my momment of my friend!

March 25, 2009 9:48pm CST
They were best friend since kids. Bervie keept secret of her love for bong.. years passed, they separated ways and stopped communicate but she was still hoping that he would come back. After two years her prayers were answered, she received a message from bong. "Bervie, i have a surprised, I'm coming back, Love&Kisses Bong" she waited at the airport but he didn't arrive. Then a sexy lady said. "Hi!, I'm Lyn, friend of bong, i have a bad news." tears fell from bervie's eyes! then the lady smiled and said, "HEY I'M BONG SURPRISED" hehehehe
1 response
@sona22 (1430)
• India
6 Apr 09
Very interesting. His friend has a sense of humor.