that works at a store that sells home furnishings, so we get a nice price break on stuff like that.
Your "question" makes it seem like there is one person this is directed at. Are you mad because someone has something nicer than you? Jealous much? We work very hard for what we have, and although we don't have any extra money, we live comfortably. Being happy has nothing to do with having nice stuff. Money will never buy happiness. And besides...what business is it of yours how people spend their money?
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Mar 09
Nope, not ranting at all, nor am I jealous. If you get to enjoy a nice 42" HDTV, more power to you! The fact you could get it for a nice price makes it all the better.
"what business is it of yours how people spend their money?"
This question goes directly to the reason I posted this. It seems the "poor" have the right to spend what money they have, any way they want, but apparently "the Rich" should be judged according to their income.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Mar 09
I'm not accusing you of anything personally, I just posted this to make the general point.
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@stacienicole (80)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I totally get what you are saying. If some one blew there whole tax income on one tv and crap its fine. But if someone with lots of money spends it, it makes it look like showing of or just blowing money. And people judge them and say "if I had that much money I wouldnt spend it on that".
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
24 Mar 09
That's a pretty judgemental statement. Have you ever not had enough? Have you ever interviewed those who fall below the socio-economic poverty line? There's a good show called 30 days in which the host goes through 30 day scenarios to see what it's like. Perhaps if you took your pay and lived on mininum wage for 30 days you may have a different view point.
I'm still just truly amazed that there are people saying "you people" "in your projects". It's incredibly offensive.
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@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I am an intelligent person, but I am also a compassionate person and I found nothing of intelligence in his post. I found no sarcasm either. I found a very offensive and mean statement about poor people based on assumptions.
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@sophie_dfuss (2365)
• Philippines
25 Mar 09
I don't smoke and seldom drink not unless its a party
I have a cellphone but its not an expensive one and I signed up for unlimited texting and calling to save more money
I will get rich in the future hahaha 

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@emilysmom_2005 (28)
• United States
25 Mar 09
i have a viewppoint of the "middle class" as they call it. we are not rich and we are not poor, we have a family of 4 and make around 50K a year and I am a fulltime student pursing a degree in computers. I go to school with all these people that claim to be poor and get all this grant money to go to school and drive really nice cars and got nice cell phones and anything they want. I am not eligible for any assistance for school because we make too much money.. so im paying for them to go to school and myself to go to school.. when most the people are on every assistance program possible to support there 5 or 6 kids and get there school paid for and then they are the ones disrupting class. When my family needs help maybe for a month, no we cant get it because we made too much money last year.What the hell kinda crap is that?yes once i finish school we will make right at 80-100 thousand a year but until then we may need the help but cant get it because what we made last year. i dont smoke, i dont drink, i dont party, i can barely afford to send my kids to daycare while i am in school. i have a chevy malibu, a good quality car. i have to take a piss test to work and pay for these peoples food stamps and medicaide and welfare but they aint got to take a piss test to recieve them.. wat the hel is that?
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
24 Mar 09
well ya know what? before you lump everyone together, you should find out more information.
we do not have cellphones, my hubby and i work 2 jobs each, we drive a 96 van, dont smoke, dont drink and our newest tv is about 6 years old. so how come we are not 'rich'?
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Mar 09
but if we lump "the Rich" together, well, that's ok
but its NOT okay to do that have IMO poor ppl who are shady slacking scammers and poor ppl who are GENUINELY poor and struggling....flip of the coin you have rich ppl who are greedy, coldhearted and calculated and you have rich ppl who are good, hardworking, caring ppl....
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Mar 09
Exactly my point! If we lump "the Poor" all together, it's wrong, but if we lump "the Rich" together, well, that's ok.
I'm not accusing you of anything personally, I just posted this to make the general point.
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@stacienicole (80)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I feel like everyone is one the same playing field when it comes to earning money. Dont like what you are earning invest time and get education. They are giving them away free (I know I got one). I HATE to see people complaining about not having money and they have not done a thing to help themselves. They hate others who have made something of themselves. I am in no way rich or poor. I am working on getting a degree so that I will be comfortable in life. I wish more people would focus there time and make something of themselves. Some people have the appearance of having money because they do without other things you dont see.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
24 Mar 09
Not to worry ted, though a great many missed the larger point an sarcasm used to make it, and apparently they didn't read the entire thread through either because they would have gotten it after doing so even if they missed it initialy in the original post, i didn't miss it.
Iearn my money and by doing so, have earned the right to spend it as I see fit. I am not about to go begrudguing anyone else doing the same who has earned an honest living, rich or poor.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
24 Mar 09
If I have stuff, I figure I'm not that poor. According to the statistics I am pretty low on the scale, but not as low as others. I'd have more money if I gave up cable and the internet. We don't go out a lot so I feel that having these things takes its place.
Right now I have about $70 sitting in an account waiting to be invested. The whole idea scares the heck out of me, but I'm ready to take the gamble.
Not a thing wrong with being rich. I hope to be that myself one day. Maybe not filthy rich, but comfortable.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
25 Mar 09
LOL! I'm sorry for laughing but I have wondered that too, as well as wondered why someone who only has food stamps for grocery money buys as much junk as humanly possible. I wouldn't be snippy about the phones - anybody can get one now - but another thing is people who claim they are broke all the time buying pull tabs, scratch tickets, and lottery tickets! Sometimes dozens or hundreds of dollars worth! Wouldn't that money be better to keep in hand?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Mar 09
If you were rich you'd have things you wanted that you could afford. We all spend our money the way we see fit.
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@tontunan (254)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
don't you ever think that what makes a person become rich is his dream to have those precious things.?? if you don't dream to have precious things then psychologically you won't work harder because you are already contended of what you have.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Mar 09
People strive to be rich for a lot of different reasons, just as people are content to be poor for their own reasons. It's the bigotry of lumping everyone in any economic class together that bothers me.
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@PeachyBebe (42)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I think you really have no clue about this. I agree that some people spend their money on junk they shouldn't and drive themselves into poverty, but not everybody.
Some people can work 3 jobs and still not make ends meet. Or maybe they just haven't had the same opportunities as other people.
And just because someone has a cell phone does not make them rich. You can get cell phones for free.
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
28 Mar 09
So, if you defend the right of the "poor" to spend their money as they wish.. .do you recognize the same rights for the "rich"?
@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
• United States
28 Mar 09, I have seen this too. I live in income based housing, and have NOTHING because I was married to a man who wouldn't allow me to work, I stayed home with the kids while HE worked. Then, he left me, and I am starting all over from scratch. But, I have seen it. My next door neighbor has a HDTV and two cell phones. My neighbor on the other side, has money to drink EVERYDAY but no money for rent. Then, down the road on the other side, is a lady that like me, has nothing. She was widowed, and has 5 children. She doesnt smoke or drink, doesnt even own a tv, and has nothing in her home but beds and clothing for the family. So, its not all of you shouldn't aim that at all "poor" people.

@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
• United States
28 Mar 09
It angers me as well to see people sucking dry the benefits that people who are ACTUALLY trying to do right and get off the system actually NEED. I get angered because of a person I know who is on SSI un-necessarily, and he is going to get housing for around $35 a month, but I am actually working to care for my family, trying to get off the system, trying to do and be self sufficient, and I will have to pay $650 a month for the SAME apartment that he will get for $35. AND, his utilities will be covered, mine will not. Im not whining, just find it completely wrong!
@BellasmamaTiff (2544)
• United States
28 Mar 09
Also, I feel that EVERYONE should be able to spend their money as they choose...
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
28 Mar 09
Not really aiming this at "poor" people as much as those who resent the rights of the "rich" to spend their money how they see fit, but defend those rights of "the poor".
I've also found that most people who do live frugally (either out of necessity or choice) usually aren't the ones playing "class warfare" games.

@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
24 Mar 09
If you check the US Census records you will find that most of those who fall below the Poverty line are doing as well as if not better than most working people in the industrial world. A couple that stick out are most in poverty own their own car, almost half own their home, Just about everyone below the poverty line has a TV, DVD player and microwave oven. The bottom 20% consumes over 50% of the funds for social services in this country. Many are single parent families, and do not have a High School Diploma
The ones I feel sorry for are those who are the working poor, working two jobs and staying just above the poverty line, paying SS and Medicare taxes as well as their own health insurance and if they do well in a year have to pay income tax. While the Welfare person stays home and lives like the lower to mid middle class.
We all have choices to make and we have to live with those choices - good and bad.
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@stacienicole (80)
• United States
24 Mar 09
You are so right about the working poor. Me and my husband just cant seem to stay above water sometimes. It is hard. Health care is crazy. Me and my husband do without so that my three girls can have health care. It seems like the more money you have the worse off you are. I do thanks God own my car (sassy). I have had the same car for 10 years. My daughter keeps telling me I NEED a new one but it will have to blow up first. I cant afford a new car payment and insurance on a new car.
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@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Ok, I happen to make about $9k a year...BUT because Citibank won't approve my short sale, I still 'technically' own a home, making me ineligible for assistance. SSDI turned me down, telling me I haven't worked long enough for benefits--did I ASK for multiple sclerosis? I have a cell because I have no land line...I'm still on contract until November, then I'll get a cheaper plan (maybe). I brown bag it every day...yogurt, water and a poptart if I'm lucky. I sold nearly everything I owned at fire sale prices. I'm NOT rich, but I'm sure as hel1 not poor either. Go fix the system and prove that everyone in the projects deserves less because YOU said so!

@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Yes, well, try living with a chronic disease and NOT be able to get the assistance you deserve to have! Because I have MS and no one seems to remember (I can walk somewhat normally, but I tire easily; have little physical strength; and have minor cognitive problems, I'm able to work according to SSDI. However, office jobs are few and far between these days, and I am unable to make even my employer remember that i requested special accommodations right from the start. I don't use my disease as an excuse, but after this last relapse, I've realized that I cannot work 60 hours a week--even 25 is too much some weeks!
I'm physically poor but not mentally. I can't get into that mentality--I'll whine about how broke I am, but I'd go down dying before I admit to being poor. I grew up in a comfortable lifestyle, and this crap is killing me emotionally! I put on a good front is all.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
26 Mar 09
I am assuming you have attempted to sign up for disability. I know from experience from helping family fill papers out it's an odd process. Some people it takes forever to jump through all the hoops of the system and for others they sail through. According to one case worker I spoke with she said it all depends on the actual medical files and when the diagnosis was. And you still can work on disability, there's a cap.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Scorpiobabes the assistance is not for people who need it while attempting to help themselves up and better their lives and is designed as a loop system. Because if you speak with anyone who lives on public assistance they will inform you that they can only work so many hours and that's if they do work. The system does not help people but makes them become enablers....and I am not speaking of those who are diasbled, or elderly. I know those tax dollars are going to people who deserve the community's assistance. I am speaking of enabling young adults who have become exposed and accustomed to that lifestyle and realize sometimes you can get things for free. As for me I complain about it, but I know deep down all my hard work and frustration does not limit like those who live within those guidelines when they could break free.
We should fix the system, but I have a feeling the officials would muck it up even more. You know "break it until it's fixed" ideals.

@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I couldn't care less how people spend their own money. The way people spend MY (taxpayer) money is a whole other story. If a poor person wants to waste money on an overpriced car, loud speakers, and gold teeth, that's fine until they start collecting welfare that comes out of my taxpayer dollars. If a bank wants to send executives on lavish retreats, spas, and vacations, that's fine until they get bailout money from my taxpayer dollars.
Since I earn every penny I own and spend, it's my business and mine alone how I spend my money.
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
26 Mar 09
You have poor people confused with ghetto people...that is if you are posting this based upon ghetto economics. LOL
@scorpiobabes (7225)
• United States
26 Mar 09
That's what I was thinking! Some people can 'work' the system better than others (as I found out the hard way!)--it's just a certain mental mindset.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
26 Mar 09
You got it. That's ghetto economics 101. And in the end everyone will suffer from it. The ones who deserve help from within the communities to the people who abuse it that are creating the destruction of a system. They don't care now because it doesn't affect them right now. But one day we will all be on the same page and that is scary.
Sad but true.
@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
25 Mar 09
Well, I don't have ANY of the things you mentioned but I do hear what your saying. Loud and clear. I have never owned a cell or had a HDTV. No nice car. If I keep getting prices on my writing and keep what I make in Paypal instead of spending it on pretties all the time I too could and probably will be rich! It could happen. Even then I am not sure I will be getting a cell or HDTV. More like a real nice car.
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