Hubby finally got a new job!!! Yes, it's official!!!

@mentalward (14690)
United States
March 24, 2009 12:25pm CST
I'm so excited! Well, sure, HE'S excited, but he probably has no idea how excited this makes me, too! After over three months of getting fired and struggling to make a go of his own business, he's finally gotten himself a new job! The pay is better, it's closer to home than his last job, the benefits are better, it's awesome! But, shhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell him, I'm so very excited because he'll be out of my hair for 5 days a week, 10 hours a day! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!! This question is for the gals: Have you ever had to deal with something like this where your husband/partner/boyfriend lost his job and always seemed to be underfoot? I can hardly get anything done around here with him here. I'm SO much more comfortable with him gone. This question is for anyone: Have you, or do you know someone who has lost his/her job during this recession? Have you been successful at finding a new job? I know that times are so very hard right now because my son is STILL looking for work. I know it's a strain on everyone involved... believe me, I KNOW! This was the first time in my husband's life that he actually had to LOOK for work. He had never been to an interview before, believe it or not! He was hired directly from tech school, then promoted, promoted again, given better offers, etc. but never once had to be interviewed for work. I was floored when he told me that. But, he made it through a telephone interview, then an in-person interview and is now on his way home with his massive benefits package from his new employer. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (You think I should try to show a little more enthusiasm for him when he walks in the door? Maybe I'm being too nonchalant about the whole thing. )
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32 responses
@jersey86 (1348)
• Philippines
24 Mar 09
congratulations that's good for your hubby and of course to and your family that at last he found a good paying job and more on that nearer to your home. In my humble opinion you should show not just a little enthusiasm but it should a full support to him so that in every move he make he always think that your waiting for him and trust him that he will work his job better so that the last employer experience would not happen again..
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
24 Mar 09
Thanks, jersey. He got home, roses in hand! He was pretty much an absolute BEAR to live with for the past 3 months, so I suppose he's trying, in his way, to make up for that. He's so excited, he's making dinner tomorrow night. My sons come over every Wednesday to spend the day and he's been very aloof, for the most part, since he lost his job. I knew he was feeling bad and angry at himself for losing his last job, but he spent a large amount of time taking it out on me and my sons (his stepsons). He is so psyched! I'm very happy for him, of course. He has a HUGE sense of obligation (although he really doesn't know how to express it very well) and losing that job was a tremendous blow, not only to his self-esteem, but also because he was feeling like a failure. I put up with a lot of crap that he was dishing out for 3 months, believe me! I held my tongue more times than I can remember, because I knew why he was acting that way. There were only a couple of times when I had to "let him have it" for acting like a jackass. I've shown him nothing but support for the most part. I encouraged him throughout this job interview process. I literally dressed him for his face-to-face interview because he had no idea what to expect, or what they would expect. He even thanked me for making him wear a suit and tie! Now, he's telling me that, with this new health insurance package, we can go anywhere in the world and get medical treatment... like we really will, sure. I'd LIKE to, but I won't be holding my breath. I'm just going to enjoy his great mood. It's been quite awhile since I've seen it!
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
24 Mar 09
You really sound jubilant about his new job! I guess it's because you know he'll be 'out of your hair' for so long each day. Really though, I'm glad he's finally found employment. It's so hard now days to find a decent job since so many people are out of work. Do be a little happy when he comes in, but not enough he might think you are trying to get rid of him.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
24 Mar 09
I know how it is! My ex had his own business and when business was slow he'd be underfoot--or, more likely, on the couch. I couldn't vacuum or clean cos the tv was always on. I was so happy when he was busy! Oh sure, I loved him and enjoyed having him around but my whole routine was just destroyed. I'm so happy your husband got a job!!
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@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
24 Mar 09
I'm very happy to hear the good news. Now hopefully, things can return back to "normal" for you and your family. Congrats to your husband. Hang in there girl. cdrxo
@messageme (2821)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Hopefully this will help things get better at home as well! Congrats to him. I usually like it when my man gets laid off from work. I know thats bad, but he works third shift and then sleeps all day. I hate that! So when he is laid off I love the fact that we can go to bed together and we have all day to spend together. I don't get much done when he is around but that don't bother me I would rather spend my time with him. I can't wait till this week is over because he is laid off again next week! I shouldn't be so excited because our bills do fall behind, but I just can't help it. I love it when he is home!!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Oh, how happy I am for you! You must be in one of the very best relationships around! Maybe that's because he usually works nights? They say that familiarity breeds contempt and it's true that when we have very little time to spend with our loved ones, we cherish the times we can spend together. But, in these past 3 months, I've been ready to either leave my husband or strangle him! (Just kidding about that last part.) He spent the majority of that time sulking and feeling sorry for himself. He was all but impossible to live with! Hopefully, once he starts this new job, we'll be able to appreciate one another better because he'll be happier and I'll get in my "alone" time.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
25 Mar 09
I sort of know what you have been going through.. I was keeping up on your discussions. That's why I say hopefully your home life will get better. With him feeling better about himself about getting a good job it should up his spirits and hopefully won't drink as much either. Usually men are hard on themselves when they don't feel like they are the one supporting the family. I think after three months of him home I would go nuts too! Or the time would fly and I still wouldn't want him to go back. I don't know...the longest he was on lay off at a time was 6 weeks and that went way too fast and I still didn't want him to go back, but finacially I knew he had too. He was really down on himself during that time to because he didn't feel like he was providing for the family like he thinks he should have been. I told him being home is providing in taking care of the kids. thats good enough for me!
• United States
24 Mar 09
I'm glad your husband found a job and i know that is good for you. My boyfriend was living with me at my parents house and he hasn't been able to find a job since October and its been rough. He works on and off with a friend of his when he needs helps and he gets a decent amount of money to buy groceries sometimes pay his car insurance and whatever else is needed. I lost y job February 12 and have gone on 5 interviews and no luck yet. I know its hard to get a job right now because so many people are looking for jobs so when I'm applying for a job there are so many resumes filling the persons desk they really don't know what to do so I'm stuck here with no job and trying to make the best of it. I am getting unemployment but it isn't enough to pay all my bills as me and my boyfriend have medical bills right now. He was in the hospital a lot due to having seizures and he had no insurance so its hard and we have around 6000 in bills to pay and neither one of us have jobs.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
27 Mar 09
Congrats!!! That's awesome for you guys!!! And yes, I know how hard it is to get things done! On the weekends, my husband is home too and it's almost impossible. When I take a day off during the week he always wants to also, but I want time to myself!
@chimrani (1426)
• India
25 Mar 09
No in my life i never gone to office or joined any job iam a webmaster and blogger and work from home.My earnings are more than my friends who work in big companies iam self employeed and iam the boss of own house. some days back my friend lost his job but now he was employeed in a new company and i feel better for hime. And congratulations to you too.............Keep Mylotting
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
28 Mar 09
My friend lost his construction job. I work in a restaurant, and people are going to eat, so we have not been hit as hard by the financial crisis as some other industries have. My efforts to start my own company doing odd jobs and other chores for people have pretty much been put on hold for the time being, though. I guess time will tell what happens.
@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
28 Mar 09
Wonderful, wonderful news! Congratulations to you both! I completely understand your desire to have some time to yourself to get things done. My hubby lost his job when my baby was only six months old. He received a three month redundancy payout, so he decided to stay at home and have a long holiday. I was working my job at home at the time to try and make ends meet, and doing absolutely everything, while he sat and played computer games day in and day out. When he finally got a new job, I think I danced in celebration for several weeks!
@sunnflr (2767)
• United States
28 Mar 09
Congrats to the hubby on the new job. Seems it's going to be good for both of It is sad how many people are out of work now. I hope they can all find jobs! I've never had to deal with this. I think together time is good for relationships, but each person also needs alone time!
@freedomg (1684)
• United States
28 Mar 09
O.k. so first off I totally get the whole "he's under foot and driving me nuts" bit my hubby was out of work before and after 3 weeks I was ready to scream. This job he has now switches him back and forth from days to nights and that's just as bad to me. During the day I have a way of doing things and then here he comes trying to "help" or just wanting to talk and everything gets all messed up. As for the job loss bit honestly everyone around me is losing tier jobs and/or homes.It's scary I watched the water company truck come through my neighborhood the other day and he stopped at nearly every third house with 3 day shut off notices. We have been squirreling back every penny we can and keeping the deep freezer stocked just in case. I am happy to hear that things are looking up for you and hope it all stays on an upward path. Freedom
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Hi Mental, I couldn't be more happy for you. I know the hell you've been through and I'm so happy for all the benefits and everything. I hope the two of you are able to celebrate tonight. My heart feels sick because my hubby has been out of work going on two years and I am slowly coming to the realization that he may never work again. He just turned 57 and that alone may keep him from working at the kind of work he's so good at. Well, I don't want to put a damper on your great news. So congrats and relax with a new future ahead.xoxoxo leenie
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Thank you, leenie, for those kind thoughts. We're both very excited that he was able to get a great job so relatively fast in today's market. He had submitted his resume to every free job recruiting site we could find. I think that's one reason he was able to find such a great job so fast. I feel for you! I feel for you both! I know the kind of frustration that goes along with not finding work when you're willing and able to. I've been through that myself awhile back. If you don't mind me asking, what does your husband do? I know how age can affect, not only our ability to work, but also the willingness of employers to hire you! Age has worked against me, too. Has your husband tried to learn new skills? I'm trying to encourage my son to learn everything he can over the internet and from the library... to learn any and everything he can, just to broaden his knowledge base in order to open more doors for himself. I have been working on building a website of my own to sell hand-made things; good quality hand-made things. My son is great with his hands and has created some very beautiful smaller clay figures to use as pendants for necklaces. Once my website is up and running (hopefully, soon) we're going to try to sell his things. But, I've also tried to encourage him to learn website design. There's a lot on the internet where you can learn for free. That's where I learned how to do it myself. Is your husband good with his hands? Is he any good at gardening? I'm going to be starting my own business this year of rooting cuttings taken from trees and bushes, then selling them to plant nurseries. It's really easy to do because once the cuttings are made and they're in the rooting medium, they pretty much take care of themselves until they're ready to sell. Maybe your husband could give that a try? I bought a program that supposedly has a list of nurseries that buy rooted cuttings in bulk, but I haven't looked it over yet. If your husband is interested, please let me know and I can share that information with him. I can't stand to see anyone looking for work, especially these days with the price of everything rising except for salaries. My youngest son is in that position and takes any odd-jobs he can find. He told me he'd love to help me with my rooted cutting business and, hopefully, I'll be able to hire him full-time soon. I've just recently potted up 10 boxwood cuttings that I successfully rooted and I'm really psyched! That's why I think I'm ready to start doing this on a much larger scale now. Small, one-year-old rooted cuttings can sell for $3.00 to $5.00 if you sell them yourself and most of that is profit! I can sell my rooted cuttings to nurseries for around $2.00 apiece and, since all I have to pay for is the pot (I make my own compost) I'm still going to make money. I decided to try this out of desperation, mainly, because I didn't know how long my husband would be out of work. But, even with him getting this new job, I still want to go ahead with it to be able to put some extra money in the bank. It's just a thought, though. I always try to help when I can, especially with my extended 'family' here at myLot. Best wishes and good luck to you and your husband!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Hey mentalward! Congratulations! You really are a lucky woman! That is so great that your hubby got a better job after only 3 months! I know to you it seemed like alot longer, but I'm sure it was worth the wait! So now I hope all will go well and you can finally breathe again and start to relax! You can get back to some routine and be happy that he will be gone all day! I know how happy you are! You really are lucky that he didn't have to spend that much time looking around for a job! He must be really good at what he does! So now take a break and get yourself back together again!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Hey MW! What's this about Paxil? I took that for about 7 years! It didn't help me, but why did you have a lawsuit against it? I'm almost afraid to hear the answer! I did hear some stuff about it! I've been off it for a little over 1 year now! Should I be worried?
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Well, until about a month ago or so my husband and I had the same days off which was Sunday and Monday. We still have Sundays off together but he finally has the weekends off now. I used to go stir crazy having him around and felt like I was never able to get anything done just that I wanted to do. Yes, I could come in here and post in myLot but not like I can sometimes when he is not around. So even though I miss having the luxury of having him around on Mondays, I also enjoy the Peace and Quiet and time for myself as well. And by the way... Congratulations on your husband finding a Job again. Sounds like this will be a Big help for you both for sure.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Good for him!! I am happy that things are working out for the two of you. Maybe that was somewhat of the problem he was having with the drinking. I hope this really works out for you two! I hope that you really were there for him.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
25 Mar 09
It is very good news. Congrats! Hope he is able to continue here and get the good salary. At times world comes tumbling down. But everything will be OK
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
25 Mar 09
Good for you both; I have been out of work since September, and came close; Had folks talk to me and all, but nothing bite yet. I haven't given up and reading this makes me glad. I wish ya'll the best. Peace.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
26 Mar 09
Yes. I was in that position once. And I am thankful that I stumbled upon online earnings. It supplemented my income and expenses during that time. A very dark time indeed. I would have continued to make money online if not for the downfall of autosurfs. All no thanks to StormPay! Yes, I found a new job after a long time. And finally settled down in my current one which I am very grateful for. It is good that he has got a job now. And a better one compared to the last one at that! At least now, you do not have to worry too much about money. Not for quite a while too!
@dropofrain (1167)
• India
26 Mar 09
Heartiest Congratulations to you and your husband!!! I think you can now have a relaxing breath. A husband at home is a very tough situation. Your husband must be in mental depression and so more and more irritating person. I think this will be a more of mental releif rather than other releifs.