Scott Chandler

Adam Mayfield - The new Scott Chandler
@Trace86 (5030)
United States
March 25, 2009 9:35pm CST
I hadn't seen this guy before. He is kind a cute! I hope he can act. It's been eight years since Scott Chandler was last spotted in Pine Valley, but the adopted son of Stuart Chandler is headed home. Newcomer Adam Mayfield brings Scott back next month. The newcomer follows in the footsteps of Daniel Cosgrove and Forbes March. All My Children has answered the question boggling fans' minds for several weeks. We now know the identity of "Brody," a role first talked about in a casting call a few weeks back. The "sexy, All-American" male is none other than a former Pine Valley resident. Newcomer Adam Mayfield joins the cast next month in the role of Scott Chandler, the adoptive son of Stuart Chandler.
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4 responses
@AmbiePam (89171)
• United States
26 Mar 09
I didn't know Forbes March had been on All My Children. Wasn't he the guy who played Nash on One Life to Live?
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@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
26 Mar 09
Yes, he was Nash. He had been on AMC a few years before. I was sad when he left for "college".
• United States
11 Apr 09
I heard Scott and David are going to causing havoc together. I'm not a David fan and getting tired of his antics, find something new for the guy or send him away. They have made it seem like Greens will be back, David was at the wedding and he's brought people back to life before. I think the Scott/JR feud could be interesting. But then who knows what wrench Adam will throw in there.
• United States
16 Apr 09
it blows my mind how much he looks like stuart! i mean his facial structure and everything.. i swear they really look like they are related
@Catfreeek (346)
• United States
5 Apr 09
Thanks Trace, MC posts and they are so informative :)